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Show [I] WWW?@$7§WW@S‘§WWWW@WWWW? The Complaint of 7am: Alexander and William Smith; to the Committee of ~ the General Afl'embly of the Colony of New-York (Tc. Mr. Chairman 5 1 éimT ie With the utmof't Regret, that we attend this ComI mittee 1n the Quality of Complainants; but the Matter ' fig 5." of It too nearly affeéts us- and the Liberties of this %¥gfi Country; to be buried in Silence. Had our perfonal Interefls been folely concerned, we might have relied in " _ a patient Expefianon of aperfonal Remedy in fome other Way : But when the Liberties of a Country are at Stake, and the Civil Enjoyments of a People fap'd at the very Foundation of them, it behoves every Man that loves hié Country to cry out and give public/e Warning of the Danger. This Duty incumbent upon all, engages us in particular, to'inform you, That in the Term of yipril lafi, we, in the Cafe ofjrolan Peter Zenger, then depending in the Supream Court, filed Exceptions to the Commiflions of the Iufiices thele : The Tenour ‘ ‘ whereof follows. The Attorney General, _ againfi g Upon an Information for a Mifdemeanour. 70hr: Peter Zengzr. ' Exceptions humbly Offered by john Peter Zenger, ‘fiuh Rules and Order: in the fluid Court, as may he to the Power of the Honourable 7am: De Lam-9y, "final :anwnient and ufeful. and a: near a: niav he a. "(1; to judge in this Caufe. ‘ ‘grteahle to the Rule: anl Orders of Our Leurts of . . ‘ King's Bench, Common Pleas: and Ezehequer in EngThe Defendant comes and prays Hearing of the ‘ land. Ta have held and enjoy the/aid Oflite or Place Commimon, by Virtue of which the Honourable ‘ of Chitf7uflire in and ever Our/aid Fromm-e, with flames De Lanny, Efq; claims the Power and Au- ‘ all and jingular the Rights, Priviledge: Profit: thority to judge in thié Caitfe, and it is' read unto ‘ Advantagu, Salaries, Fee: and Ptrquzfireeunta the him in thefe Wbrds; ‘fiu'd Plate whinging, or in any Way: appertaining, in ‘ as full and ample Manner a: any Per/an hiretafore ‘ G E0 RG E the fit-end, by the Grareef God, of " Great Britain, France 8 Ireland, King, Defender ‘ Chitf jig/fire of Our flid Province hath held and en‘ja til, or of Right ought to have held and enjoyed the L "f1," Hit/hat. To Our trifiy 8 welheloved James L De Lallccv, Efq; Greeting We rope/in; efpecialefl 8 ‘ am, To you the fizid james De Lancev. for and ‘ DURING OUR WILL AND PLEASURE- In L C‘J'lfidfnte inyaur Integrity, Ability U Learninngue ‘ Tiff/many whereef We have :aufid the/v 010' Lfftfrs In L " tgned, rmfiituted and appointed, and We 4: by ‘ be made Patent, and thegreatheal of Our/4111.?"- ‘ Ilia/e Prefer": uflign, wrflitute and appointyau thcfiid ‘ vying: of New-York to be heyeu'nlo tufted. ‘ ]ames De Luncey, to be Chief jig/ii" in and truer ‘ Our‘trqfly and write/00M Willi-am L‘mbv, Efi1;0ur ‘ our Pro-wince vaew-York, in Ameriu,in the Room ‘ Captain General and Gowrnaur m Cluefaf Our P".- Witne/E " afLew'is Moris, E/Il; Giving and Ivy the/3 Prefenis ‘ vim" of New-York.. New-jerfevz and .Tern- ‘ granting unto you, full Power and lawful Authority, | ‘ torie: thereon‘dspmemg In America, Vite (flurry of ‘ to hear, try and determine all Plea: whatfiwer, ti-vil, ‘ the flame, 8 Lalanel in Our Army, Sac. at Fir: xeurge ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ eriminnl and mitt, awarding to the Law:, Statute: l ‘ in New-York, the Twenty fir/f Day of Auysulzl‘ m the and Cit-[1am of Our Kingdom of England, 1144 the ‘fewnth Year ofOur Reign, 8 Anno Domini, 1733. Laws andUa er a 0M? aid Province 0 New- otk, _ . no! hing 78415711"; Hitherto, and Execution of all _ Which being read and heard, the find john Peter ‘ judgment: a)" rim- faid (‘nurz to award, and ta make ' Zenger, by Protefl‘ation got confefling "0" "my" ‘ - _ mg |