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Show STATISTICAL TABGES . Recapitulation of the tahZe8 . Txihm reported ......................................................... 201 Schoolswported .............................................................................................................. Teachers'reported Seholm reported ....................................................... 1, 458 Missionaries ........................................................... 17 Population ............................................................. '102, 246 Wealth in individualproperty ............................................ $1,851, 404 I Annual appro riationa ....................................... $1,378, 235 ~ c r o nfa rmed %y lndia&... ................................................ 18, 989 Aeree famed by oovernment 2, 678 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h....~....~.....s....e.....~....b.....~....$.....i.... ......... 594 Loghousesbuilt ....................................................... 1, 803 Bushels of wheat raised ................................................. 44, 062 Bushels of corn mised .................................................. 237, 462 Bushels of oats raised ................................................... 37, 206 Bushels of potatoes rained ............................................... 130, 587 Bushela of turnips raised ......................................... 3, 924 Bashols of barley snd peas mise ........................................ 5, 400 Bushels of rye mi8e.d .................................................... 1, 944 Bushels of beets raised .................................................. 100 Buhels of earrots raised ................................................. 900 Bushels of apples raised .................................................. 2, 500 Bushels of bcans raised ................................................. 1, 600 Bushels of rice gathered ................................................. 5, 000 Tons of hay cut ........................................................ 3, 052 Horses owned .......................................................... 14, 938 Asses and nlules owned ................................................. 8R2 Neat cattle owned ...................................................... 7, 449 Swine owned .......................................................... 10, 709 Sheep owned ........................................................... 560 Pounds of sugar made .................................................. 432. 471 Gallons of sorghum sirup ............................................... 2. 706 Barrels of fish sold ...................................................... 2. 067 Number of rails made ................................................... 26. 000 Nunlher of psnels made ................................................. 2, 500 Feet of lumber sawed ................................................... 457. 522 Value of furs sold ....................................................... 87, 587 Number of Iudisus in tho Uuited States army, (exclusive of those enlisted from the southern refugees) ................................................. 474 Neto Yark Agency.-Annual appropriation . $19. 062 50 . Miliamier of 1ndinnn.-Annu81 appropriation. $11. 062 89 . Miamies of Ed Ricer.-Annual appropriation. $1.100 . Agency far the Chippewas of t h ~mi ssissippi-Annnd appropriation. $175.470 . IVinnohrao Aremy.-Annual appropri8tian. $54.256 . Forty-sixin the United States army . Upper ~;sso&i Agency.-Annual appropriation. $1.000 . Yonktos Siowz Agency.-Anal appropriation. $65.000 . Fifty in the United States army . L$per Platte and Pnzcnee Agencies.-Crops destl.ayed by drought . Utah Ay~ncyN. ew Mezico.-No report . Uppel Arlznsos A~ertcy.-Aunut~l sppropristion. $25.000 . Sltnwnea Agency.-Over 100 in the United Statos wmy; 60 children attend schools taught by the State . Puttowntomie Agency.-ZOO aams cultivated by mission school . Sac end Foz Agency.-87 acres farmed by school; 2. 187 bushels wrnraised by same; also 100 gdlans sorebum . Clrerokee Agency.-Annual appropriation. $34. 413 04 . Creeli Agency.-Annual appropriation. $90.910 . Seminolo Agency.-Annual appropriation. $32.000 . . 'This number inelndes only those octually repo~fedi* the tables for this year. The esti-msted unnlher of all the Indians in eonneaion with the government of the United Statas is about 500.000 . |