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Show ( Page 3) SNOW AVALANCHES Handbook of Forecasting and Control Measures Translated from the English by G. G. Shinkar Introduction and Editing by G. K„ Tushinskii Publishing House " Progress" Moscow 1964 ( Page k) This book was published by the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture of the U. S. A. In it are given accounts of the methods of forecasting avalanches which are practiced in America, measures observed for the advance warning of the collapse of snow, techniques of safety in work against avalanches, anti- avalanche structures, and rescue work. The book has special interest for specialists devising and implementing mechanical defences from snowslides, and also for a great many mountain- climbers and skiers. ( Pages 5- 8) Foreword At the present time in the Soviet Union there is taking place an intensive economic development of many areas subject to dangerous avalanches. In high-mountain regions mining of minerals is in progress, and industrial units, roads, hydroelectric stations, large rest centers, and centers for tourists, mountain-climbers and skiers are under construction. In the last few years the number of skiers and tourists visiting these regions has sharply increased. Huge sports complexes are now in use, which attract thousands of participants and hugh numbers of spectators. However, the construction in the mountain regions often is carried out |