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Show a. In case any en® is interested he or she could write to Rav, fynn 0, Fairfield,.. B.D.,, 14 Beacon St., Boston, Masa. Dr. Fairfield will ask for references and a M©dical examination, and require almost as much as for a long appointment. Thi® it because we cannot afford to have living in our aission m xxde and teaching in our mission schools, uvea for a short time, one who lacks laterest in the whole missionary enterprise* I© can14 afford to have freaks @r crank®, or poopl© she are just jazslng around the world illustrating America* aovie life rather than our best Christian culture. Howevar, life in a mission compound may net altegethor prove ©njoyablo unless yen have resources in yourself, and are abl® te obtain rocrsation from ®ome creative activity, ouch as music, or painting er writing, er frea phottgraphy, er noae §u@h hobby. W© need earnest Christianswho think the Christian life tod spirit are worth sharing. We need the kind of peepl® whom the Christians of Aaerica would be preud to have represent them in a foreign land* How about seae practical matters. Ho on© need bring furniture, but should bring bedding, tewels and such. Ton should bring clothing f#r hot summers and cold winters where the houses are not heated as warmly as in many parts of xh« If sited States. Bring your typewriter, if you have on©, and lay musical instrument $wa may wish to play. (We have pianos and small organs.) Bring your pet seeks* Ton have a large baggage allowance (550 pf-ixSi) and might as well use it and have with you 'the things you will want when you get her©. If any one wants to come M s fall, there will hardly be tia® for an interchange of let tors with us before you should start, as our' schools begin late .in August. Ask Dr. Fairfield whatever questions you have. Come along said we shall welcome you any time you cose and put you to work. Our Hortfa Ohina Council voted to try to find such workers as I have been attempt-ing to deecrib®, and the Educational section naked me to write a letter for us ail to breadcast to our friends. So this represents Peiping, Tientsin, f'unghsien* Paoting and F©nohow. We hope each etation say find several workers. Please us© your copy of this letter to help find the ri -. : ,1#, lours rery truly, (Signed) Alice M. ffuggias. of fres ihen The summer vacation from about #uly I to August 31, and winter vacation i days to a month, give Opportunities for vilits to places of esrecial interest. ft© teaching load is not so heavy but what thoee interested in language study and in approaching the Chinese through their own language can make a beginning it As * never ending task, - but people who have an interest in language study find it a fascinating adventure. Private tutors are not expensive, and in some cases the school being served would be glad to arrange for a tutor at no cost t© the volunteer English teacher. |