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Title A sociological study of Mexican assimilation in Salt Lake City
Publication Type thesis
School or College College of Social and Behavioral Science
Department Sociology
Author Allen, Joseph E.
Date 1947
Description The mere act of migration does not make a foreigner into a real member of a new community or a new nation. Consciously or unconsciously one takes much of the old group to the new. He carries his nationality with him wherever he may go. He will forget it or change it only with the passing of time and with the aid of many people and as the result of many things. But until he does he is still a stranger in a strange land. He is still a foreigner to his new nation. He has not been assimilated.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Mexicans -- Utah -- Salt Lake City; Assimilation (Sociology)
Dissertation Name Master of Science
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Joseph E. Allen
Format application/pdf
Format Medium application/pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s6xh41rv
Setname ir_etd
ID 1381461
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Title Page 74
Format application/pdf
Setname ir_etd
ID 1381535
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