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Show Variation of natural gas feeding rate into the dimple results in various length of the combustion zone behind the dimple. So, for relatively small values of gas supply rate, the combustion zone is confined only inside the dimple. As the gas supply rate Ug increases, the combustion zone is no longer confined in the dimple but propagates downstream the dimple (Figure 6). Moreover, for the large values of Ug, the combustion zone behind the dimple has a longer extension. The variation of free stream velocity U0 from 10 m/s to 30 m/s leaves the flame stabilization unaffected. In this case, only height of the combustion zone beyond the dimple is subject to change. Figure 6. D E P E N D E N C E O F C O M B U S T I O N Z O N E SIZES O N T H E RELATIONSHIP B E T W E E N INJECTED G A S V E L O C I T Y Ug A N D FREE STREAM VELOCITY U0: 1 - Ug/U0«\; 2 - Ug/U0<\; 3 - Ug/U^l; The variation of the channel height of the experimental installation also exerts a slight influence on combustion process and flame stabilization. For a relative channel height H/d=0.\-0.3, the combustion zone occupies virtually the entire, with respect to the height, cross section of the working part (Figure 7). 511P Figure 7. COMBUSTION ZONE IN A CONSTRICTED CHANNEL (H/d*0.l): 1 - COMBUSTION ZONE, 2 - SPHERICAL DIMPLE, 3 - CHANNEL WALL 8 |