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Show t 18 l [I9] Parliaments to do in that Cafe, is the Duty of the General Atlbtztbly here to do -, and thote that fuller in the Defence of the Liberties of this Country,_ by the Arbitrary Proceedings of judges, or other Men in Power, have ‘a Right to fly to their Protcétion, and it highly concerns them, to do what in them lvcs, to put 3 Check upon thole Men, whole Aellons not only have a plant '1 tendency. to put Chains upon the People, but alto to lubrert the very Fountl.!*ion of all the Rights and Liberties of the Country. lf thele Thtnqs are {ME-w , then it may be find, Yhe (lying Liherticr of dComitry are (It their lo/l (:njp! ltthe Arbitrary Will of Men islet up l" the Chief Seat of lulltee, and the Law it fell is made to bow down before it, and Lawyers arc- lilcnccd for (laI'CiI)§{ to undertake its Defence; If the Caufe of the Opprelled is Condemned unheard, and the Law it {elf not {offered to {peak in his Favour :, Jr" the lejnrc or Difpleofztrc or a Court is declared to be the Rule of Rizht and \Vrong, inttead of the known Laws of the Land, It 15 then high '3 ime for the C tardians of the Laws and Liberties of a People, to tile up and exert thcnltlvt s, in a vigorous Difchargc of their great 'I'ruf‘r. 4! at. We areloath to declare whatwe thinkthefeGentlemen deletrc :Wewilh their Amendment, not their Deflruétion. But we humbly rcquell that this Hattie Would come to {itch Refolutions upon this Cale, as they lhall think jul'c and nccelliu‘y, for the l'refeti'ation of the Rights and Liberties of the Pimple -, that loch Mealures may be taken, as, that we may be rellorcd to the st;rty of our l'rafi'ce ; that our Clients may have that Sermce from us, which they have a Reht to demand -, and the Publick Adminil'tration Ofyl‘lll'lCC‘, that Help which we are able to allord 3 and that we. may have the Means of common Jnlticc, For Recoverinfz fuch Damages from thcfeGentlemen as we have fullered, or {hall tuner, until WC are reftoted to our Employments. New-York, fS'. N Ohedicnce to an Order of the Honourab le the General A cmlrl do 1 Day of Odober loll, James Alexande r and William Shiith yheingt21%;;in UlZ-tlx' holy Eomrgeli/lr, on their Oath do declare, That the prohecding Pape r (ontaint (2 true, full and comp/cat Copy of the Complaint which they offered to the Committee of Grim/Ulcer, again/l the 7ndg er of the Snprezzm Court, and of all that they ofored andfold hcfore the foid Comm ittee on thngdD/Iy of Ofiober la/l at the Honfc of MrJohn D'ho nneur, hylezy of Complaint again/l the faid Pfndg er , to the lie/l of the Knowledge of thefc Dcpouentr. EXC EPT that in the 22d Porogroph fhme lVordr ore infertcd hetween thcfc lllzzrlzr I: ] which were dcflgned to have lreen aid in llJ/IK Place, lint they believe they were h} Mi/lo lee omitted to lie fpoken. And EICEPT that the Word: Mr. Chairman were ofrne r jpola proceeding Copy. And EXCEPT/bore Word; fpohen exte en than what appear; liy the mpore, the Sull/lmzcerf which they hellfire lJ‘ contained in the Margin/ll Note on the [rt/l Paragraph. And EXCEPT the Marginal Note: 12nd Numhcrr of the Porogmph r, which have been flnce added The Deponenrt DECLAR ING, that what they fillll extcmpore, hefore and after the: Complaint, in excepting to firmly Philipfe'r heing oneofthe Comm ittee, and other Excepti ons than made cxtempore, not having hem reduced to l'Vrit ing hefore they were oflhi'ed, they do not e/lccm any Port of their foid Comploin t 3 neither is it in their Power to reme mhcr exoélly what wax find on that Oral/ion, nor do they conceive it 70/15 the Intention of the General Afli'mhly, to order the Deliv ery of a Copy of that to the j‘udger. Andfarther the Deponcntt fa} not. Sworn the Twenty leventh Day of December, 1 735. q 42. Thole Things, by Law, we think we have an undoubted Right to demand -, and as Members ofthe Community reprelented In this Crneral At. lcutbly, WC conceive we have a Right to have redrels'd in this Way; and have no realonable Prolprét of fpeedy Relief in any other. If we had, we fhould not have waited for the Sitting of the General Atl‘embly. We defire nothing from this honourable Houfe, which is not in their Power to bellow, and which, fr0m the Juflnefs of our Caufe, we hope we have the hitzhel't Rea- fon to e'xpeé‘t. We trull that no Power or Interell (that we expat? will he warm- , 1y nppnfed to to) will be able to fmother or (title our Complaint, or delay the Relief we leek for. The Duty that we owe to our Country, our Clients. and Out Families, demanded this Application. And if we have any Ways err'd in the Matter or Manner of it, we hope the Importance of the Caufc, and our great Suderings, will excule it. 1 43. 'Tis not long fince one of us, had the Honour to be called upon, to give an Opinion upon an important Point before this Houle; what Influence that Service may have had upon the Caule of the prefent Complaint, is hard for us to determine 3 but our Hope is, that our Country, whole Good we have always {incerely confulted 5 * and as we have been called upon, salami if; have publickly ferved, Will not_ deny us its Proteétion, nor "a, ,M that fuller us to be crulhed for our faithful Adherence to its lute-tells Opinion was ommca and " and bench thcharg e of our Duty., given upon his Sincerify and Honour. Before Uu S. fohnfon. Ia. Alexander. Wm- Smith. |