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Show qualifications for this title and, so, if new information is made available that justifies one=s inclusion in this list, please use the process outlined in the Miscellaneous Information box on the web page. [1911 thru 1949] indicates the date of their State of Utah registration as an architect Telephone directories, while available were not compiled nor included in this undertaking. 1925 was the first Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co.=s directory available and with listings of individuals under the heading of architect. Unfortunately, not every year was available at the time of this undertaking. Additional personal and professional information used on their Biographical Information page was obtained primarily from the Utah State History=s facilities, the personal files of other professionals and books, periodicals and newspapers, et al.. A. ABRAMS, NED HYMAN [1947] ALLEN, JAMES EDWARD [1911] (1913) ALLEN, THOMAS L. (1878) ALLEN, WILLIAM ROBERT[1911] (1891) ANDERSON, EDWARD OLIVER [1924] (1929) ANDRUS, DOLPH [1933] (1939) ANGELL, TRUMAN O. JR.(1885) ANGELL, TRUMAN O. SR. (1849) ASHTON, RAYMOND J.[1922] (1919) ASHWORTH, CLAUDE SHEPPARD [1914] (1915) B. BARRETT, CHARLES THOMAS (1902) [1916] BARRETT, JOHN WILLIAM (1904) BEAL, THEODORE D. (1910) BEALL, BURTCH, W. ,JR. [1954] (1954) Compiler of this material. BECKER, F. W. (???) BEECHER, HAROLD KLINE [1940] (1942) BERGSTROM, GEORGE EDWIN (1910) see Parkinson & Bergstrom BERRY, C. L., JR. [1927] BIRCH, JOHN SHELLEY [1911] (1908) see Watkins & Birch then Kent later Wright BIRD, GEORGE W. (1891) see Monheim, Bird & Proudfoot BJORLING, Ellis E. (1915) Not registered BITNER, see Camomile & Bitner (1909) BOWMAN, JOHN H. (1889) BRAZIER, BERNIS EUGENE [1946] (1948) see Ashton & Evans & then Brazier BROADBENT, REUBEN BRYANT, ROBERT C. [1938] |