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Show No. 194.-Statement showing the prksent liab2iiies of the United States to Indian tribes, &c,-Continued. 23' Names of tribes. Fiatbend andather ooniedarntedtribea -Continued. ConIederated tribes and bands of 1o-diana in Middle Oregon. Do ............ Do ......... :.. Do ............ xololel Indian. ...... Do ............ Do ............ Qni.ad.elt aodQoU-leb- ute Indiana. Do ............ Do ............ DO ............ Do ............ SiKlallsms ......... Do ............ ArapahoesandCbe. yenne Iudians of tbaupperarkan-sna river. Do ............ DO. ........... Ottawa Indians of Binnchsrd~~Purk, andKaobedBBosuf. Do ............ Do...... ...... Eastern banda of Sho%boneaa. Weatern bands of Sba~honee~. ~ e a o r i ~ t i aofn m ni t ies, atipulstions, &o. < < Far (SW per annnm for twenty years for 8mb VoL 12, page9R.. 5th srliole treaty July 16, 1855; ............ $21, WO 00 .:. ....................... of the head chiera. fourteen inatiaimenta nnappro- ~ r i a t ~sdst,im atsdat $1,%xonob year. . ............ .......................... For beoeffdnl objects, under the directionof VoL 12 phge W.. 26 nrtiole treaty Jooe 25. 1855; 54.W W the Presld~nt$, IW,OW in gradusled pay. fourteen ins tbent s to be sp-menta. pmprteted. Forfarmer, blacksmith. aodwspnaodplaogh VoL 12, psge965.. 4th article treaty June 15, 1855; ............ 31,5W W ........................... mhbor for the term of fifteen ydm. nine instelments yet anappro. pristeq eatimatedat$3,5UUenoh ywr. Porphy#icinn, sawyer. miller, mperiotandent ....d o ............. 4th article treaty Jvne 25. 1855; ............ m.400 W .......................... of fsrmingand soh001 teacher fifteen years. nine instaimsnts, estimated at $5,moesCh year, yet to bs prc- Sdmy of tbe bead oEef of the conkderatsd band twenty years. For keeping in repsir asw andflouringmill, end forniahiugauitahle persona to httendtbs aame fo? n period of ten ysm. For pay ofteacher to maned labor eeAool and for subsiatrnoe of pupila and necessary sup. plies. For carpenter and joiner to illd in erecting huildinge, makiug furniture. &o. W For$26,~0 to bs owended for beneficial ah. jeeta, underdimotron of the President. . or aupportof an apriocltural and industrial school, and :or th" employment Of auitahle in~truatoraf or the term of twenty years. Far twenty innslment8 for support of s amith Blld CYIYCY1.1 ahoy and toole. Fmihs~mplaymn~tafbi11k8micatr4p enters, funuur, llvd pbyaioiul, for twenty year.. Twenty fnatnlmnnta lo graduated payments vlldor tbe dlreotian of the President, f& $W,OOO. Twrnts instnlmenta for mpport of so sgrirnl-turn1 and induauiill sebavl snd br teasers. Twcntygenre'smplo entaf biac~smittcjc ar-pentar, farmer, snchyaioian. For $450,000 in Bftaen equal annul instel-manta. nuder the direotioll of fhu 8eoretilry of the Interior. of $30,M10 each. For five iostalmen~providingfof~llwintgin . her and griuding grain, machine aitop., toola, and bnilding purposes -for interpreter, engi. nee.. miller, farmer, ale. Fartrausporthtlon land neeeasary expcnaesaf tha delrvsry of anvuity goods end pmui. aions. Four eqllaiinatalmanta in money ............. The azcdng intersst on tbeonpilld halsnoa For this amonnt.being thelut instahsnt on atooka holdin trust by theDepsrtmontof the Interior. Twenty inataiments of (110,000 enob to ha ex-polldsd nnaer the direuttonof the kreaidsnt, 5th 8Pticle treaty July 2 18m. Twenty iustillniet~ta of $bow eaoh, to bee,. pended undar the direotion of the Preaidso~ 7th article treaty Oetobsr 1, 186'3. 'The rehmcpahm .... do ............. Val: 12, page 981.. .... do ............. VoL 12, page 982.. YoL 12, page 972.. Yol. 12, page 973~. .... do ............. .... do ............. . Vol. 12, page 934.. Vol. 12, page 935.. .... do ............. Vol. 12, psge1165. .... da ............. .... do .; ........... Vol. 12, page 1238. ....... do ............. ....d o ............. 'Pap IR, sectlon 5 pags557 thb point b the end of 4th nrtlcle treaty Jllly 1, 1855; fourteen io8t;llmenta in sadu. atedpaymenoyetmbepro~ided for. 10th miole treaty Jnly 1, 1855; fonrteen inataimeuta nnnppro. printed, extimated st$2,500each year. 10th artisle treaty Jnly 1 . 1855. faortern iobtalmenta odappm! priilled, eatim~teda t $SW year. 10th article treaty July 1, 1855; fuurteen inatsiment~,e stimated at $4,600 each year, to be pm. Vidd for. 5th ariiele,tre8ty Jan. 26, 1855; fourteen lnatillmentayItinm*a proviaion for. 11th article treaty Jan. 26 1855. roorte, iostelmenta to ie pro: vided for, estimsted at $2,5W each. 11th article treaty ~ s n2.6 1855. fourteeninltalnlentaunp.bsiaed for, eatimatedat S4,6UOracb. 4tb article treaty Feb. 18. 1881; ten iuatalmenta UnapprUpriatDd Of S30,OW. 5t6 article treaty Feb. 18 lam. two iuatalmen,a to be prbvl*d for, erthafed at 55,OW. Stharticletreaty Feb.l8,1881;teo inatillmentaunappmpriated, sa. timated 8% $5 WO each. lthartioie treaiy June 24, 1862, oos payment yet to be appm-priated of E8,NO. 4th article beety J-S 24 1862 4th article treaty smez4, lam:.. Erghteeninstalmmt$ onappmprt-ate& Eighteen inatalmentsnoeppmpri. ated. the table are to thc Psmpblet m p j vidcd for. 4th article treaty Jooe 25, 1855; fourtee* inatnimsnts yet to be appmpdnted, estimated st SJUO BSOh year. 2 d nrliole treati Dec 21, 1855; four instslmenta un,lppmpri- *tea, estimated at $!,%JO en&. 2d article treatg Deo. 21, 1855; amooot neosaanry doring the pleasure of the President. 26 article treaty Dee. 21, 1855; four lnstslmenta yet to be pm. Tidad for, sstimrted at $I, OW eaeA year. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........ .1.. ............... ............ ............ ............ althe I a a r ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... c ...... .......................... Z uo ......,... :.. 2 O b .......................... k l- .......................... P .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .01 4 13, TW W %,'wo w 7. WO w 64,400 w 32, WO 00 35, OW 00 64,400 w 300,WO 00 10, WO 00 =,OW 00 8,500 w 425 W 2,849 81 180, OW w 90, OW W ............ ............ $3, WO 00 ............ .................. ............ . 7, WO 00 6,OW 00 8 WO W .......................................... .......................... .......................... .......................... |