China: six years after Tiananmen

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Social and Behavioral Science
Department Economics
Creator Li, Minqi
Title China: six years after Tiananmen
Date 1996
Description Six years ago, immediately after the democratic movement was repressed in China, almost all Chinese liberal intellectuals and Western observers predicted that, without "political reform," "economic reform" would fail in China. Despite their warnings, tens of billions of dollars have continued to pour into China. Now it is obvious that the capitalists themselves had a better estimate of Chinese reality than their theoreticians. In fact, judging from subsequent events, it could be said that the army's success in breaking up the Tiananmen demonstration and attacking its working-class supporters helped pave the way for further capitalist development.
Type Text
Publisher Monthly Review Press
Volume 47
Issue 8
Subject China; Economic reform; Political reform
Subject LCSH China; Capitalism; Business and politics
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Li, M. (1996). China: six years after Tiananmen. Monthly Review, 47(8).
Rights Management (c) Monthly Review Press
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 1,576,229 Bytes
Identifier ir-main,1298
ARK ark:/87278/s67s86dh
Setname ir_uspace
ID 707191
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