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Show Journal of Neuro- Ophtlwlmology 18( 4): 258- 262, 1998. © 1998 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia Variability in Visual Cortex Activation During Prolonged Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Grant T. Liu, M. D., Douglas W. Fletcher, B. S., Rachel J. Bishop, B. S., Maureen G. Maguire, Ph. D., Graham E. Quinn, M. D., Phyllis Hendy, R. T. M. R., Robert A. Zimmerman, M. D., and John C. Haselgrove, Ph. D. This study was conducted to test whether cortical activation varies across successive epoques during functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI) studies. Ten normal adult volunteers were studied with a 1.5- T MR scanner. Pseudocoronal study planes were chosen perpendicular to the tentorium cerebelli, at two thirds the distance from the posterior edge of the splenium of the corpus callosum to the transverse sinuses. Functional images were acquired with a T2*- weighted spoiled gradient echo sequence. The visual cortex was stimulated by goggles flashing at 8 Hz. Each study consisted of 82 sequential scans, lasting 15 seconds each for a total of 20.5 minutes. Two scans without stimulation were alternated with two scans of visual stimulation. Scans 3 through 83 were divided into five sequences of 16 scans. For each sequence, the number of pixels within a predefined rectangular region of interest that showed increased activity during stimulation were counted. Least squares regression models of straight lines were fit to the data. The initial level of visual cortex activation in the region of interest, as measured by the y- intercept, varied substantially from subject to subject ( range: 4- 68, p < 0.001). There was sufficient evidence of systematic change with time to reject the hypothesis of constant activation with the same stimulus over time ( p = 0.02). The observed visual cortex activation with single- plane fMRI varied both with time over successive epoques and among subjects. Possible factors responsible for the variation may include head movement, eyelid position, attention, and physiologic fatigue. These factors must be accounted for in experimental design and in data analysis and interpretation. Manuscript received February 10, 1998; accepted June 18, 1998. From the Neuro- ophthalmology Service ( G. T. L.), Radiology Department ( R. J. B., D. W. F., P. H., R. A. Z., J. C. H.), and Division of Ophthalmology ( G. E. Q.) of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Science Eye Institute ( G. T. L., M. G. M., G. E. Q.); and the Departments of Neurology ( G. T. L.), Ophthalmology ( G. T. L., M. G. M, G. E. Q.), and Radiology ( R. A. Z.), University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Supported, in part, by The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ethel Foerderer Fund for Excellence ( G. T. L., R. A. Z., J. C. H.), the University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation ( G. T. L.), and Grant R21 EY10964 ( M. G. M.) from the National Eye Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, U. S. A. Address correspondence to Grant T. Liu, M. D., Division of Neuro-ophthalmology, Department of Neurology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, U. S. A. Key Words: Functional magnetic resonance imaging- Visual cortex. Functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI) is rivaling positron emission tomography ( PET) and single photon emission computed tomography ( SPECT) in the ability to provide functional neuroanatomic information. Additionally, fMRI is nonionizing and noninvasive, allowing repeated testing without exposing patients to radioactive substances ( 1). fMRI has already proved to be a highly valuable research and clinical tool. Several investigators have used it to study striate ( 2- 6), extrastriate ( 7), motor ( 8) and auditory cortices ( 9), and language lateralization ( 10) in humans. Gadolinium ( 1 1) was used in one of the first successful fMRI studies of visual cortex, but subsequent investigators have used blood oxygen level- dependent contrast ( 12) to identify areas of cortical activity in gradient-echo MR images. Neuronal activation is associated with an increase in local blood flow ( 13) and volume with little or no change in oxygen consumption ( 14). The resultant increase in venous oxygenation causes an increase in MR signal ( 14). During fMRI, blood oxygen level- dependent studies, two sets of magnetic resonance images are acquired, one set during a functional activity (" on"), and the other with the patient resting (" off"). The sets are compared to identify any changes suggestive of an increase in local blood flow associated with brain activation ( 15). Ordinarily, on and off sets are alternated during a single fMRI study, which usually lasts just a few minutes. In more complex studies ( cognitive studies, e. g.), several functional activities may be performed over a more extended period. One group of investigators ( 16) demonstrated the " feasibility and value of conducting multiple functional paradigms in single sessions." Because of the important methodologic implications, several investigators have studied visual cortex activation during prolonged sustained stimulation, and the results have been inconsistent ( 17- 19). We studied the stability 258 FUNCTIONAL MRl OF VISUAL CORTEX 259 of visual cortex activation in a different manner, over successive epoques, because ordinarily, on and off sets are alternated during single fMRI studies. METHODS Ten normal adult volunteers were studied ( age range, 22- 35 years). Two were women, and eight were men. Subjects were placed supine in a 1.5- T MR scanner ( Siemens Magnetom Vision; Erlangen, Germany). Closely fitting foam pads were placed around their heads to discourage movement. Task Visual stimulation was obtained by using light- proof binocular goggles with a 5 x 5 array of red light- emitting diodes flashing at 8 Hz ( model S10VSB: Grass Instruments; Quincy, MA). Subjects performed the passive task of lying in the MR with goggles over the eyes. They were instructed to keep the eyelids open during the stimulation periods, but eyelid position was not monitored. The subjects were told to stay awake throughout the session. To ensure compliance, they were given the active task of squeezing a rubber ball each time the lights were turned on. The ball was connected by a rubber tube to a bell in the monitor's room. In this way, it was confirmed by the monitor that all subjects remained awake throughout the study. Imaging Method Several research groups have used a plane through the calcarine fissure to study visual cortex activation ( 11). We found this to be an unreliable and inconsistent method for several reasons: First, the calcarine fissure is rarely flat and commonly bends at least once ventrally or dorsally. Second, frequently, there is interhemispheric asymmetry in the position of the left and right fissures. Third, there is wide intersubject difference in the first and second variables. The combination of these factors made imaging the visual cortex in one plane a difficult task, and the amount of visual cortex included in the plane varied from person to person. Instead, in an attempt to obtain anatomically consistent views across volunteers, each was studied with pseudocoronal planes. Tl- weighted parasagittal scout images ( recovery time [ TRj, 300 msec; echo time [ TE], 15 msec; alpha, 90°; matrix, 256 x 256; slice thickness = 5 mm) were obtained for anatomic localization. Another Tl- weighted image was obtained in a pseudocoronal plane perpendicular to the tentorium cerebelli, two thirds the distance from the posterior edge of the sple-nium of the corpus callosum to the transverse sinuses and was labeled the pseudocoronal anatomic image ( Fig. I A). This method insured that the plane was posterior to the parieto- occipital sulcus. For the activation studies, an oblique 5- mm thick axial slice was aligned in the same position as the pseudocoronal anatomic image. The functional images were acquired with a T2*- weighted spoiled- gradient echo sequence ( TR, 100 msec; TE, 60 msec; alpha, 30°; matrix, 128 x 128; and field of view [ FOV], 22- 24 cm). Shimming of the scanner occurred before the functional studies for each subject. Each study consisted of 82 sequential scans, lasting 15 seconds each, for a total of 20.5 minutes. The sequence alternated two scans ( 30 seconds) of no activation ( resting baseline) with two scans of activation ( flashing lights in both eyes simultaneously), for 20 periods each of active and resting states. To study the possibility that our results could be caused by instrumental factors, the experiment was also performed with a phantom. Data Analysis All images were transferred to a commercial system ( Sun SPARC station 1; Sun Microsystems; Mountain View, CA). The first two images were discarded to insure that a steady state had been achieved. For each subject, five activation maps were calculated using successive sets of 16 images. Visual inspection of the images displayed rapidly was performed. In addition, the centroid of each image was calculated and plotted versus time to monitor movement in the x- and y- planes. The area of each image was calculated and plotted versus time to gauge through- plane movement. No motion correction was performed on the data set. An image processing routine written in IDL ( Interactive Data Language; Research Systems; Boulder, CO) created a statistical parametric map. To calculate the statistical parametric map, the baseline images and the activated images of the time course of the functional images were divided into two groups and subjected to Student's /- test on a pixel- by- pixel basis. The threshold value was chosen by calculating the 1% significance level for all 80 images of each patient using the processing strategy described by Requardt ( 20). Within the pseudocoronal anatomic Tl images, a rectangular region of interest ( ROI) containing calcarine cortex in both hemispheres was selected for each subject ( Fig. IB). The ROIs were determined anatomically without reference to activation. Control ROIs of identical size were selected from the cerebellum. For each statistical parametric map, the number of pixels with /- values above the threshold of p = 0.01 were counted within the ROI ( Fig. 1C). Least squares regression models of straight lines were fit to the data to evaluate the relationship between the level of activated pixels in the ROI and the time since the beginning of the testing session. The regression models that were evaluated included i) a separate intercept and a separate slope for each subject, ii) a separate intercept for each subject and a common slope for all subjects, and iii) a common intercept and common slope. F-tests comparing the residual variance from alternative models were used to test whether additional parameters individual slopes or intercepts) should be included ( 21). RESULTS Review of plots of the level of activated pixels versus time showed substantial variation among volunteers ( Fig. 2). Comparison of the three statistical models of the data showed two important features of the response pattern of the 10 participants: First, the overall level of activation, ./ Neum- Ophllwhiml, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1998 260 G. T. LIU ET AL. characterized by the ^- intercept, varied significantly among participants ( p < O. OOl), ranging from 4 to 68 pixels in the ROI with a mean of 34. Second, a unique slope for each person did not provide a significantly improved fit of the data compared with the fit of a common slope for all participants ( p = 0.29). In some volunteers, the slope was positive, and in others it was negative. In all 10 volunteers, there was little or no activation in the cerebellum. These comparative data suggest that the blood oxygen level- dependent signal changes in the visual cortex truly represented stimulus- related cortical activation and were not artifactual. In the phantom experiment, no consistent grouping of the ( approximately 1%) of pixels above the threshold occurred. This confirmed that our data genuinely reflected a change in activation of visual cortex and that there was no machine variability that could account for it. Slight head motion was detected in all volunteers. The average range of motion of the centroids in the x direction was 0.83 mm ( range, 0.53- 1.12 mm), whereas the average range of motion of the centroids in the y-direction was 2.1 mm ( range, 1.03- 2.84 mm). The average change in image area, reflecting through- plane movement, was 4.2% ( range, 1.5- 8.8%). DISCUSSION In our single- plane study, visual cortex activation varied across successive epoques when volunteers stimulated with flash goggles were studied using fast low-angle shot ( FLASH) fMRI. Results of the studies of previous groups have been contradictory. Hathout et al. ( 17) performed uninterrupted visual stimulation by flash goggles for 18 to 24 minutes and found a decrease in signal intensity in visual cortex 2 to 5 minutes after the initial peak in activation. In another study by Kranda et al., ( 18) when subjects viewed flashing vertical gratings for 4 minutes, there was an immediate increase in signal measured in visual cortex, followed by an exponential decline for the remaining stimulation period. In contradistinction, Howseman et al. ( 19) found stable activation by checkerboard stimuli using echo- planar and FLASH techniques, and they suggested that discrepancies in results may be caused by the use of different stimuli and not by the imaging method. Although the use of flash goggles, rather than checkerboard stimuli, may have accounted for a change in < FIG. 1. A: Sagittal T1 - weighted image from one of the volunteers. A line was drawn through the tentorium cerebelii ( 1). At two thirds the distance from the posterior edge of the splenium of the corpus callosum ( 2) to the transverse sinuses ( 3), a pseudocoronal plane was selected ( 4). B: Pseudocoronal image, T1 - weighted corresponding to plane described in ( A). A rectangular region of interest ( ROI) is drawn around visual cortex. C: Activation of visual cortex within the pseudocoronal plane, blood oxygen level-dependent technique, displayed over T1- anatomic image with ROI ( B). In this case, the statistical parametric map was calculated using the first 16 images. Activated pixels represent those with a /- test value above the threshold of p = 0.01. ./ Ncuio- Ophihulmol. Vol. IN, No. 4. 1998 FUNCTIONAL MRI OF VISUAL CORTEX 261 FIG. 2. Data for all 10 volunteers. V- axis: number of pixels activated within the pseudocoronal plane in a rectangular region of interest containing visual cortex; X- axis: time ( minutes). Each diamond represents the data point for each activation map, of which there were five for each volunteer during the study period. activation, there are several other explanations that must be considered, including head movements, habituation of cortical neurons, varied attention to the stimulus, and eyelid position. Head movements may have accounted for the signal variation in our study. Although the cine loop can detect large head movements within the plane of the image, small movements may be missed. Our analysis of the centroid position and image area over time suggested that some slight head movements occurred. Motion correction algorithms currently exist, but these are more applicable to three- dimensional data sets. Retinal photoreceptors ( 22) and neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus ( 23) do not fatigue during continuous light stimulation. However, in animals, intracellular recordings have demonstrated that striate cortical neurons can adapt during prolonged viewing of high- contrast sinusoidal gratings ( 24). In visual evoked potential studies in humans performed over several minutes or hours, the PI00 latency and amplitude can remain relatively stable ( 25), but in some instances a decrease in the amplitude can be observed with passing time ( 26). Alternatively, changes in level of activation may be explained by variable attention to the visual stimulus. Hypervigilance may have accounted for the increase in activation seen in three of our volunteers, whereas decreased attention during the task in the other volunteers may have resulted in a decrease in activation. Participants in other studies ( 19) tested with a checkerboard pattern, perhaps a more interesting stimulus, may have had stable activation with passing time because they were more attentive during the prolonged study. Changes in eyelid position may also have accounted for some of the signal variation. Although subjects were instructed to keep their eyes open during the visual stimulation periods, we had no way of monitoring this. In addition, the interpersonal variability in the amount of visual cortex activation was striking. It is possible that variable activation is a real phenomenon, but anatomic variation in striate cortex is likely a contributory factor. Our pseudocoronal planes produced more consistent images through visual cortex than axial planes would have allowed. However, we still could not guarantee that exactly the same portion of striate cortex was imaged from subject to subject. Ross et al. ( 27) demonstrated differences in visual cortex activation in younger versus older J Neuro- Ophllmlmol, Vol. IS, No. 4, I99S 262 G. T. LIU ET AL. subjects. However, our volunteers were all in a younger age group. Variability in visual cortex activation, for which there are several possible reasons, must be accounted for in fMRI experimental design and in data analysis and interpretation. Quantitative intersubject comparisons and those of visual tasks performed at the beginning and end of long study sessions may not be valid. Every attempt must be made to reduce head movements. Acquiring the data in three- dimensions is more desirable to allow the application of motion correction programs. 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