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Show LITERATURE ABSTRACTS 285 lege of Medicine, P. O. Box 100284, Gainesville, FL 32610- 0284. ] Two patients who underwent optic nerve sheath fenestration were studied with ultrasonography, and one was studied with magnetic resonance imaging. In both patients, all studies showed a cystlike structure near the fenestration site, which helps support the hypothesis that this surgery works by allowing cerebrospinal fluid to percolate into the orbit. LYIl A. Sedwick, M. D. Familial Optic Atrophy with Negative Electroretinograms. Weleber RG, Miyake Y. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 640- 5 ( May). ( Reprint requests to Dr. R. G. Weleber, Casey Eye Institute, 3375 S. W. Terwilliger Boulevard, Portland, OR 97201- 4197.] Two families are described with visual loss occurring in the second or third decade of life associated with optic atrophy and abnormal electroretinography. The authors believe their cases represent a distinct and new genetic disorder. Lyn A. Sedwick, M. D. Oral Therapy in Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis. Gass JDM, Callanan DG, Bowman CB. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 675- 80 ( May). ( No reprints available.] The authors treated four patients with diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis with thiabendazole with good results. Lyn A. Sedwick, M. D. Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Optic Nerve Simulating a Melanocytoma. Erzurum SA, Jampol LM, Territo C, O'Grady R. Arch Ophthalmol 1992; 110: 684- 6 ( May). ( Reprint requests to Dr. L. M. Jampol, Northwestern University, Department of Ophthalmology, 303 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611.] A patient thought to have a slow- growing melanocytoma of the optic nerve head had enucleation after near- total visual loss occurred. Histologic diagnosis was malignant melanoma. Repeat surgery was required to extirpate the intracranial optic nerve, which contained tumor. Lyn A. Sedwick, M. D. Progression of Retinopathy in Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy with Retinal Degeneration. Drack AV, Traboulsi EI, Maumenee IH. Arch Ophtha/ mol 1992; 110: 712- 3 ( May). ( Reprint requests to Dr. E. I. Traboulsi, The Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute, Maumenee 321, 600 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205.] This is a nice photo essay of several family members with retinopathy associated with olivopontocerebellar atrophy. Lyn A. Sedwick, M. D. Pseudotumor Cerebri from Cranial Venous Obstruction. Lam BL, Schatz NJ, Glaser JS, Bowen Be. Ophthalmology 1992; 99: 706- 12 ( May). ( Reprint requests to Dr. J. S. Glaser, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, P. O. Box 016880, Miami, FL 33101.] The authors present six case reports of patients with pseudotumor cerebri secondary to dural sinus hypertension from a variety of causes. Nice standard angiograms, computerized tomographic, magnetic resonance, and magnetic resonance angiogram pictures, all of which helped to establish the proximate cause of the increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure, are included. Lyn A. Sedwick, M. D. Bilateral Visual Loss in a Child with Disc Swelling. Hedges, TR III. Comments by Sedwick LA, Slavin M. Surv Ophthalmol 1992; 36: 424- 8 ( MayJune). ( No reprints available.] A 9- year- old girl with bilateral visual loss and optic disk swelling is presented. Juvenile optic neuritis and its management and prognosis are the main points of discussion. LYIl A. Sedwick, M. D. I Clin Nellro- ophthalmol, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1992 |