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Show 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 o USGS Gauging Station Colorado R. near Cameo, Co. Gunnison R. near Grand Junction, Co Dolores R. near Cisco, Ut. Colorado R. near Cisco, Ut. Green R. near Green River, Wy. Green R. near Greendale, Ut. Yampo R. near May bell, Co. Duchesne R. neor Randlett, Ut. White R. near Watson, Ut. Green R. at Green River, Ut. San Rafael R. near Green River, Ut. San Juan R near Bluff, Ut. Colorado R. near Lee's Ferry, At. Colorado R. below Grand Canyon, Az. Colorado R. below Hoover Dam, Az. Paria R. above confluence with Colorado R. 17 Dirty Devil R. near Hanksville, Ut. N E V A D Los Vegas CA LI FOR NI A A>: i> i Fig. 2 Colorado River Basin, showing major tributaries, reservoirs, USGS gauging stations, and relative location of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. ( Adapted from Moody and Mueller, 1984.) 8 |