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Show COLLEGIATE LIFE<br><br> rank first in athletics as well as in other things and all that will be required is sufficient practice on the part of the players, and this will surely follow if the entire school will but manifest a proper degree of interest and show and give their encouragement for the undertaking.<br> As we remember the games of this season, the game at Bingham was about the only game in which a proper amount of interest was taken. At this one, however, the team was loyally supported and the victory was largely due to this; if the team had had this support at other meets the scores might have been different. <br> Most of the players have taken a great interest in the games, and if such interest will be taken by the school at large in the basketball and baseball teams, they will make a record worthy of the school. <br> 1. Evolution as applied to Robt. Braffet's nickname:<br> Winnesaukee, Winnr-Sook, Sook, Snissage, Snodgrass, Snausage and Sausage. <br><br> THE COUNCIL.<br> Next month comes the semi-annual election of the council, as the constitution has been amended to that effect. The students must bear in mind the importance of this election. First, because new students that have attended the school for one semester are eligible for the councilship. Second, because it is the opportunity for each member of the association to show his shrewdness and good sense in casting his vote for the nominees to the council. It has been evident that in the various elections that the students do not fully realize what they are voting for. If two persons happen to be setting close to each other, they consult each other as to the manner of voting and to the persons to be voted for.<br> This is not the desireable [desirable] way of voting, if it was, the States would have adopted it in voting at the general elections years ago. The voter should vote independently. If a person votes in this manner they seem to be more responsible to themselves and to the subject of their vote. In the nominations of students for different offices the same rule applies. Don't think it is a joke on some of your friends to nominate them for some office for which you know they are incapable of filling. Think before you nominate, is a good rule to follow in a student election or any election.<br> The new council will have many responsibilities as many, or more, than the council going out of office, as track, baseball and basketball will be on, in the line of athletics and this spring brings outings, excursions and picnics. <br> For the benefit of the students who don't know and for likely members, I quote the following from the constitution: "The council shall be empowered to promote general activities of the student body, such as social entertainments, athletics, public contests, etc." <br> The old council has clone good work despite the fact that they were handicapped by a lack of funds and also by plack [lack] of experience, but so much the better, for the new council can profit by their experience. <br> At the first meeting Jack Allen was elected chairman. Elizabeth Sneddon, secretary, and Dora Kiser, treasurer. James Ashton, manager of the football, and Elizabeth Sneddon, manager of the Girls' basketball.<br> Football was the principal subject acted up on the fore part of the year, and a good deal of money was expended for this cause.<br> Dramatics were discussed and approved and a member of the council was to look after this. These items are only a few taken from the minutes of the meetings, and simply give an ide [idea] of the work done by the council.<br> In conclusion let us all resolve to give the new council our hearty support and let us begin by giving the old council a boost to carry it to the end of the semester. L. E. J. <br> "No, I don't think women will ever succeed as railroad engineers." <br> "Why not?" <br> "They would lose too much time holding up their trains at crossings." <br><br> |