Pre Raphaelite Ballads, by William Morris, with many illustrations & decorative borders in black & white by H.M. O'Kane, now done into the type from the original text and reprinted...

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Title Pre Raphaelite Ballads, by William Morris, with many illustrations & decorative borders in black & white by H.M. O'Kane, now done into the type from the original text and reprinted...
Call Number PR5078 .P6 1900; Record ID 9915650540102001
Date 1900
Description Morris, William (1834-1896). Pre-Raphaelite ballads. New York: A. Wessels Company, c1900 PR5078 P6 1900 Edition of five hundred numbered copies printed on Old Stratford paper and two hundred and fifty numbered copies printed on Imperial Japanese paper. University of Utah copy is no. 37 on Imperial Japanese paper.
Creator William Morris (1834-1896)
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Subject French fold format; Imperial Japanese paper; O'Kane, Helen Marguerite; Old Stratford; Poetry; Satanick
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
Rights Management
Holding Institution J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Scanning Technician Cedar Gonzalez
Digitization Specifications Original scanned with Hasselblad H2D 39 megapixel digital camera and saved as 600 ppi tiffs. Display images created in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 and generated in Adobe Acrobat ProX as multiple page pdf.
ARK ark:/87278/s6nw150t
Setname uum_rbc
ID 295233
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