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Show itid~~stiiousmlyh en allowed to do so on their own individual acco~u~t. Oue school is in oneration on the reservation. with a11 attendance of 74 scl~olnrs. ~ a r i11~0 tr~Rliiy i.el;~tionsn it11 tLc ;er~~iteSirl: rtes, a ~ ~cdou,- scqnr~~rlnyo, rrgoI:n n ~ ~ ~ ~ uai~tli)r~sro pritItcfdo r their bt~~kf tiht ,e gel)- r-r nl i~~ritlentlnulu d of rile St ;~teiti une~lsof ar us 111avb e ilcetLss;trv.a nd ~~ so far as the amount. appropriated will admit, to fum&h assistaiiee'iu the shape of clothing, agricultural implements, seeds, &c. Bcsides these, their agent has a ge11e.ra.l supervisory control of certaiu Klamath Indi-aus, who live a(ljaceut to the reservation and along the banks of the Klau1at.h River. These formerly belonged to a reservation bearing their Irame, which was, $ears ago, abandoned in consequence of the. total de- ~t r~ict ioonf ageucy ir~uildingsa nd improvements by flood. They now support themselves chiefly by hunting a11d fishing, and by cultivating small patches iu grain and vegetables. It is recommended by the Sn-perintendent of Indian Affairs for California that the Hoopa Valley res-ervation be extended so as to include these Indians. Ttcle River ,fa~lrbo r agency.-The Indians located st this point are the Tnles aud Mtanaches, numbering 374. About sixty wiles from the ag~ncy reside several hundred King's River Indinus, who are in a \\,retched and destitute condition. They desire to be :tttached to the ageucy, and have in the past received occasional supl)lies of food from it,. The agency is locatcd in the central part of the State, and consists of ;I, farm of 1,280 acres, leased from T. P. Mnden, at an annual rental of $1,920, with about 600 acres of (3overnment land adjoining. This land. is very productive, but. the drought prevailing geoerally for several.. years past in that sectio~i of the State has rendered the crops almost entire failures. In my opinion the farm now leased from Jlr. Madem should be purchased by the Government, or another location should be. selected for the Iudians located at tths agency, in onler that improx-8. Iuent,s necessary to be made in the successful prosecution of farming operations may be a~arleu pon Government lmd, or land owned by the Indians, instead of upon private propesty. These Indians are gmdoally i~llyroving; are quite proficient in all kinds of farm-work, and show s good disposition to cultirate the soil on their own aecomlt. There is one school in operabiou st the Tule River farm, with au attendance of 37 scholars. Assistanue is on occasion rendered these Iiidians out of: the general incicleutal ftliid of the State. Indians not on reservations.-In addition to the Indians located at the. cl~veen ge111.ies nnmetl, thvrr ;ire 11n1babl~u.o t less t11it11 I)O.UUO, iu(:Iu(li~~g. the 31iis1011I I I ~ ~ ~8I0I rI;S~,lk dt,h e Cc~;~h~rilOad\r,e n's J{i\.er, nud otl~er* in t l~us olithtm r~:~or ft i l ~ rS tare :iud those on rl~el i l ;~~n; r tTlr~il.l it\. > , Scott, i111d S ~ I I U I ; I I fii\.ers, irr tile uorthrrn pnrt. Tbe ~ l i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ 11ari11gb ern for the past ccntnry 111111t.r t11c Catl~olie~ ~~i s s irosutasb - lishecl on the Califorr~i:r~o aat. :ire toler;ihls well adr:i~ler-din ucricl~l-ture, ancl compare favorably with the most fiighly civilized tribeckf the- East. The Coahuilas a.nd others inhabiting the southeastern and east-eru nortions of the State. and those in tze north.. su.o.n ort themselves I I &~ r k i ~ ~fgo r (~hi t es etilcrs, or I)$ h l ~ ~ l t i ~fis~hgin,g . Iwpgi~~pa,n d stenli~~egx,c ept, i t U;I$ Ilr, ;I I'e\v ot'tl~cu ~ ~ ~ t lI~I It~~Ir.uI ~w Sl~,o g o or2.a. siounllv to rile rescr\.;~tiu~l2s1 1d t l ~ ru iihtarv nost8 ill t l ~ i s~et( :tiol~fa )? " A assista&ce in the wax of food. There are also about 4,000 Owen's River and IvIauache Indians east of the Sierras, whom the settlers would gladly see removed to a reserva tiou, and brought under the care of an agent. The Department has mider considerstion the propriety of establishing a new reservation, iipo~wi hich shall be conceiitrated these and numerous other Indians, in wl~iche vent theTule River agency co.uld adrantageonsly be discontinued. |