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Show THE-- SILVER. REEF MINER. VOL. v. SILVER REEF, WASHINGTON COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7.1882. NO~ 40 SILVER REEF MINERlii<><A VIC~SBURG BOY.><> like the coot air," said the m:tn, fanning himself with renewed 'igor. SILVER REEF, UTAH. The Vicksburg boy can stand up a..buah_ ... E - 8 ..__. .... I In wit-h any other boy in the world .... lUI ,._ Tery a ..... -, OI'D g. agKinst an accugatirm. The other day WHY JOHNSON STAYED A WEEK. oiaee-llmn Bulldlng, Lo~r Hal• Street when a Vil·ksburg mother discovered ... f'61lXS or SUIJ3CRlPrlO.N: r~~~i~~~~~-~~:·~·::::~~~·:~::~~~~~::~~~~~~~~, ~ Delinred by carrier, pn V.-et!k ....... .._. 2S· lliNER PUBLISHIN:G COMPANY Publiehers xucl Proprit>torfl. BAILEY & PARSONS, (Succes~or! toT. C. Balle7,) sugar on the pnntry shelf, she called be~ boy a1~d said : "Soipe one has been stealing the &upr!" , · "Is it possible?" he exclaimed, rolling i1p his eyes in astonishment. "Yes it is (>08sible and tbe thief is not far uway, eh-her."- "Ain't he? Do you suspect father?' "No; I don't." "Uouldn't be I he cat, could it?" he enquired, glancing UQder the table in LaRt August Mr. Johnson with his wife, who had been dtli.1g the ple~tsure resorts for two months, arrived st the quiet town of X, in New Hampshire, where a small hotel, pleasantly situated aud very cleanly, offered him hogpirality. · After supper the laudlord walked the piazzll, nod he Wlls ucL-osted by !lr. Johnson, when the following dialogue took place: "Where's your sun-~t hill?" "Haven't got any." search of the feline. Lud Agents and Attomeys "Cats don't eat l!ngar, youn!!' mao!" I ~ "Never heard of it." ''They don't?" · Salt Lake City, Utah. ,. r • • • "How far is it to Lover's T-ll"clp?" No, st~,; the ttnef is a boy about I "Must be fifty miles; but I don't "li: the Devil's Guleh near here?" BIRD & L-QWE, Y~~ra~. ? , • • know." . bHe 1s eh .• ~ dJust like to catch h1m "Is the Silver Casc:ule running?" m ere once. ..D , k · Land Agents and Attorneys ''If the sugar is disturbed ag·tin I on t ·now; never new n wa!' · . . '. ' around here." Salt Lake City, Utah _..Notar1 Public lu the oftlee. GmsoN cLARK. Attorney at Law and Notary Public, SILVER HEEl", UTAH. C. MANTOR, Physician and SurgeoD, VJ'rlcw-Next door to Halpin '1 •tor-. know o~ a hoy ~hilt w1ll get b1s Jacket "How far is it to the springs?" dusted, she saul, as she covered the "Didn't know we had any here· bo.x. aboutt;." ••That 's bully! I wish yon'tl l~t ~ "The ·~tttr.tctio.ns of this place are me st:ty out of ~chool so's to see you catch and maul him." very few, it nppe:irs." And he .,.- ~, _ _ _ ~" devour the ''.Mighty- few aud getting sc:tr..ler." other lump8. rg:mizcu ~ ..,~ '·Wife, this is just the pl:tt'e we h:tve -~C\ and conve) ..,.... been. o: ·ing. There is nothiug to see ------~.1 Rbee. He is not<Jlllt~ we wi•' .. 'ily here a wee"·"-Bos- AN INSANE "'· .. ' n JOIJrnl+l Among the inmates of a · • insane asylum, is a m:an who "{{PLETIOJ perfectly sensible, and when nc~Jd at f'Ucb times, causes visitors to wonder why h~ is confined there. This in mare entered into con versa~ HE MEANT BUSINESS; UlN ST., SILVER liBEl". tion the other d:ty with a <'.aller The other day a stout woman armed wit-h an umbrdla and Je:u.liug a 8-iaall urchin called Itt the office ot' a J'\ew York boy'g paper. "Upon my soul ma'am," cried the wretched youth. '· :: "I want to be introtluced to the j:ue =========:=::============ in which yot1 keep "the · boy scouts in the Sierras! Show me the bins full of ti1e boy det~tfves on the P-rairie! Point out to me the barrel full of boy pirate@ of the Spanish main!" and with each dem&nd she hit the young man upon the skull until he skipped over tbe desk and M)Ughtsafety in a neighboring canyon. "I'll tench 'em!" she panted, taking bold of the boys ellr and leading him off. "I'll teach him to maku it good or dance. Want to fight Intlians any more? Want to stand proudly upon lhe pinnacle of the mountain :md scatter the plain beneath with the blet'ding bodies of uncounted shtin? Want to t~ay 'hi!!-t' m a tone that brooks no t.'Ont.radiction? Propose to spriu~: IIJ)()n the taffr1til and with a ringing · word of command send It broadside into the richly-l:tclen gallt'y, and then mercifully spare the beautiful lady in the cabin, that Rhe mny become your bride! Eh! going to do it any more II" With euch question she hammered the yelping urchin nntil his bones were sore and he protested his permanent abandonment of nll the glories enumf'ratt>d. "Then come along," she S:lid, htking him by the collar. "Let me eatch you arotmd with any more r:tmrods and carving knive,, and you'll think the leaping , curling, resi«>rless pr.iirie fire has I! Wept with a ferocious roar nf triumph across the trembling plains and lodged in your pantaloons, there to stay !:' CAPITOL, 'l'HEBEST Wines. Liquors & (}JG•RS Obtainable in the UNITED STATES~ J. H. CASSIDY. x.n.Qvum. QUIRK BROTHERS The Pioneer · :S1ll1ard. HQll Ffaell& Bllll•rd •ad Pool 'T•blN Ia &lae Terrlf:Or7 • First Class Liquors a.ndCIKara Ah1'811 OD band, FINI OLtm ROOM IN UAI ~ whose dress proclHimed him a clerJr.r~-,.. o..- M-" ~J .K.U.:.~ M. XA~GHN - m~tn . S•lld th~ rnlldm:L. - "rt was .._ . - L - too bad, was it not.- flie 1lli1lg · of "Is this the place where t hey fight l!_ldi~o:; ?"_she !'wa ·· r~IL ,e-.•!.n:•.':l--.. lher Reef' lteta&fi Pclees Cirrent. mali iu chargt!. " Is this tbe locality 0 __ •i;i;o _rney a~ a.-w-, Grl\~t atChicago ?" "It -was,"!Ulid - SALT LAKE CITY, tirAB. the minister, who followed the ac- ODIO&: No. Sl, Kalil 8U'M .. aut te Ko- cepted custom of assenting to the ~-ot~ =~In Oftlce. statemt>nta of luustics for peace sake. CABINET SALOON, E~THOMPSON,P~~~ I S NOW PREPARED TO PURNISH all kinds of liquic1 retretbmeota. Tbe "eat bran«.! or ' X.IQtJ'ORS . AND CIGARS. Salt Lake bottled beer on Ice. lrPine.t Billiard Table In Ule Citr. T _A I L 0 R INC '" Fine Suita Made to Order ... AD' uWtmeltt of ••• lmporte4 .Bnr lib Clolll1 alwa11 ou hancl. lhop coraer Cta\re aad J'lr1\Wal8treetl .l. WIN~UIST. ·•Hayes wasas~•~inated in Cincinua-ti, ~as he nor?" ag:ain asked the lunatic. "Yes," replied the clergyman. "And w:ts not Qncen Victoria murdered in her palace?" To this query from the madman, the clerical visit-or once more answered in the uffirmative. The lunatic named one after soother a dozen living royal pt;rson~ tges, all of whom the clergymau was led to admit wt>.re put out of the way. Finishing his catechism, the madman turned on the clergyman And said fiercely: "Your dress would show you to be a minister, but you are the worst liar I ever met."-E.x. LIKED THE COOL AIR. where the bra\~e boy chnrgcs up the [Conected weekly by w. B. Sager.) · d d h Groceries. caoyo!l-an spee _.,;t e bullet w the TEAS - Japan,in · ~-- lb pkgs, roc per 1>; Ned door to the drng etor~, · beart of tbe dusky redskin?" and she Gnnpowller, -<J ~~ flO jerked thtd .urcbin· around by the e1u ~~~:;:!!~,· ~; Whole Browned, Main Street, Sliver Reef. Utah and broughb her umbreHadol\ non the ~~g:b~~~r~~'g~~e~. ~~~. PulYerized, detok. 8YRUP-ln cane, fl 'It> per gal ; ~gal •••• Aiwa1• on band the "best •••• "We publish s~ories for boye," plied the young man evllSively. kee~. tfl W@7 re- CRACKERS-Soda and Butter, 21Je: Le Grande, 251:; Ginger. 25e; Jomblel'. 2!'1@3(k . WINES, LIQUORS AND ('IGA.B8 "I want to know if these are thepremises ou which ·the daring lad springs upon bis.1_iery mustang, anll, darting through the circle of thunderstruck savages, cuts the t:aptive's c?rlls and bears him nway before the Indians have recovered from their astonishment? 'l'hat is the information I'm after. I want to kaow if this tbiug is ~rpetrated here?" and she Rwung the umbrella urouud her head and Jaur!ched a cmck at the young m:m's.head. "I don't remember those specific act8," protested the young man. ~~~INS.:...Lundon Layer~,35c; lfuseutels, 1cA~~~-Cbolce Carolina. 2f.le; Inferior. SOAP-Kirk's SaYon Imperial, Ill~ per • · SALT-Table, 5r. per lb. Provisions. · BAlls- Bogar Cared and . Bxtia- UncanYaPed, 25e. GEORGE YiLLER. Exchar.ge Saloon, BACON-Drealrtast, 25c; Dry Salt, 25c. ~BEBSE-Common, 25e; Prime Bu&ern, LARD-2Se. MAIN STREET ... . . . ...... SILVER REEP JI'LOUR-rm. tl5@5 r,IJ. -- w~!~Corn·, ~; Oat, 12~ Cracked A. LEVY , .. ..... :::.: .. ··:··Proprietor ,!Y?'=7%~~ol_ee Table, 40@45e; fair to A& tble popular re•~n none but the cholc••• P~~~-;T~:J:.~;!!fe!f.8i5 extra. Hie; WiDea, Liquors and Cigara GRAIN -Oats. a~,; Chopped BMley. Are deal& onr the bar to patrons. 8@ ~c; Wbeat,S@a~c:. Br"Prlnte Club Room• attached tot~ P01'ATOBli-2%@3e. e.tablltbmen•. Summer Beverag~ California Brewery SALOON. CINCER POP I Street, Silver Reet "I want to know if this is the precinct where the adventurous boy jumps on t.he back of a buffalo, and with unefl'ing aim picks off one by one the bJoodtbin:ty pursuers who bite the dust at every . crack of h Ia faithful rifte! l'ID looking for the place where this sort of thing haP- .1. PENDRAY. . -.. pens." At this time the unlucky· :ar_~~~~~r~:fl ~:!~~~~ie~~~~bdh~eit:~:~~ young man caught a tremendous any part ot &be town. · BEST OF LIQUORS A CICAR8& h k . HARRY H. EDWARDS W ac across the back. · llanafaetol'Jln rear of Halplo'• llore. Alld Lager Beer on draught. The Garson AppeAl saya: A man who has been kicked out of a politic:ll party that he had tried to run, .... may feel the dt!epest chagrin at his position, but be ii! ne,·ertbeless apt to try to keep up appearunces and ai!Sume to ~UJOY the-situation. Ile is like a man who went to a ruall years ago at American Flat. He auempted e-arly in the progress of-the festivities, to usurp the duties of the committee ofarrangeme> nts, and after betngknocked down a couple of times and kkked about a "I think-" commenced the dodg- ·ing vict-im. · Beer, - - - - - - 12~ Centa ~£l"'JIOTOGRAPHSID You who wish to behold your shadewe of to-day in the future, call on Ja. .. e• Boot~l, at the Post OQ1ce, who is ready to work every 41ay and" guarant~ aati&Sfaction, at the ~1re11t living pdcea. .. 1. lspt>ll was thrown through the door. The music tben continued a8 before and the merry dancers whirled over tbe tloor oblivious of the disturber's absence. In the mean time 10rne J)ftrties passing the bouse saw a man with one eye closed and bis front teeth gone, sittinJ! on the front steps, , but seeing the strangers be braced up and bt-~an to fan himself with his hat, although his teeth wue chattering with the cold. "I'm in seal'('h of the shop in which the boy road agent holds the quivering stage driver powerless with llis glittering eye, while he robs the male p:u;sengers with an adroitness born of long and tried experience, and · kisses the bands or the lady passengers with a gallai1try of bearing that bespeaks noble birth and chivnlric nature!'' screamed the woman, driving the young man iutoacorner. "I'm Iooklng for the apartment In w-hich the "Why ain't you in dancin' ?"asked business Is transacted," and down one. came the umbrella with a trip-hammer "Ob, I'm just out here because I, force upou the young man's head. (8acte11or to J . E. Jobnaon.) FOR Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Notions, Confectionery, Groceries, Cigars, Wines and Liquors. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER! W ~te 's · Eravrery Silver Reef, Utah. · I AM. NOW ' PREPARED TO SUPPL 'f the T ratle. Familil's, and the public ge~: . era lly, with a.Ch o lce Al"ticle o f Beer, by thl' Keg. Quart or Bottle. ~Beer deliv· ~r e d f~e;- t_o_any part of Si lver Reef and adjacent Y ICllll tl es .~ &' T he Dancing Pavilion at the Brawe71 Is at a ll times at the ~ervice of the publl" for the p urp o~es of social recreation.~ No improper character!! to!erated . PE1'&R WELTB. |