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Show As the widows went weeping by; And the sons of the World and the sons of the Church Walked closely hand and heart. And only Ihe Master, whoknoweth all, Cauld'tell the two apart. Then the church sat down at her ease, and said, •' 1 am rich, and in goods increased: I have need of nothing, and naught to do, Bat to laugh and dance and tVast." And the sly World heard her and laughed in his sleeve, And mockingly said aside, "The Church is fallen, the beautiful Church, And her shame is her boast and pride." The Angel drew near to the mercy seat. And whispered ii. sighs her name. And the saints their anthems of rapture hushed And covered their heads wifi shame; And a yoice came down through the hush of heaven, From him who sat on a throne, ' I know thy work and how thou has said, 1 am ridi ;' and hast not known That thou are naked, poor and blind. And wretched before my face ! Therefore, fioin my piesence 1 cast thee out, And blot thy name from its place." PRICES.-200 pages, 15 cents ; l.OCO pages, CO cents; 2,000, $1, Tract Envelopes, 40 cents a hundred or SCO for$l, Send 20 cents for samples. Address Rev. A. SMITH, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. „ . . . •/ n. ,. |