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Show VIENNA, AUSTRIA, 1908, 1910191 12 always dubfou as to just how much he was listening. Taking full advan e time, along with visiting the numerous art museumsavailable to him hcwflszblzmgn&nf\u!hn nowledg and experfence was now attending the Kunstgewerbe Schule,a fine art school o ‘"Pm‘mrs(and ing in Wien. Some of hfs drawfng from here have been reroduced fn this volume, but by no means hav I been able to locat al Threu h the influenc of thefr amfable landlord, Fatherand Mothe had the opportunit of viewingat close hand one of the most celebrate "fldm1gn1flmn(e{1llparadsseve < held which took place o thesreet side from what Father had already writte i hr;Amomowphymmm:flgxlmpmmmn,huflm hand descriptio of Vienna, June 3,1 carade st celebrationo Frans Josefsdtfech anniversar "(hurulvuvcrAuxtrizv,\SaS 1908, It represente the history of Vien i bydescendant of the Royal family at th ime reprexemed ey were all in costumes correctly made fn ever aTmnb Cohn whomake the costumes forall the theatrical companies u Pattve dress, Ave about Hfty provincesso that made big sho fn tslf They were dressed very elegantly and were even more brillfant tha the dresso the ancients escribin an amusin incident that took place July 24, l903lvl{a(hs they shake hands,say ‘Goten Tag' and kiss the hand. We had our hand kissed abou teveryot elmmutc w that the summer months were fast growing toaclose,an wit much '\unmpl(xhrd during thclr ‘primary pilgrimage to Vienna, Fathe |