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Show Wow, the past txo ~ e tks have been very bosy nes .n the Chicago Tucker household, SallieX job has eontlnue< folltxiei in ado it ion ^ho is carrying one course (1/3 time -work), in South"extern Archeology -* or is it llorth American Archeology, contain rig uoch iolxxotixi on the 8*ff? -- I believe the letter. I have been ?nore than ^usually busy with clinical ,oilies, inci loiur r.oxie vory interesting e;ises in ^xieh I per anally have been pushing the 'investir cXion| and also very busy vxth research voix grow- Xx out of that, lost trip to OXxlin of ours, mhls nas consisted,reeoatly, Xiie^ly of a good heal of PtatisticrJL woro. Y'ith YOJC ca.-.os, I have eel-culated distributions and .statistics Cleans ant, DXrxord UAVIXIXO-) for the different coixonents we »nea.sui ed from tx pictures, and coXilii ^olher data, as age, height, and v.'ei>rhtj snd than aeasures of oorreJ -?t x n ^coeffi-eixnts of correlation) bb *een thxxe various rserxu xa^nt. It has xoipt oe very busy tnd«#f, practically every evening, as well as all odd moments d ;r~ 1 infT the day. We are collecting soma, very into rer tin* data, indeed. And it now mmm$ vase to plan anotner brief trip to Otearlia, VW** bably this co A--- x- and* It • 11- be my fifth of the year, one in every xooth since June! Bill llxldon and 1 hope to hovo an ; rticle or two coxlw: --it ul this worfr, soon, in udoiXoti to the A\PXXXX fxxloo ar. l:i;-n*t^ot port of the basic b*cKground of one of Rli.lfs fort)-covins boots, We have had a very few breaXn in the monotony of our routine* T?#o football games on past successive Saturdays have '-con oxj yftbie.de.vpite comparative impotT.o of Chiox ofs tea us. 1 find ix^t .not ? •• * >lx@r team to win, or wanting one of thea to, makes the clfXxa of the ea^e much greater* one evening at a aovie, too, was most enjoyable - the first Sel-i* •••rX I had boon t;o in four or five months - sxxothix: of a record for us. But of course most of our extr*. onert ics - such as texxlxc*! - hav* boon directed toward "settling11 In our new apartment. Toero ox od sn unll^'ed number of thino:- to bo done. *ne \y\eY to buy not a few articles, irxx inx not a few ixix^eo ito*b, o X x glomes, nails r.nd x> Xs for picture'- and Au/0,ain-hex-x.n ; curtain m<4orial; sofa-cover materialj ba*-hro ?h fixtures! etc., etc., etc. moh washing, cle-nLi-', Xrf.ipXxXnr . fixing, .x inr, etc. had to be done, Saiiie rented a • . ox • e x xr xo,« ,and > '-..x ,XAI drypey, xrixns, couch-cavers, etc. Aftx* two eoxs of solid brrd work we now are Joetty rxxiy thro i;X toat .hats, ano ooo have a very nice, attractive afartoaat to live In, with everything pretty well organized* One amusing ilea about our rooent mall I fory.ot, to aeatloai in one mail roc i • \ same three letters that sealed U-< co«ao fr > i vxrlin. One A .5 s receipt for a deposit in oar bank ocx x X • oXh m still iceep there| the second was a letter from one of the Txx.in xexne about our forthcoming tripi and the tnlrd envelope, In the .ipper left-aax: corner, aldroxxX in a strangely fa A, r i Y --oriting, seeqed to cone frora Cher Lin - for it read*F.C.Tucker, Vandarbilt Ball, Oberlin, oy - but the postwar: was Porto I recently received an invitation, if you please, from Margaret]* medical fraternity (sorority?), A.K.I., to speak to them at a coming meeting I think 1 mentioned this spring that I had lectured to the sophxxores on . mv coostit ilonai variation approach to laedictnef and one of the A.E.I* girls in the class reported it as "the most interesting lecture of the series", s. they want some more of itf to oelif X X to sprmA +-ho - i \ %l I bit. in-other item for H.K.T.i there has recently Joined the staff here, as ^ Asslstart, working with several doctors -in ietobolism? one Dr. Alice ohixi for Childs), who says she was in Margaret's class, and wants to be rexx,- bored to her. She seems lllBt i very S3 eel lent person. Have said, little of the lino-Japanese events. Hot such needs to be said. We Just watch and wait with interest - and hope! ouch lojrt %m a., |