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Show ADDENDUM. \ftcr an enjoyable visit am no· friends and relatives, }.lr. Beeq1an and the writer were joined by Jrs. hort and Dolphus, and left Pbilaclclphia Thur clay m rning, .June 13th, via Lehigh \'alley R R, for (;encva, N. \ ' .. which was reached about 5 p. m., after having passt>d through the very center of the anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania and a portion of we. tern t\ ew York, which for lovely scenery cannot be surpa. sed by any country on earth. . \t (;cneva. l\lr Beeman was met by :\Ir. Seth\\'. Armstrong and his daughter, ~I iss l~eonora, of Oaks Corner. The writer and his famil.\· went to the hotel ancl l\lr. lleeman accompanied his old . choolmate to his home wl1ere the greater part of the night was spent in happy reminiscences of their boyhood days. The. e meetings of old friends are the oasis along the way of life. The following day, June 1-J.th, the party secured an automobile and ,·isited the town of Phelp. It was ncar this town that :\Jr. :\'ewell Beeman was horn, and in this ,· icinit~- that he . pent his early years. A most charming gentleman resides in the town of Phelps: he i!; a cousin of :\1 r. Beeman's, and his name is ,\lonzo ;\]_ arson. This man 'arson fought in the Ci\'il \\ 'ar and is brimming full and running < \'er with that quality of patriotism that tends to the stability of the country for which he fought. \\'ell. Cousin ,\lonzo _ioined our party and we proceeclecl through familiar scenes. and photographed many of the places that were dear to them in chilcllwod's days. Our ride continued to the busy town of 0:: e·wark, :\. Y., \\'here \Ne enjoyed a lunch and ,·isited \vith form ·r friends. Page One IIUIHlrl'd Se,·enty nine |