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This is a 1 hour, 42 minutes, 53 seconds video of the 1997 Franklin Institute Awards Banquet and Ceremony. The awards included a summary of each winner's achievements, the presentation of the award, and an acceptance speech. The award winners included Ralph L. Brinster, the Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science, for his revolutionary research in embryonic-cell differentiation, developmental mechanisms of gene control, and transgenesis; Whittfield Diffie and Martin E. Hellman, recipients of the Louis E. Levy Medal for their combined contributions to the field of cryptology, including the invention of a new method of enciphering termed public key cryptology; Federico Capasso, recipient of the John Price Wetherill Medal for his pioneering contributions to the technique of bandgap engineering and its innovative use in solid state electronics, optoelectronics, and semiconductor science and, in particular, for his invention and experimental demonstration of the quantum cascade laser; Mario R. Capecchi, recipient of The Franklin Medal for his genetic engineering, which has revolutionized mammalian genetics; Irwin Fridovich and Joe Milton McCord, recipients of the Elliott Cresson Medal for their work of discovering and elucidating the biology of free radical reactions and their enzymatic controls of living organisms, as well as the pathology of free radical diseases; Shirika K. Kumanyika, the recipient of the Bolton L. Corson Medal for the development of effective health strategies that have changed conventional thinking about obesity, diet, and chronic disease; and George B. Rathmann, recipient of the Bower Award for Business Leadership for his career of in pioneering biotechnology as a distinct realm of business enterprise. |