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Title Chloridizing roasting tests on gold, silver, and copper
Publication Type thesis
School or College College of Mines & Earth Sciences
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Author Keep, Glenn A.
Contributor Goodwin, Robert J.
Date 1912
Description The object of the work was an endeavor to find a practical process for the treatment of lowgrade gold and silver ores, which are refractory to modern methods, and also to increase the extraction of copper in our present inefficient copper concentrating; plants. Hydro-metallurgy seemed to offer the best and most practical solution of the problem. The process upon which the experimental work is based consists briefly in first subjecting the ore to a chloridizing roast, thus converting the metals into chlorides, in which form the metals can be extracted by leaching. Before presenting details of the work, however, a brief outline of the old processes and methods will be given, showing what has already been accomplished in the hydro-metallurgy of gold, silver, and copper.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Gold -- Metallurgy; Silver -- Metallurgy; Copper -- Metallurgy
Dissertation Name Master of Science
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Glenn A. Keep, Robert J. Goodwin
Format application/pdf
Format Medium application/pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s67m4cdb
Setname ir_etd
ID 1339636
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Title Page 53
Format application/pdf
Setname ir_etd
ID 1339689
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