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Show means required to fulfill the solemn obligations of the government as-sumed in making this compact, so that. the Indians may be speedily settled in their new home, and have accomplished for them the things promised. IDAHO. The Indians in 'this superintendency number about seven thousand, riz: the Xez Perc66, three thousand two hundred; Kootenays, four hundred; Pendd70reilles,s even hundred; Cceur d7Aleuest, hree hundred; Spolianes, four hundred; Boise Shoshones, two hundred; Brcinean Shoshones, one hundred; Weiser Shoshones, sixty-eight ; Western Sho-shones, two hundred; and Bannacks, six hundred. Upon the Nez Perc6s reservation. a tract of 600.000 acres. is the tribe of that name. with whom thtr eo11tliti61o1f 8tl'~irsi a'~.c.~wesc~~toie brel tkvorable, notwi t l~s t a~~di~~g a part .<lill ~uaiutain their uppo~iriou to the tn"aty made with rhe tribe, who refuse to accevt anveifts nrovided bv avvronriations for bene- " - fioial objects. Jfany of theGl gave -been educated by missionaries,, and well advanced in civilization, the blessings of which they appreciate, avoiding its vices to a =eater extent tbanis usual with 1ndia.n~. Their eftilrrs at agriculture id; rrrelirable, ll;~viugb ro~~ghutn der eoltiratioo 4.500 twrrs of good laud, yirldinp I ~ C ' I I Ia bondant crops ~ r h e ru~ot (le-stroyed by gra&hoppers: - Attention is called to the importance of a survey of the Nez Perc6s reservation, no step having been taken in that direction, for want of money to defray the expense. This is absoIutely necessary to prevent aggressions upon the Indians, and to take away the occasion for serious difficulties between them and the whites. sort Hull reservation was set apart by direction of the President, in 1867, foe the Bannacks, Shoshones, and all straggling Indians in the southern and central part of the Territory, being well adapted for the purpose, having within its bounds a fine grazing conotry,r~versa bonnd-ing in fish, and mountains with game. Under instructions from the department, the agent for the Bannacks and Shoshones effectad their removal to it last spring, and there have been since steps taken to erect the required agency boildings. The Indians so located are the Ban-naclis. Boise Shoshones. Bruneau Shoshones. and Shoshones. Much 1 has yet to be done to make the reservation dedwhle to the Indians, and reconcile them to it as a permanent abode ; it will therefore be neces-sary to put up a saw an& grist mill, shops for the mechanics, school buildings, houses for the chiefs, abundance of timber being at hand, and to prepare land for planting. Some of these Indians have been faithful scouts and allies of the government during our Indian wars, and they deserve generous consideration. Lah-t6h reservation, in the north part of the Territory, at the same time was set apart for the Kootenays, Pend d70reilles, Spok?nea, and Ocsur d'Aienes, but there being no money applicable to the object at the disposal of the department, no efforts have been made to collect the In-dians upon it. MONTANA. The condition of &airs in this Territory has not. been as satisfactory as could be desired. We have revorts of a nnnlber of difficulties be-tneeu the 111dians an11 whites, autl'of a number cd the foruler bring on tllc mar path romluittiug ~leprrdntior~:tsu d murders. 111 .Jill~- last trro white men were killt(1 l~y1 11dia11us ear Fort Rmror~a, nd ill retaliution the citizens soon, in a similur luanner, disposrd of four I~~diantuh,e act being the signal for 11b~rilitirs. lwlated outrtlges may be expected to |