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Show / r Dear Friends:- s ; 1 ••• * Chactung, Yunnan, CHINA. November, 1935 Our last-letter told of our coming to the distant "South of the Clouds" Province (Yunnan), bordering on Burma and Tibet., We left North China the end'of April and'didVot reach this "promised land" till July 23rd, the "we" including Miss Hicks, Nurse Feng, and Master Mechanic Chi. • The, last two are Chinese of experience in their respective lines, and as much needed here alsi ourselves, or more"so. The delay was Sfj»p cartly due to the wisdom,mf remaining out of communistT 'Wt ridden parts of China. A'few days- in Shanghai enabled ,. us to see to essential shopping and dental work in that busy international city, and also to take a never-to- be-forgotten trip to Wenchcw, Ningpo", and Hangchow by steamer, motonrbus, and train. As our daughter, I^r * Margare#t, is in the Union Hospital at Fcochow, we stopped'a week between steamers in that ancient, city, J* and enjoyed it almost.-as, much &.| we did*the privilege #C* of seeing Margaret in the midst ,|f her fine work. fThat, there was a 'mild flood did not liiterfere with, our seeing friends not a few at receptions tendered us and at other times. • ' ,'' , V •' - - •*•••'.. % } j On sailing from Foochow ^we stepped --briefly at Amoy and Swatow, and there., as elsewhere, saw inspiring- ing medical .work. Hongkong was next with all its /|f§T scenic wonder, a gem of z, modern city, and here some of the party, detoured to Canton. I recall t'^at my : * grandfather,^ as ' ' super-cargo'" on a Yankee clipper - ship was there nigh 100 years^ago* What a change during these few generations 1 I . . The steamer trip to Haiphong (port of French. Indp-Ohina) was not so restful, but we were soon aboarl our train for Yunnan,-a wonderful three day trip amid scenery surely equalling any we have' seen. in the Rockies or the Alps. Friends new and old met us at Yunnanfu (capital ofi the province), and there we remained fo.r three weeks, and repacked the Hospital and our own belongings forv mountain transport,,-a. not small task;'as there proved to.be some 55 loads for pack-horses and porters. $ ••• Our party travelled by sedan chair, two-man litter, and* horse. ,/I bought a very f ine pony ..for $30, (Tony, by name), and, while I usually rode, others took turns, thus proving that it was a suitable animal for the ladies. The scenery was grand beyond description, but after the daily ".stunt" of nine' or more hours upYand down travel, we were, indeed glad to turn , into a native inn' and sleep till' an^early breakfast called us. Beautiful flowors abounded,-edelweiss , ros-e of Sharon, rhodadendron, and many, many others • in profusion. Two weeks after leaving Yunnanfu wej reached this haven of Cha.otung, grateful for the many mercies and privileges of the Journey. Again had we found th-kh 'the. longest way r^ound is" the shortest way ^g home,': ike trip from Yunnanfu, here, hag lately been 3 S done in 90.minutes by a visiting AmeriVan airman!1 In a faw years motor roads will be built -thither, for these are already begun. \ , ,v^,-, r.'J u^C m |