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Show INTRODUCTION These Guidelines have been developed as part of the NOxA/OC Management Plan issued in 1991 by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME). The Guidelines, to be finalized in mid-1997, propose nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission limits for new commercial/industrial boilers and heaters and cement kilns, and make certain recommendations on emission reductions from existing plants which are being modified or upgraded. Regional or provincial regulatory authorities could decide to impose stricter standards in response to local air quality problems. The Guidelines were prepared through extensive consultation among industry, governments and environmental groups. Principles that were considered to be important were those of pollution prevention, energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness and a comprehensive view towards minimizing various emissions including greenhouse gases. The first section of this paper deals with the development of the Guideline for commercial/industrial boilers and heaters, while the subsequent section addresses the cement kiln industry. a) DEVELOPMENT OF A CCME NATIONAL GUIDELINE FOR COMMERCIAUINDUSTRIAL BOILERS AND HEATERS The working group for boilers and heaters was established in 1993. It was composed of 24 members representing industry, manufacturers, environmental groups, and regional, provincial and federal governments. The group met several times annually over the next three years to develop the emission Guideline. An independent contract study was required to provide background material from which the working group could make recommendations on emission limits and technologies. This document, entitled "Background Document for the Development of a National Guideline for N O x Emissions from N e w or Modified Commercial/Industrial Boilers and Heaters" (ref. 2), included: • a description of the characteristics and uses of the commercial/industrial boilers and heaters, • a national inventory according to capacity, sector, fuel type, fuel utilization and N O x emission rate, • NOx emission reduction technology options, assessed in terms of effectiveness, cost, and impact on energy consumption and other pollutants, • options for verifying emission reduction performance, and for the form of N O x emission limits (input-based, output-based), • NOx emission standards in other jurisdictions (Europe and the United States), • possible emission reduction approaches, and • the rationale for, and the recommendations by, working group 1 for the Guideline. Boilers and Heaters in Canada For the purpose of the Guideline, boilers and heaters were defines as follows: Boiler: Any combustion equipment fired with fossil fuel, biomass, or a by-product derived 2 |