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Show URGES SYMMTHET1 PÁTIENGEIN AMERICA WITH GHI|jl'S HOP|S| Dr./ "Alma Locke Cooke, IVIédical i Missionary, Says Natives Have Heart to Win SEVEN YEARS AMONG THEIVI Foreigners May Assist by Example of Disinterested Service Fréed from Propaganda j Granddaughter of a Forty-Niner, a NeW Hampsiiix-e physici&n who went to Califórnia in - the gold rush, •". and daughter pf a home missionary who worked ujp .and down the Pacific còast, Dr, Alma! j Locke Cooke is maintaining a dual tradi-jtkm in an put of the way place in north'. China. Dr. Xocke is a, medicai niisgípn-ary, stationed at Iantsing, which is 300 miles south of Paking in the province of j Shánt üng". . lanfsing is two-days' ride by two-wheeled, rnule-drawn, springless cayí from Teehow, < nearest railroad point. fOncein sevenjèara Dr. Cookè has a fur-liough, which explains her presencte lri >> *tu> *<. r a f. v diy» w.th h< n^-irarUr-' jíst me oílice of the American Board of ComjnlBtKn.oiK lor Voreig.. Mks&io-is; ±4 ÍBeacon street. Át the clòse of an Intervfôw today. durtng which .Dr. Cooke taiked much of jhef • work and l.er';hepès ;a'i.d:/.very littls jaboiit herself, she_ was asked what out joí her experíeneAsincte 1920 she wou|d jrnost líke her feilotv çitizens' who -haj^" jremained ín America; to know, • • j AI wòuid appeai for^a^sympathetie pa-jtíence with China," she replted, "Let the Chinese work out their own' .problema.. AVreígn.ers should realize that they are humari beings. At heart they are peacfe-lovíng, They are far-sighted and possess a. constructive philospphy. Atid they are keen, keen ènough to deteçt the false In western civilization. The future of China ls in China.*' A Dr. Cooke conceded the handicaps, both frorct grasping powers withoüt and from demagogués within, but still ínsistéd that China has it in th'e íícope of her abílity to work out her own salvation. Í A AA '•'"'*' '•••. "A-X •' -AJT X'' • A/fA Preparedi for Foreign Service-.,^*'• Dr. Cooke grew up with a desire for work in the foreign mission field. He-" • Sister.. is now in índia. She wahtéd to gp to África, because her father wantèd tp go there but,was prevented f>y ill-health. f ollowing her graduation at the Univer-sity pf Califórnia and the medical.de- I partment pf thé uniyepsity, África faded íbefore a great need in North China as presented to the young physician. ;'.She jtraveled ., -t to r.eacli the East, and j eventually arrived at Lintsing, a ooni-jmunity oí ahout T >,»>i pncple. Durins: the mbnaívhj t ti a n i^h J there,. but the rallróad to Teehow turned ..the tide.bf •pppulation.". A . • j There was a long period of stndy ín | th<i language .school.at .Peking,hefore Dr. ] Cooke was ready for work in the vvcll-established' statíon at I_intsing, which I Ineludesyne of the. finest :hospitais 'ín ! : , l L'< v ' - a-e í y beus, but ütmng the bandit uprising of 192a the •hospital was asked tp acconjmodate eighty-one case.-* àfter a battle some jtwenty miies south of the eity. Later th» general fii ctmmahd sent $500 as a token pf his. appreciation of the serviçe given. With the exeeption of a minor uprising laat-lall ali has been peaceful in the área since 1923, and at present no pisturbance is expeeted because the gov-ernor is in the South with his troops Of her own work Dr. Cooke said that it orrered ali the oppoxtunities and re- 1 wards she had píetured. Much more could be done in the wáy of servíe© if greater progress could be madè toward breaking down the reserve which inspires the natives to withhold the coníl-dence which is so necessary to the complete suecess of a medicai missionarv {undertaking. Gradually, however by example the service given is spread among the people, especially in the more sparsely settled distrjets. Infant mortal-íty remains high, probably half the babie^ born dying hef ore they are ten days old and. half of them being victíms of tet-anus, which cpuld be avòided with hospital caro. f j ••:•. . . _ , ™ . . . . . . . , :.' y i Ghurch Has ISJjttó Members , VA' j DFXooke spòlce highlv of the íiim>,i«-.- |