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Show - 98 - until they are transformed into very fair Sunday-School models, though you might not recognize them as such. Yet when we realize that each one of these four or five hundred is carrying the influence of this love and teaching into his poor untutored home, we marvel at the great work God lias given us to do. Many little incidents show us how the verses are remembered and the picture cards treasured. Some older person will say, "I am too stupid to learn myself," but unconsciously she prompts the child if he stumbles while she is proudly showing off his accomplishments. Thus the Seed of Life is being sown in many places. May strength and wisdom be given to reap the harvest! During Passion Week special meetings were held in the school, and there was a quiet quickening of the spiritual life of all of the students. Several confessed Christ for the first time, and among those who were already His followers many formed new purposes to live for Him. To lay the foundations of character and education was the WANTED ! purpose for which this school was opened, and its phenomenal A HOME growth the past year shows that so far we have have builded FOR THE PEI well. The number enrolled has more than doubled since last YUAN SCHOOL. June These new pupils have come from outside families of the wealthier class,-some officials and some merchants. Many of them are Southerners who know the efficiency of the Mission schools in their own provinces, and are seeking the best for their children. So large was the attendance that the rooms in the Kindergarten previously used for the Pei Yuan School would no longer accommodate the pupils, and it became necessary to swarm. So out they went,-the three highest classes,-to seek a shelter, leaving behind about one hundred and twenty in the three primary grades. They lighted in a couple of rooms in one wing of the college building* from which they flow over into the hall for recitations. In the autumn another class must enter and outdoors is the only further outlet visible. Tuitions next year should pay the running expenses of the school if we can find a home. Is there no one to come to our help? No place on the compound probably attracts visitors as much THE KIND- as the kindergarten, with its sixty happy little people playing ERGARTEN IN their games and singing their songs It is als:> one of the BLOSSOM. best places for elementary lessons in democ acy, for children of high officials and wealthy families, and of coolies and small shopkeepers, stand side by side on the circle. The serving-women who bring the children are numerous, and an annex school for them would be ideal. The two branch kindergartens, one at the North Church and one at the Chi Hua Men, are taking their part in building up the churches in those places. |