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Show 6 Bulletin No. 173 therefore, be kept in mind that exact yields cannot be given too much weight. It will be much safer to take the results as a whole rather than any one figure or point in the curves. In studying the curves the actual average yields for the different irrigations are shown by the dotted lines, while the heavy line represents a medium yield obtained by considering the average of the greater number of tests to be nearer to the true average than the average of a fewer number and weighting accordingly. A one- year test is not given the same weight in arriving at a point for the heavy curve to pass through as a test covering several years. RESULTS WITH SUGAR BEETS* The tests with sugar- beets extended over the entire 17 years of the experiment. Some of the treatments were given during but one year and should not, therefore, be given so much weight as in cases where the experiment was carried on during more years. Table II gives the yield of beets for various quantities of water from 21/-) up to 96 acre- inches. The results are shown graphically in Figure 3. An examination of the table and curve shows that the yield increases with an increased application of water up to about 30 Table II. Yield of Sugar- beets with Various Quantities of Irrigation Water. Total of 200 Trials extending through 17 Years. Acre- inches Number of Number of Yield in Tons Water Trials Years per Acre None 8 8 12.18 2% 3 3 13.43 5 35 17 15.58 IVz 8 3 15.70 10 37 17 19.41 i2y2 7 7 20.60 15 38 17 21.05 17% 2 2 21.26 20 16 16 21.96 22% • 1 1 18.98 25 3 3 19.53 27% 1 1 24.00 30 10 10 20.38 32% 7 7 20.38 35 1 1 23.51 40 1 1 22.65 45 2 2 23.00 50 9 9 24.54 55 1 1 18.26 65 5 5 15.94 96 5 5 1 12.95 * For more complete discussion see Utah Station Bulletin No. 156. |