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Show Journal of Nc- itro- Ophllialmology 19( 1): 186- 200, 1999. © 1999 Lippincotl Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Visual System Robert M. McFadzean, MB, chB, DO, FRCOphth, Barrie C. Condon, PhD, and Dai B. Barr, MB, ChB, FRCOphth Functional magnetic resonance imaging ( f'MRl) is a relatively new technique for measuring brain function during resting and activated conditions with good spatial and temporal resolution. Because of a robust and reproducible activation response to visual stimuli in the occipital cortex, many studies have been directed at visual function. The methodology has been refined progressively to allow more accurate detection of the small activation signal, and using computational mapping foci of cerebral activity have been displayed in a two- dimensional format. Several factors modifying the activation signal have been identified. fMRl has been used to define the retinotopic representation of areal boundaries and the localization of higher visual functions in the occipital cortex. Motion perception in area middle temporal ( MT) is well- recognized, but eye movement studies are limited. The activated signal may have significant implications for our understanding of brain metabolism, but cerebral blood flow and oxygenation sensitive recordings after prolonged visual stimulation have given conflicting results. Clinically, fMRI can follow changes in cerebral activity during a progressive neurologic illness and measure responses to treatment. Neurosurgical planning in disorders such as epilepsy may be facilitated. Key Words: Functional magnetic resonance imaging- Vision. There are several techniques available for measuring brain function during resting and activated conditions, including direct cortical electrical stimulation, scalp recorded electrical evoked potentials, single photon emission computed tomography ( SPECT), positron emission tomography ( PET), magnetoencephalography ( MEG), near- infrared spectroscopy ( NIRS), magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( MRS), and functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI). Because these techniques depend on different principles, the resultant brain mapping may reflect different neuronal activation processes. In addition, these techniques have different temporal and spatial resolution properties. Manuscript received February 11, 1999; accepted April 22, 1999. From the Department of Neuro- ophthalmology ( RMM), Department of Medical Physics ( BCC), and Department of Neuro- ophthalmology ( DBB), Institute of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Robert M McFadzean, Department of Neuro- ophthalmology, Institute of Neurological Sciences, Southern General Hospital, Govan Road, Glasgow, G5I 4TF, Scotland. Direct electrical stimulation of the cortical surface depends on activation or disruption of local cortical circuits with a spatial resolution of 5 to 10 mm and a temporal resolution of a few seconds. Visually evoked potentials and MEG probably reflect underlying neuronal activity but have poor spatial resolution, although excellent temporal resolution of milliseconds. SPECT uses ( 99mTc) HMPAO as a cerebral blood flow ( CBF) imaging agent with a spatial resolution of 8 to 9 mm and a temporal resolution of approximately 45 seconds. PET using H2- l 5 0 tracer measures changes in local CBF after neuronal activation. Its spatial resolution is 4 to 5 mm, but its temporal resolution is governed by the time required for clearance of the tracer from the bloodstream, about 50 seconds. Optical imaging with near- infrared photons combines good temporal resolution with spatial resolution of at least 5 mm. MRS provides a useful measure of regional brain chemistry but with poor spatial ( 1,000 mm3 at best) and temporal resolution. The relatively recent introduction of fMRI ( 1- 6) permits activation mapping of the brain in a noninvasive manner with a potential spatial resolution of < 1 mm ( 7) and temporal resolution of < 1 second ( 8,9) using fast MR or echo- planar imaging ( EPI) techniques ( 10- 12). fMRI is thought to measure local changes in blood oxygenation after increases in CBF and modification of oxygen utilization after neuronal activation ( vide infra) ( 1,5,6,13). The presence of a robust activation response to visually evoked stimuli in the occipital cortex has made the striate and extra- striate region a particularly attractive area to study. In addition, the gatekeeper role of the primary striate visual cortex ( area VI) in the determination of higher visual function is well- known, whereas the local anatomy and boundaries of the striate cortex have been studied extensively and are well- understood. The technique is useful not only in the mapping of localized cerebral cortical functions in normal individuals, but also in the assessment of disease processes ( 14,15) and monitoring of psychiatric disorders ( 16,17) and psychophar-macologic treatments ( 18). A typical activation pattern in the occipital cortex on exposure to an alternating black and white checkerboard is shown in Figure 1. The advantages of fMRI are considerable in that the technique allows noninvasive imaging with excellent 186 fMRI IN THE VISUAL SYSTEM 187 FIG. 1. Activated pixels ( yellow) in the occipital cortex after exposure to an alternating black and white checkerboard at 8 Hz. spatial resolution almost in real time. Thus, it is possible to carry out repetitive studies on normal subjects with reasonable reproducibility and to follow changes in cerebral activity during the course of a progressive disease, including assessment of recovery patterns and responses to treatment in various neurologic disorders such as stroke and head injury. Dyslexia and albinism ( 19,20) can be evaluated and neurosurgical planning facilitated ( 21- 23). This is in contrast to radionuclide techniques such as PET and SPECT, in which repeated studies are constrained by ethical considerations and radiation dosage. Advanced technology with fast scanning times and multislice cerebral images makes it possible to scan the entire brain within a short time scale and identify regions of interest ( ROI) activated by different experimental paradigms. Furthermore, appropriate scanning facilities are widely available in neuroscience departments. Unfortunately, as with conventional MRI, individuals with cardiac pacemakers or retained foreign metallic material in their body must be excluded and claustrophobic patients find the technique difficult to tolerate. Volunteer or patient cooperation is crucial not only for participation in the activation task, but also in the maintenance of immobility during the scanning period to avoid misregistration artifacts ( 24,25). However, image processing algorithms are available that can overcome the effects of patient movement to some extent by realigning the images ( 26). Cerebral tissue close to the air- filled sinuses ( e. g. at the base of the brain) is prone to signal void artifacts, but this is not a problem with studies of the visual cortex. While images can be acquired in close to real time, f'MRI in common with PET and SPECT scanning has the disadvantage of measuring alterations in CBF that change over a period of seconds compared to the millisecond time scales of the initiating neuronal event. It is unlikely that fMRI will ever be able to investigate events with such a short time scale, which require instead the high temporal resolution of EEC or MEG. PRINCIPLES OF METHOD- THE BOLD EFFECT Initial activation studies in the primary visual cortex were based on images of cerebral blood volume after injection of a bolus of paramagnetic contrast agent, such as gadolinium diethylene triaminc penta- acetic acid intravenously, obtained before and during stimulation with a flashing light ( 2). Cerebral blood volume increased during visual stimulation, but this technique required the use of an external contrast agent. Based on the magnetic properties of hemoglobin and their effect on the magnetic resonance ( 27,28), it was realized that paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin could be detected in contrast to diamagnetic oxyhemoglobin and therefore used as an endogenous contrast agent ( 29). This difference in the physical properties of hemoglobin means that when blood flows through cerebral tissue deoxyhemoglobin creates point magnetic inhomogeneilies within blood vessels, which result in microscopic field distortions around those vessels. As the coherence of the signal from hydrogen nuclei in water in surrounding tissue is partially destroyed by these microscopic inhomogeneilies, the signal intensity during MRI is lower than it would be if they did not exist. During neuronal activation, a substantial increase in the metabolic demand of the local cerebral tissue involved results in a corresponding increase in CBF and oxygenation, which more than compensates for that demand ( 30,31). Consequently, there is a decrease in the local concentration of deoxyhemoglobin resulting in an increase in the intensity of the local MR signal. This finding has enabled the use of MRI in the monitoring of local modulations in the level of blood oxygenation associated with brain activity ( 32). The activated signal in the cerebral cortex is referred to as the blood oxygenation level dependent ( BOLD) contrast effect. The size of the signal is relatively small ( range 2- 10%); therefore, optimization of the visual stimulus and recording conditions is important. Its precise origin has not been identified, but it is believed to arise from around small venules in the cerebral cortex ( 33,34). The signal intensity can be correlated with local changes in CBF, tissue oxygenation, and neural activity ( 5,35). Typically, activity is averaged during a time scale of 2 to 6 seconds and the volume of each individual image element is 1 to 27 mm3 of cerebral cortex ( 36). During recordings, particular attention must be paid to avoidance of artifacts because of volunteer or patient movement ( e. g. head movement, eye movements, and physiologic changes such as the cardiac pulse and respirations). Considerable concern has been expressed that subject movement during activation may correlate with the task being performed and the resulting signal changes be mistaken for evidence of brain activation, e. g., flinch- J Nmro- Ophthulmol, Vol. 19. No. 3, 1999 188 R. M. McFADZEAN ET At. ing when a flashing light comes on or goes off ( 37,38). An assessment of the effect of stimulus- correlated motion using conventional visual and motor protocols and an image coregistration technique showed stimulus-correlated motion and synthetic cumulative difference images with a striking similarity to the equivalent functional image in each case ( 37). Even objects moving outside the field of view may have an effect on the fMRI signal if temporally correlated with the performance of a particular task ( 39). However, these artifactual signal intensity changes were characterized by their location, greater magnitude, and more rapid increase to a maximum than those seen from typical activations ( 25). The increasing recognition of false- positive signals has stimulated efforts to develop a robust processing technique with clearly defined failure modes. Improved functional activation maps have been obtained using navigator echoes to monitor and compensate for signal fluctuations caused by motion, while, by simultaneously monitoring the respiration and heartbeat during the acquisition of imaging data and retrospectively synchronizing the imaging data with physiologic activity, physiologic effects have been estimated and removed ( 24). Variations in venous deoxyhemoglobin levels in response to neuronal activation represent a complex interplay between focal changes in CBF, cerebral blood volume, and regional metabolism. Various mathematical models attempt to categorize the response of venous oxygenation to changes in these variables to obtain a quantitative understanding of changes in blood oxygenation and to relate these changes to the observed dynamics of the fMRI signal change ( 13,35,40). METHODOLOGY Conventional MRI usually employs spin- echo phenomena to produce Tl- and T2- weighted pulse sequences, which are associated with high signal and good tissue contrast and resolution. However, fMRI requires a greater sensitization to the tiny differences in magnetic field caused by differing blood oxygenation. Therefore, fMRI pulse sequences are weighted toward the T2* effect, which reveals these differences, but is associated with lower signal and poorer tissue contrast ( 5,6,33,34). Originally, single slice gradient ( field)- echo pulse sequences with echo times of approximately 60 milliseconds and repetition times of 90 milliseconds with 120 repetitions were used, but in recent years EPI has become the sequence of choice ( 4,11,12,41). While gradient- echo imaging typically took 14 seconds to acquire data from a single slice, EPI can produce images in a single repetition time of 100 milliseconds or less, although image resolution is poorer than with conventional MRI ( usually 64 x 64 compared with 256 x 256). Faster acquisition times means that a stack of two- dimensional slices can be acquired to cover the entire brain within seconds. Because (" MRI signal ehanges are larger at higher field strengths, studies are usually performed at 1.5 Tesla or higher ( 10,1 1,42- 44), although studies at 1.0 Tesla have been published ( 45,46). The percentage change in signal intensity with standard 1.5 Tesla hardware can be improved by optimizing section thickness, echo time, and field of view during visual activation ( 43). However, during neuronal activation the fMRI signal has been shown to increase linearly and quadratically with field strength ( 34), making the use of scanners up to 4.0 Tesla desirable ( 34,41). These scanners offer better spatial resolution but are technically more difficult to use. High field strength imaging at 4.0 Tesla provides an increased contribution from the venules and capillary bed and avoids contributions from large venous vessels or inflow effects from large arteries, which are undesirable because of their poor spatial correspondence with the actual site of neuronal activations ( 33,34). The increased importance of the susceptibility difference between deoxygenated and oxygenated blood at higher field strengths was illustrated with activated image intensity up to 28% at 4.0 Tesla but only up to 7% at 1.5 Tesla ( 41). Easily detectable signal increases of 5% to 20% were observed in area VI at 4.0 Tesla, with signal increases that were predominantly restricted to areas containing grey matter ( 5,6). Nevertheless, some workers hesitate to use higher field strengths because of potential clinical adverse effects on volunteers and increased image artifacts caused by susceptibility effects. Although EPI adds the further dimension of improved temporal resolution with images of brain function almost in real time, the spatial resolution is not as good as with gradient- echo fMRI ( typically 64 x 64 cf. 128 x 128). A method of multislice interleaved excitation cycles ( 47) allows the acquisition of activation maps at multiple planes within total imaging times of a few seconds. By using a further specific method, it is possible to obtain a three- dimensional data set of the visual cortex in 20 seconds ( 48). EPI and signal targeting with an alternating radio ( EPISTAR) frequency technique is a rapid, noninvasive means of creating qualitative maps of CBF with signal intensity changes that range from 13% to 193% ( 11). Using gradient- echo and spin- echo EPI at 3.0 Tesla, the greater microvascular selectivity of high- resolution spin- echo imaging enabled distinct activation patterns sensitive to stimulus motion to be detected in area VI/ V2 that were not apparent with gradient- echo imaging ( 7). Visual stimulation takes various forms, including flashing lights, red light emitting diodes ( LED) mounted in goggles, conventional full field alternating black and white checkerboard patterns ( sometimes modified into hemifields, wedges, or circles), and video and cine- film presentations. Modifications may be made to luminance, contrast, color, spatial, and temporal frequency, and so on, and the stimuli may be viewed under different conditions of attention, emotion, drug effects, and so on. Higher visual functions, such as appreciation of color, object and face recognition, movement and conscious perception, and others, may be assessed using appropriate experimental paradigms. A binocular fiberscope ( 49) can be used to relay high- resolution images of cathode ray tube displays from an adjacent room to an observer lying in a scanner, with a display of accurately controlled ./ Neiiro- Oplillialmol. Vol. 19. No. I 1999 fMRI IN THE VISUAL SYSTEM 189 high and low contrast wide- field images to the observer. To provide high- quality visual stimulation within the intense magnetic field of the MR scanner, a custom Max-wellian- view optic system ( 50) has been designed to project images directly on to the retina of subjects. This visual stimulator offers the particular advantages of a large field of view ( 60°) with a binocular stereoscopic display. The stimulation frequency dependence of fMRI visual activation was found to agree with previous PET studies, when the largest signal response occurred at 8 Hz ( 4). A simple visual experimental set- up used at the Institute of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow, is illustrated in Figure 2. The projection apparatus ( a video projector or liquid crystal display projection panel on an overhead projector) projects the computer- generated stimuli through the observation window into the magnet room. The image falls onto a translucent screen, which the subjects view through a mirror inclined at 45° above their eyes. Because the distance between the subject's head and the projection apparatus is approximately 7 m, an additional optical lens is required to reduce the size of the projected image. The available field of view is restricted by the MRI head coil and the bore of the magnet. During a typical fMRI examination, images are collected at varying intervals over a period of several minutes during activated and resting conditions. In its simplest form, measurement of the activation signal involves subtraction of resting images ( e. g., in total darkness) from activated images ( e. g., on exposure to a flashing alternating black/ white checkerboard). Because of the small size of the signal change, collection of many images improves the statistical reliability of the data. Simple subtraction of images acquired at baseline from activated images should theoretically define only areas of the brain in which the CBF has changed. Unfortunately, this process will yield artifactual areas of activation because of small involuntary movements of the subject's head during image acquisition ( 24,25). In addition, the signal from blood in arterial vessels will vary depending on the part of the cardiac cycle during which the image is acquired. To reduce the contribution from these artifactual factors, it has been necessary to resort to advanced statistical approaches. Essentially, the application of the stimulus ( on, off, on, off, etc.) has a time course, which may be represented as a simple " box- car" shaped IDEALISED BOX CAR FUNCTION ST1MUUS OH Plxai ntenelry FIG. 2. Experimental set- up in which the subject views through an inclined mirror above both eyes the stimulus projected from an outer room on to a translucent screen outside or inside the magnet bore. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Tlm « ( l) FIG. 3. An idealized box- car function graph compared with the activated signal in the occipital cortex in response to an alternating black and white checkerboard at 8 Hz. function, and should be correlated in a time- series sense with the activated signal changes on a pixel- by- pixel basis ( see Fig. 3). Image elements showing a signal increase every time the stimulus is applied will be highly correlated, whereas pixels overlying arterial vessels may coincidentally show signal increases on one or two occasions. By setting high statistical probability levels ( typically /; < 0.005), it is possible to filter out these latter artifacts to a large degree. Various statistical packages have been developed to cope with these problems ( 51,52). Alter identification of an appropriate ROI ( e. g. area VI), an idealized box- car function graph is compared to the signal changes, which should temporally correspond to the visual stimulus ( Fig. 3). fMRI responses are slow when compared to changes in neural activity ( e. g., the onset of a visual checkerboard pattern evoked a signal response that was delayed by 1 to 2 seconds and reached 90% of peak in 5 seconds with a slightly slower return to baseline) ( 50). The signal changes are delayed ( rise- time) by the hemodynamic responses of the subject with blood flow taking up to 9 seconds to reach a plateau level after application of the visual stimulus or to fall to baseline values after its removal. This time- lag must be taken into account during the data analysis. Signal responses in the presence of noise may be detected using cross- correlation techniques and verified by statistical parametric mapping ( 51,52). Fuzzy cluster analysis has proved to be robust and efficient in the separation of functional brain activation from noise or other sources and when used in combination with an appropriate model calculation allows quantification of flow and BOLD contributions in areas with different vascularization ( 53). It is possible to modify fMRI to produce recordings that are separately sensitized to cerebral blood oxygenation ( CBO) and CBF ( 54). The duration of the visual stimulus used is important because CBF- sensitive recordings appear to remain elevated during the entire stimulation period, but in some CBO- sensitive recordings a signal decrease occurs after prolonged stimulation ranging from 1 to 6 minutes ( 13,54- 59). However, others have not confirmed this signal decrease ( 60,61). As the J Neum- Ophlhatmol. Vol. 19. No. J, 1W9 190 R. M. McFADZEAN ET Ah. acquisition of more images improves the statistical reliability of the data, prolonged stimulation may be desirable, but only if there is no decrease in the relatively small activation signal. The discrepancy in these findings may represent different experimental paradigms and recording techniques, but the issue is unresolved. Another major concern is the reproducibility of the activated signal. The application of adaptive correlation thresholds resulted in reasonable reproducibility in repeated single subject studies, but reproducibility across groups was poor ( 62). Test- retest analysis ( 63) of the activated area in the human visual cortex in 18 volunteers showed significant variability, both intersubject and intrasubject. However, using fuzzy cluster analysis inter-trial reproducibility for repeated single subject studies was improved, but dependent on signal- to- noise ratio, motion artifact, and subject cooperation ( 64). A study of within- subject reproducibility of visual brain activation using EPI in 10 healthy subjects examined on three occasions concluded that measures of brain activity were reasonably reproducible on a routine clinical EPI system ( 65). Nevertheless, there were difficulties in separating the contributions of motion, repositioning errors, and true physiologic changes. High reproducibility of fMRI studies is important in the development of potential clinical applications. It is difficult to compare published data quantitatively owing to differences in sequence design and parameters, as well as statistical methods applied to enhance function- related image contrast. Technical, methodologic, and physiologic factors influence the variability of signal enhancement and the apparently activated area size. These should be taken into account in the interpretation of fMRI data quantitatively ( 62) and require further exploration. Because of the irregularities of the surface of the human cerebral cortex and the variations from one individual to the next, it has been difficult to illustrate the activated images. An early spatial topographic technique in the visual cortex involved the application of a cortical ribbon along the 1.5- to 3- mm thick striate cortex to incorporate the subject- unique enfoldings ( 66). More recently, to compensate for the convolutions of the cortical gyri and sulci, reconstructions of the cortical surface have been developed using computational mapping ( 67). Surface base visualization involves reconstructing cortical surfaces and displaying them along with associated experimental data in various complementary formats, including three- dimensional native configurations, two-dimensional slices, extensively smooth surfaces, ellipsoidal representations, and cortical flat maps. In particular, this approach allows unfolding of the cortical sulci and representation of foci of cortical activity in a flattened two- dimensional mapping format. Because individual cortical areas vary in size by a factor of at least two and many areas are categorized by internal compartments or modules whose total number and dimensions vary across individuals, it would be unrealistic to expect functional correspondence to be identified more precisely than within a few millimeters for human cortex. MODIFICATION OF ACTIVATION SIGNAL Because the amplitude of the activation signal is relatively small and difficult to detect against background noise, it is important to be aware of potential modifying factors. These include sex, attention, emotional state, ocular dominance, luminance contrast, and duration of stimulus. Among 38 healthy subjects ( 20 males and 18 females), males were more likely than females to have an undetectable MR signal change after photic stimulation ( 68), but in a study of 16 healthy young subjects ( 8 male and 8 female), the signal response in area VI to binocular photic stimulation was 38% lower in females than in males and much of the difference was lateralized to the right hemisphere ( 69). However, hemoglobin levels were not measured in these studies, which is regrettable because the BOLD fMRI response may be particularly sensitive to hemoglobin concentration ( it is the iron within heme that provides the contrast in the MR signal intensity, and in general young women have a lower hemoglobin level than young men). During repeated presentations of identical visual motion stimuli ( 70), only the attentional component of the task was varied and attention- related enhancement of cortical responsiveness was evident in extrastriate and striate areas. Attention- related activity was demonstrated in area V1 when attention was selectively directed to one side of a moving wedge ( the attention condition) compared with passive viewing of the wedge ( the passive condition) ( 71). Activation of area VI was found to be higher in the attention condition. In divided- attention and direction- attention tasks, early visual processing mechanisms in the prestriate cortex were apparently influenced by an attentional system in the temporo- parietal areas ( 72). Attention to visual motion ( 70) increased the responsiveness of the motion- selective extrastriate area V5 ( 73,74) and the posterior parietal cortex ( 75). Alternating attention between heard or seen numbers modulated corresponding activation signals in the auditory and visual cortices ( 76). Emotional arousal, induced when subjects viewed a series of pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant pictures, produced significantly greater occipital activation ( 77). After determination of ocular dominance by the near- far alignment test, the dominant eye appeared to activate a larger area of area VI than the nondominant eye ( 78). Increased activity in area VI cells accompanied increased luminance contrast after stimulation with a single red LED covering 2° of the subject's visual field ( 79). Using a linear systems analysis of responses in area VI, the VI signal increased monotonically with stimulus contrast ( 80). As mentioned previously, the duration of the stimulus may modify the size of the activation signal, but this finding is controversial because it has been identified by some authors ( 54- 59) but not confirmed by others ( 60,61). The reason for this discrepancy has not been explained but may reflect contributions from factors other than the BOLD effect ( e. g., the differential sensitivity of EPI and gradient- echo fMRI to flowing ./ Neiim- Oplillmlnml, Vol. 19, No. .?, 1999 fMRl IN THE VISUAL SYSTEM 191 blood, rather than simply its oxygenation). Most studies have been carried out on young adults and, therefore, the literature does not contain information on the effect of age on the activation signal. LOCALIZATION OF FUNCTIONS Because of the robust and reproducible responses found in the occipital cortex during fMRl, considerable attention has been focused on the striate and the extra-striate cortex. Areal boundaries outlining VI, V2, V3, VP, V3a, V4, and V4v have been defined and higher visual functions such as recognition of objects, colors, faces, and so on have been localized. Because it is impossible to image the stria of Gennari, a varying contrast technique has been used to recognize activation confined to the striate cortex ( 81). Retinotopic Representation Data from human lesional studies show that neurones within area VI are retinotopically organized after a roughly polar coordinate system ( 82,83). Movement from posterior to anterior in the striate cortex represents the center to the periphery of the visual field, a retinotopic dimension referred to as eccentricity. Movement from the inferior to the superior bank of the calcarine fissure represents shift from the superior vertical meridian through the horizontal meridian to the lower vertical meridian, a retinotopic dimension referred to as polar angle. To map polar angle ( i. e., angle from the center of gaze), subjects viewed a slowly rotating semicircular checkerboard stimulus, and to measure eccentricity ( i. e., distance from the center of gaze), an expanding checkered annulus ( Fig. 4) ( 84). Neurones responding to stimulation at different locations in the visual field were activated at different times during the stimulus sequence, and corresponding differences in the temporal phase of the fMRl response identified the retinotopic location represented by each active site in the brain. Cortical locations of neurones responding to stimulation along the vertical or horizontal visual field meridians were charted on three- dimensional models of the occipital cortex and an unfolded map of the cortical surface produced in six subjects. The topography of visual areas VI, V2, V3, VP, and parts of V3a and V4 were consistent with the organization of these areas in macaque monkeys. Using similar phase- encoded retinal stimulation, visual activation responses were recorded by EPI and analyzed with a Fourier- based method ( 85). The resulting volume data set was then sampled with a cortical surface FIG. 4. Checkered annulus, wedge, and rotating semicircle used to measure eccentricity and polar angle. reconstruction made from high- resolution structural MRI images collected separately from each subject. The cortical surface containing the data was unfolded and analyzed with the visual field sign method, which automatically and objectively outlines areal boundaries, adjacent areas having the opposite field sign distinguished by mirror image and nonmirror image representations. Through a combination of multislice fMRl, stimulus phase-encoding and Fourier analysis, cortical surface reconstruction, and visual field sign, the retinotopic organization of visual areas V1, V2, VP, V3, and V4 was reconstructed in two dimensions with accurate delineation of their borders. Cortical magnification curves for striate and extra- striate areas were determined and humans appeared to have a greater emphasis on the center of gaze than their monkey counterparts. After stimulation with spatially alternating flickering check stimuli in the form of iso- polar angle wedges, iso- eccentricity rings, and circles of equal polar- angle diameter ( Fig. 4), the wedges produced parallel stripes of roughly equal width in V1, the rings of radically varying widths produced stripes of roughly equal width orientated approximately orthogonal to them, and the circles produced circular activity patches of roughly equal cortical width ( 81). The location of the blind spot was demonstrated by testing subjects binocularly and monocu-larly with a field of scaled, black and white flickering checks, when it was found that the blind spot lay just inferior to the cortical representation of the horizontal meridian at around 15° eccentricity. The size of the blind spot was generally consistent with the human cortical magnification factor in area V1 and with the width of the blind spot representation in human histologic material ( 86). This study demonstrated that area VI could be activated preferentially to extrastriate areas by manipulation of luminance contrast and presentation of radial gratings alternating between 6% and 100% contrast. Evidence for orientation selectivity in VI was provided by measuring transient f'MRI increases produced at the change in response to gratings of different orientations. The band width of the orientation " transients" was approximately 45°. Using an alternating black and white checkerboard to create simple visual stimuli that generated continuous traveling waves of neural activity in the visual cortex, activity could be localized to within 1.1 mm ( 87). From measurements of the motion of the traveling wave, the borders between retinotopically organized visual areas were identified and striate cortical positions related to visual field eccentricity. The foveal response was apparent in the posterior striate cortex and increasingly anterior locations responded to increasingly eccentric stimuli. Retinotopically organized responses extended along a 3- to 4- cm strip of striate cortex, although the stimulus only extended 12°. Retinotopic representation agreed with previous human lesional studies in the revised representation of the visual field hypothesis and electrophysiologic data from nonhuman primates. The representation of the ipsilaleral visual field in 12 J Neum- Oplilhcilinol, Vol. 19, Nti. .1, IW9 192 R. M. McFADZEAN ET Ah. subjects appeared to reveal activity along the vertical meridian in retinotopic areas and in two large branches anterior to that, in presumptive higher- tier areas ( 88). Human area V3a was found to have a retinotopy similar to that found in macaque monkeys providing a continuous map of the contralateral hemifield immediately anterior to area V3, with a unique retinotopic representation of the upper visual field in the superior occipital cortex ( 89). A view of the retinotopic representation in the occipital cortex is illustrated in Figure 5, constructed from activation changes in healthy volunteers ( 90), and contrasted with homologous areas in the macaque. The precise representation of specific isopters of the FIG. 5. Location and topography of presumptive visual areas in human and macaque cortex. ( A & B) One representative cortical hemisphere of human brain in the normal ( folded) state, based on high-resolution " anatomic" magnetic resonance images. Visual areas have been rendered in pseudocolor onto the surface, based on data from functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI) as described later. ( C) The same anatomic and functional data depicted in " flattened" cortical format. Additional areas ( bounded by red borders) are based on data from other subjects and were added for completion. Based on quantitative differences in cortical curvature, the locations of gyri and sulci in the folded brain depicted in A and B are represented in light and dark gray, respectively, in the flattened representation in C. For comparison, ( D) shows the corresponding flat map from macaque monkey, based on previously published data ( 136). Both flattened maps are taken from the right hemisphere, which was artificially split along the length of the calcarine fissure ( approximately the horizontal meridian representation in V1). Borders of human visual areas are presumptive. However, each cortical visual area in A, B, and C has been reliably produced in approximately the same cortical location ( with similar topographic relationships to surrounding areas, likewise defined) in several scan sessions in at least four subjects ( usually many more), in response to the same visual stimulus or set of stimuli. Names for human visual areas have been adopted from apparently corresponding areas in macaque when there is topographic and functional evidence of homology ( for example, V1, V2, V3, ventral posterior ( VP), V3A, and middle temporal area ( MT or V5); this is qualified when evidence for homology is encouraging but undefinite ( for example, in the case of the posterior division of dorsal medial superior temporal area [ pMSTd]). Otherwise, new names have been invented ( i. e., lateral occipital [ LO], SPO, and LSPO). Presumptive corresponding areas in the two primates are assigned the same color on the map. The foveal representation is a shared strip connecting most of the retinotopic areas and is centered roughly at the star. Based on fMRI data and inferences from the connectional hierarchy in macaques ( 136), the human areas are grouped into three broad categories: retinotopic ( blues and purples); parietal ( greens); and temporal ( yellow to red)- such categories are heuristic and tentative. Subjects were scanned in a 1.5- Tesla magnetic resonance imager, retrofitted with echo- planar imaging. In each 8- minute 32 second scan, 2,048 images were collected ( repetition time ( TR) = 4 seconds) in multislice mode ( 16 slices; 4- mm thick) at 3 x 3 mm resolution, using a bilateral surface coil ( covering occipital and posterior temporal and parietal lobes) and an asymmetric spin- echo sequence ( echo time [ TE] = 70 milliseconds; offset = 25 milliseconds). Visual stimuli were presented to subjects within the magnet, with an extensive field of view. Phase- encoded, retinotopically varying stimuli ( thinner versions of those described in previous studies) ( 84,137) were used to distinguish polar angle and eccentricity axes in retinotopically organized areas. This information was combined to derive the visual field sign polarity ( 84), which reverses at area boundaries. The boundaries of areas V1, V2, V3, VP, V3A, and ventral V4 ( V4v), mapped in the same individual, were derived in this way. The motion- responsive areas MT ( V5), MSTd, and V3A were selectively activated ( in the same subject) by a pattern of moving concentric rings. A set of black- and- white images of objects or faces, compared with scrambled versions of the same objects or faces, were used to activate area LO selectively, again in the same subject. Some variability was observed in the location of object- selective activity across individuals. Area LSPO responds selectively during saccade tracking, but not fixation, in near- total darkness. Area SPO is activated by the coherent motion of random, low- density dots, compared with random motion of the same set of dots, with otherwise identical motion parameters. In some subjects, area MT ( V5) can be reliably and selectively activated by the motion coherence test and by tests for greater interhemispheric activation. The topography of human cortical areas is generally similar to that in macaques, except for an overall expansion; however, there are some noteworthy differences. 1) Human maps contain a posterior anterior retinotopic area ( V4v) and a nonretinotopic, form- related area ( LO) between MT ( V5) and VP, but there is no clear area border corresponding to the border between V4v and LO in macaque maps. 2) There is proportionately more area between MT ( V5) and foveal V3 and VP in human compared with macaque maps. 3) Human V3 and VP are proportionately several times wider than macaque V3 and VP. The assignment of separate names (' V3' compared with ' VP') to mirror- symmetrical, quarter- field representations ( otherwise known as superior and inferior arms of V3) is based entirely on macaque data; functional differences have not been reported between these two areas. In C, linear and angular distortion caused by flattening is minimized and averages approximately 15% overall ( 84); the corresponding distortion in D is presumably similar ( 138). Scale bars, 1 cm. Reprinted from Tootell RBH, Dale AM, Sereno Ml, Malach R. New images from human visual cortex. In: Trends in Neurosciences, Vol. 19. 1996; 481- 9. With permission from Elsevier Science. J Neum- Oplulmlmol, Vol. 19, No. 3. 1999 fMRI IN THE VISUAL SYSTEM 193 visual field in the striate cortex has not been clarified, but study of the central 11°, 19°, and 56° confirms the increased emphasis placed on the representation of the central 10° in at least 50% of the striate cortex posteriorly according to the revised representation hypothesis ( 91). However, in the 1 1 ° and 19° conditions, some activation spread anteriorly to the parieto- occipital/ calcarine fissure junction, indicative of unknown behavioral patterns in the striate cortex. Clinically, further knowledge of the precise retinotopic organization of area VI could eventually lead to objective perimetry using fMRI. Color Recognition Activation by an array of six colored circles and their after- images suggested that the fusiform gyri play a critical role in human color perception ( 92). In a repetitive stimulation protocol, isoluminant chromatic or isochro-matic luminance modulation was alternated with steady light of the same mean chromaticity and luminance as a reference condition. Color- sensitive activation was observed in collateral sulci and area VI ( 93). Color tuning in response to a large number of colors suggests that color signals relevant for perception are included in a large population of areas VI and V2 neurones. The strongest response is to red- green stimuli receiving opposing inputs from L and M retinal cones ( 94). Color vision may be considered in terms of perception and imagining of color. Using a colored and grey scale Mon-drian display and contrasting a relative color judgement with a spatial task requiring the generation of mental images, it was shown that color perception activates the posterior fusiform gyrus bilaterally ( V4), plus the right anterior fusiform and lingual gyri, striate cortex ( VI), and left and right insula. Color imagery activated the right anterior fusiform gyrus, left insula, right hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyri, but not areas V4 nor VI. The findings suggest that the anterior fusiform and parahippocampal gyri and the hippocampus are the location for stored representation of colored objects ( 95). Object Recognition Convergence of visual cues in the form of motion, texture, and luminance contrast were demonstrated on the lateral aspect of the occipital lobe ( LO complex) providing strong evidence for its role in object processing ( 96). There was preferential activation of LO by images of objects, when compared to a wide range of texture patterns. The " Lincoln" illusion, in which blurring of objects digitized into large blocks paradoxically increases their recognizability, significantly enhanced LO activation. However, LO did not seem to be involved in the final stages of the recognition process ( 97). Face Recognition During a face- matching task, there was a significantly increased MR signal in the ventral occipitotemporal cortex, extending from the inferior occipital sulcus to the lateral occipito- temporal sulcus and fusiform gyrus ( 98). Selective involvement of the fusiform face area in face perception has also been demonstrated ( 99). Comparing cerebral hemispheres, faces primarily activated the fusiform gyrus bilaterally, but there was greater activation in the right than in the left hemisphere ( 100). Ocular Dominance Ocular dominance was determined by means of the near- far alignment test, when stimulation of the dominant eye activated a larger area of V1 than the nondomi-nant eye ( 78). Ocular dominance in VI reminiscent of the single cell recordings of Hubel and Wiesel was demonstrated when seven categories of response were identified, varying from left only to binocular only to right only responses. Using differential techniques neuronal activity in cortical columns raised the possibility of further mapping of specialized neurones in human visual cortex ( 101). Motion Perception Area MT cortex ( the human homologue of the motion sensitive middle temporal area, MT or V5 of monkeys) responded selectively to moving compared to stationary stimuli, consistent with previous PET and anatomic studies. In addition, area MT has a much higher contrast sensitivity, particularly when compared with area VI. Using color varying stimuli and changes in luminance, activity in MT decreased at and near individually measured equiluminance, compatible with the psychophysical phenomenon that visual motion appears to diminish when moving color varying stimuli are equated in luminance. Activity in area MT appeared much less retinotopic than in areas VI, V2, V3, and VP ( 102). Viewing a stationary stimulus after adaptation to stimuli moving in a single local direction creates a visual motion aftereffect of illusionary motion, also known as the waterfall illusion, to which human cortical area MT ( V5) is responsive in a direction- specific manner. The time course of the motion after- effect measured psychophysically was essentially identical to the time course of the fMRI motion after- effect ( 103). Motion perception studied when subjects viewed a stationary black and while grating, a moving grating, and a moving spot generated activation in the lateral occipitotemporal cortex ( area MT). During pursuit, extraretinal signals may be received because the signal intensity during pursuit of the moving dot was greater than during viewing of the moving grating. This occurred despite the fact that the moving grating generated more retinal image motion, while signal intensity in the striate cortex was least during pursuit of the moving dot ( 104). Each of three different motion displays activated specific parts of the V5 complex, but also activated neighboring, although nonoverlapping, regions of the auditory cortex that arc normally activated by the perception of speech ( 105). Motion boundaries produce a boundary specific signal that is retinotopically organized within area VI, but appears to be largely absent from the motion selective area MT- V5 ( 106). A region more activated by kinetic gratings than by luminance- defined gratings, uniform motion, or transparent motion, anatomically and functionally distinct from areas MT- V5, V3, and V3a but minimally overlapping the LO region, has been identified and appears to be genuinely ./ Neiiro- Ophlhulmol, Vol. 19. No. .1. 1999 194 R. M. McFADZEAN ET AL. specialized for processing kinetic boundaries, created by discontinuities in motion direction ( 107). Various motion stimuli have been used to study the effects of first and second order motion, ft appears that first order motion sensitivity is localized to area VI, whereas second order motion is represented in areas V3 and VP, and area V5 and possibly areas V3a and V3b are involved in further processing of motion information, including the integration of motion signals of both types ( 108). Human area V3a appears to be different from its macaque counterparts in being relatively motion- selective when compared with area V3 ( 89). Eye Movements Pursuit eye movements during visual motion perception, while viewing sequences of random dot motion and moving dots under conditions of fixation or pursuit, highlighted a motion- specific area in the lateral occipitotemporal cortex ( V5). There was also activation in a region approximately 12 mm dorsal to area V5 ( 74). Voluntary saccades in light or dark and imagined sac-cades with electro- oculogram monitoring produced significant activation of the frontal eye field ( precentral and posterior medial frontal gyrus) in all conditions and the supplementary eye field ( superior frontal gyrus) during the voluntary condition. In addition, voluntary saccades activated the primary visual cortex, but imagined saccades did not ( 109). During visually guided saccades, bilateral activity was detected in the occipital cortex, the precentral sulcus, and the deep region of the intraparietal sulcus. This intraparietal area borders areas 39 and 40 of Brodmann and apparently corresponds to the human parietal eye field ( 110). Other Functions Visual perception and visual imagery may share a common neural anatomic substrate. During recall of a visual stimulus, focal signal changes were detected in areas VI and V2. It appears that processes involved in visual perception may also be applicable to visual imagery ( 111). When viewing the corners of a Kanizsa square, specific extrastriate regions primarily in the right hemisphere responded to illusory contour perception, an important aspect of perceptual grouping ( 112). On presentation of dissimilar images to the two eyes, perception alternates spontaneously between each monocular view ( i. e., binocular rivalry occurs). Fronto- parietal areas appear to play a central role in conscious perception biasing the content of visual awareness toward abstract internal representations of visual scenes, rather than simply toward space ( 113). Mental image generation asymmetrically activated the visual association cortex on the left side ( 114). During a test of differential sensitivity to faces, letter strings, and textures, faces primarily activated the fusiform gyrus bilaterally, letter strings the left occipitotemporal and inferior occipital sulci, and textures portions of the collateral sulcus. Thus, different regions of ventral extrastriate cortex are specialized for processing facial features and letter strings and are intermediate between earlier processing in striate and peristriate cortex and later lexical, semantic, and associative processing in downstream cortical regions ( 100). String length contrast alone was sufficient to account for the activation pattern in the medial visual cortex by word- like stimuli, when contrasted with single characters ( 115). METABOLIC EFFECTS The behavior of the fMRI signal in the visual cortex has significant implications for our understanding of brain metabolism. PET studies have demonstrated that visual activation results in an increased CBF and hyper-oxygenation, without a corresponding increase in the oxygen extraction fraction, but accompanied by an increased cerebral glucose metabolic rate ( 31). These features are compatible with anaerobic glycolysis. Furthermore, MRS studies on visual stimulation demonstrate increased glucose utilization with the accumulation of lactate in the visual cortex, which on continued stimulation subsequently declines, again indicative of anaerobic glycolysis initially ( 116,117). Therefore, it has been proposed that the initial MR activation signal represents an uncoupling between regional CBF and oxygenation and oxidative metabolism ( i. e., anaerobic glycolysis), but the subsequent return of the activation signal toward baseline at an interval that varies from 1 to 5 minutes is indicative of a return to oxidative metabolism through cerebral autoregulation ( 54- 59). During prolonged activation of the visual cortex by a video presentation, CBO- and CBF- sensitive fMRI recordings were monitored separately ( 54). Oxygen-sensitive recordings displayed an initial signal increase, followed by a subsequent signal decrease extending over 4 to 5 minutes, and a signal drop at the end of stimulation. However, flow sensitive recordings demonstrated that the in- flow effect remained elevated during the entire stimulation period. Thus, gradually decreasing CBO despite persisting elevation of CBF reflected an accumulation of deoxyhemoglobin caused by progressive up-regulation of oxidative metabolism after prolonged stimulation. Dynamic uncoupling and recoupling of perfusion and oxidative metabolism were observed by measuring changes in glucose consumption, lactate production, and CBO during prolonged neuronal activation using dynamic MRS and fMRI ( 57). After visual stimulation, a decrease of steady- state glucose by 40% because of enhanced use by 21 % was accompanied by a transient accumulation of lactate 2.5 minutes after stimulation onset. Again, nonoxidative glucose metabolism during functional activation was gradually complemented by a slow return to oxidative metabolism, with recoupling of perfusion and oxygen consumption at a new equilibrium. After stimulation of the visual cortex with photic stimuli of varying duration, a postactivation undershoot may occur during fMRI ( 54). However, the absence of an undershoot after longer stimulation periods provides further evidence of a gradual shift from an uncoupling between regional CBF and oxygen consumption toward a steady-state ( 118). ./ Neitro- Ophtlwlnml, Vol. 19, No. J, 1999 fMRI IN THE VISUAL SYSTEM 195 By contrast, other studies have suggested that the CBF and oxygen consumption remain constant during the entire time that primary visual cortical neurones are activated ( 60,61). In an fMRI study sensitized to flow and oxygenation changes as well as PET- sensitized to flow ( 60), several types of visual stimulation were used and flow and oxygenation were evaluated in separate time-course series as well as simultaneously using two different MRI methods. In most cases, the activation- induced increase in flow and oxygenation remained elevated for the entire stimulus duration, suggesting that flow rate and oxygen consumption remained constant during the activation period. In addition, a prolonged visual stimulation study using different MRI techniques and two different visual stimuli showed that the signal- time course from areas of significant activation remained largely elevated throughout the duration of stimulation, unaffected by the imaging method used ( 61). These data suggested that recoupling between blood flow and oxygen extraction was not a general phenomenon during extended visual stimulation. The interpretation of the discrepancy in these findings is difficult, especially because different studies use different experimental paradigms and imaging sequences. However, this is an important issue that may, in particular, offer an explanation for the nature of the fMRI signal. Hopefully, further metabolic studies will provide a solution. CLINICAL USAGE fMRI may be used in preoperative neurosurgical planning. Two patients with complex partial seizures referable to the temporal and occipital regions showed significant signal intensity changes up to 15% between the activated and resting conditions during repetitive photic stimulation near the surgical targets ( 21). Systematic fMRI studies in patients with vascular malformations adjacent to the primary visual cortex demonstrated displacement of the activated region and hemispheric asymmetry in the number of activated voxels in the functional region, which appeared to reflect the anatomic and physiologic impact of the vascular malformation. Changes in fMRI findings after intervention monitored the consequences of therapy and paralleled clinical recovery ( 23). After fMRI in two patients with a homonymous hemi-anopia, one after an established cerebral infarction and the other during the recovery phase from an episode of multiple sclerosis to a normal visual field, it was concluded that fMRI activation may prove to be a useful way of objectively measuring visual function. In the patient with infarction, the signal change was decreased on the affected side, whereas in the patient with multiple sclerosis the activations were within normal limits ( 119). In five patients with homonymous hemianopic visual field loss caused by retrochiasmal lesions, activation abnormalities were compatible with the visual field defect in three patients, but two patients with macular sparing showed symmetric responses ( 120). Dynamic susceptibility contrast imaging, also known as relative cerebral blood volume mapping, may provide further information about the hemodynamics after strokes. In a study of five patients with occipital infarction with visual field analysis, cortical activation mapping and dynamic susceptibility contrast imaging during full field visual stimulation demonstrated that fMRI techniques can accurately map functional and perfusion deficits and provide useful clinical information ( 14). Abnormal brain tissue function may extend beyond the limit of an infarct seen on conventional imaging, but by determining areas of spared cortex fMRI techniques may help to assess the efficacy of therapeutic interventions and improve rehabilitation strategies. After severe craniocerebral trauma affecting the optic radiations, a patient developed an incomplete macular splitting homonymous hemianopia with blind sight. The visual responsiveness of deafferrentcd VI was examined, when ipsilesional VI displayed no stimulus-related signal change, but activation was observed in ipsilesional extrastriate cortex ( 121). Thus, blind sight does not appear to depend on deafferrented striate cortex. In seven patients with visual field loss caused by lesions of the optic nerve and the optic chiasm, there appeared to be a correlation with failure of activation in that part of the striate cortex corresponding to the central visual field defect ( 122). In a patient with optic atrophy but central visual field sparing, it was claimed that the cortical activation pattern corresponded to the visual field loss ( 123), but this finding has been disputed largely on the grounds of anatomic localization ( 124). To determine the pathophysiology of dyslexia, fMRI was used to study visual motion processing in normal and dyslexic men ( 19). In all of the dyslexic patients, presentation of moving stimuli did not produce the same task- related functional activation in area V5- MT observed in controls. Stationary patterns produced equivalent activation in both groups. The relationship between brain activity and reading performance was explored in dyslexic patients, who showed reduced activity compared with controls in the primary visual cortex and in a secondary cortical visual area ( MT+) believed to receive a strong magno- cellular ( M)- pathway input ( 125). Significant correlations were found between individual differences in reading rate and brain activations. The results support the hypothesis for an M- pathway abnormality in dyslexia and imply a strong relationship between the integrity of the M- pathway and reading ability. Consistent with a chiasmal crossing anomaly in albinism is the finding in albino patients that monocular stimulation caused predominantly contralateral activation, whereas control subjects had symmetrical patterns of activation ( 20). In patients with schizophrenia, the mean signal intensity change in the primary visual cortex was significantly greater on photic stimulation than in normal controls, possibly reflecting structural brain changes or impairment of mitochondrial function or energy metabolism ( 16). In one patient with cortical Lewy body dementia who experienced persistent and vivid complex visual hallucinations, photic stimulation produced a normal bi- .1 Neuro- Ophllmlimil, Vol. 19. No. .(, 1999 196 R. M. McFADZEAN ET AL. lateral activation response in area VI when he was not hallucinating, but limited activation during hallucinations ( 17). Depressed subjects were studied while using positively and negatively balanced visual stimuli before and alter venlafaxine ( 18). Preliminary results suggested that I'MRI would be useful to study emotional processes in normal and depressed subjects and to examine the mechanisms of action of antidepressant drugs. These studies are indicative of I'MRI's potential for assessing brain abnormalities in psychiatric disorders and monitoring treatment. Pharmacologic induction of vasodilatation by acet-azolamide attenuated signal changes under photic stimulation, but there appeared to be a persisting autoregula-tory responsiveness to functional challenge ( 126). After cocaine infusion, it was possible to map dynamic patterns of brain activation and provide evidence of dynamically changing brain networks associated with cocaine-induced euphoria and craving, which affected a number of brain regions including the occipital cortex ( 127). Although cocaine infusion produced a small but definite decrease in global cortical CBF, visual stimulation resulted in comparable signal increases in visual cortex before and after cocaine and saline infusion ( 128). The elucidation of the effects of drugs on the central nervous system could be an important future use of fMRI. OTHER FUNCTIONAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES While detailed comparison with other functional imaging techniques in the visual cortex is beyond the scope of this review, it is possible to profitably allude to a few studies. Comparison with PET studies are interesting because it is known that the PET signal measures intraparenchy-mal changes in CBF. Primary visual cortical activation was evaluated using fMRI and H2 - l 50 PET in six male subjects visually stimulated by means of red LED flash goggles. The PET technique demonstrated substantially greater relative signal change on visual stimulation than the fMRI technique. The fMRI signal changes were concentrated in loci around the periphery of brain parenchyma exhibiting increased radiotracer activity. It was concluded that signal changes using fMRI based on gradient- echo techniques reflected primarily phenomena occurring within small veins and under- represented activity intrinsic to brain parenchyma, while PET directly measured changes in metabolically related activity within the parenchyma. This finding suggested potential inaccuracies in localization of activated brain tissue using fMRI ( 129). However, functional activation maps for the visual cortex have been obtained at a spatial resolution almost two orders of magnitude greater than achievable by PET and within measuring times of a few seconds using gradient- echo imaging at 2.0 Tesla ( 130). Cortical areas associated with face perception identified by PET and fMRI were in similar anatomic locations, but in addition fMRI revealed interindividual variation with greater anatomic precision ( 98). Comparison of activation findings with MEG and fMRI indicates that these techniques offer different, largely complementary capabilities. While fMRI offers excellent spatial resolution of < 1 mm, MEG has a temporal resolution measured in milliseconds. It is possible to treat MEG and fMRI data within a unified computational framework, fMRI precisely defining the locations of activation to regions and MEG the temporal dynamic ( 131). MEG studies of retinotopic representation in conjunction with anatomic MRI correlation have been carried out by presenting small pattern stimuli near the vertical and horizontal meridians. The results suggested that the representation of the horizontal meridian did not necessarily correspond in a one- to- one manner with the base of the calcarine fissure. Significant individual variability in the details of how area VI maps around the calcarine fissure was identified ( 132). FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS Using flow- sensitive fMRI with steady- state arterial water labeling, it is possible to measure the relative CBF increase during brain activation. On visual stimulation, CBF in the visual cortex increased by 17% to 35%. Such quantification facilitates comparative fMRI studies under different conditions ( 133). The use of magnetically variable tissue water proton spins as a freely diffusible tracer provides maps of absolute CBF changes ( delta CBF). The individual mean values of delta CBF measured in five healthy volunteers ranged from 69 ± 18 to 99 ± 26 ml/ minute per 100 g on visual stimulation with an alternating black and white checkerboard at 8 Hz ( 134). Since the advent of fMRI, there has been a continual improvement in spatial and temporal resolution. Using the latest scanners, it is possible to record activated signals with a spatial resolution of < 1 mm and a temporal resolution of < 1 second. Continued technologic development may enhance this performance. However, further investigations are required to localize in terms of mi-crovessels or macrovessels the magnetic effect responsible for the fMRI image and to develop understanding of the coupling between neuronal activity and CBF and oxygenation. Comparison with PET, MRS, and NIRS may elucidate some of the cerebral metabolic changes in response to activation experiments and in disease states. While functional imaging studies can localize cortical activations in response to different experimental paradigms, it is impossible to image the white matter interconnecting pathways ( e. g., the fronto- parieto- occipital connections during viewing of a moving scene). Nevertheless, with improved temporal resolution, it may be possible to infer the nature of higher cortical connections during activation processes. In general, fMRI is constrained to investigation of sustainable and reproducible activation, but attempts are being made to examine single events rather than repeated stimuli by more resolvable temporal analysis. The technique of magnetic source imaging combines the high spatial resolution of fMRI and MRI with the high temporal resolution of MEG in this respect ( 135). J Neiim- Ophlhalniol, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1999 fMRI IN THE VISUAL SYSTEM 197 REFERENCES 1. Bellivcau JW, Kennedy DN Jr, McKinstry RC, cl al. Functional mapping of the human visual cortex by magnetic resonance imaging. Science 1991; 254: 716- 9. 2. Rosen BR, Bellivcau JW, Aroncn HJ, et al. Susceptibility contrast imaging of cerebral blood volume: human experience. Magn Re-son Med 1991; 22: 293- 9. 3. Bclliveau JW, Kwong KK, Kennedy DN, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging mapping of brain function. Human visual cortex. Invest Radiol l992; 27( Suppl 2): S59- 65. 4. Kwong KK, Bclliveau JW, Chesler DA, et al. 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