Student feedback measures: meta-analysis

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Publication Type report
School or College College of Humanities
Department Communication
Author Anderson, James A.
Title Student feedback measures: meta-analysis
Date 2013-03
Description This study was presented as an interim report from the Chair of the Student Course Feedback Oversight Committee to the oversight committee and to the Academic Senate Executive Committee in April, 2012. Over the ensuing year it has been updated with additional analyses and is provided here as a final report. It being presented to the University community at large because it reveals important characteristics about student feedback responses that cannot be seen on the usual course by course basis on which such measures are typically engaged. The findings of this study have critical implications for the use of student feedback measures in merit, retention, promotion, and tenure matters. The author would like to acknowledge the help and support of Vice-President for Faculty, Amy Wildermuth, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Mark St. Andre, Manager of Student Feedback, Jill Stephenson, ACS Analyst, Camille Wintch, OBIA Analyst, Joyce Garcia, Professor Paul Gore and Professor Janet Colvin. I wish to express my appreciation to my reviewers both of the statistical approaches taken and of the interpretations provided. My thanks too are extended to the University administrators and staff members who made the work possible. Errors are the sole responsibility of the author.
Type Text
Subject Student feedback; Faculty retention; Faculty promotion; Faculty tenure
Language eng
Rights Management ©James A. Anderson
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 2,132,774 Bytes
Identifier ir-eua/id/3135
ARK ark:/87278/s6fn4588
Setname ir_eua
ID 214165
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