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Show Snow Safety Guide No. 2 is not intended to be an operations manual or to instruct observers. The basic information on techniques can be found in Chapter 6 of " Snow Avalanches" ( USDA Handbook No. 194). A later Snow Safety Guide will discuss modern methods and techniques of observation in more detail. Much useful information on weather observations and associated instrumentation will also be found in two other publications which should be available to snow and avalanche observers. One is " Weather Bureau Observing Handbook No. 2, Substation Observations", First Edition 1970 ( U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 75<) - The other is Agriculture Handbook No. 224, " Field Manual for Research in Agricultural Hydrology" ( U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.). Another useful publication, which describes international standards for observing and reporting snow, is IASH- UNESC0 Joint Publication No. 6, " Seasonal Snow Cover". This manual is available for $ 3.00 from the General Secretary, International Association of Scientific Hydrology, Braamstraat 61, Gentbrugge, Belgium. This instrumentation manual has been compiled and edited by Edward R. LaChapelle, Avalanche Hazard Forecaster, Wasatch National Forest. Extensive contributions and suggestions have been made by M. Martinelli, Jr., Arthur Judson, R. A. Schmidt, and Knox Williams of the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. |