Optimizing the procedure of cryopreservation of yellow stingray semen

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Publication Type honor thesis
School or College School of Medicine
Department Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor Kenneth I. Aston
Creator Hindley, Jack
Title Optimizing the procedure of cryopreservation of yellow stingray semen
Date 2024
Description Due to the effects of climate change, many species are on the verge of endangerment or extinction. Groups such as the San Diego Zoo's Frozen Zoo project have begun to cryopreserve the gametes of land animals that may soon face endangerment. Our research, in coordination with the Utah Living Planet Aquarium, began studying the cryopreservation of zebra shark semen due to their endangered state. However, due to the death of the aquarium's zebra shark, we shifted focus to their elasmobranch relative: the yellow stingray. Our research focused on optimizing both the cryoprotectant concentration and chemical composition needed to preserve semen through the process of freezing and thawing. We examined chicken egg yolk, DMSO and Glycerol as cryoprotective agents. From those agents, we determined that for yellow sting ray semen, intermediate cryoprotectant concentration of 10% DMSO was the most effective at preserving sperm motility. This paper will additionally examine the history and chemical process of cryopreservation and explore why certain cryoprotectants may work better than others.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Jack Hindley
Format Medium application/pdf
Permissions Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s672nfeb
ARK ark:/87278/s63d4rjn
Setname ir_htoa
ID 2574901
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s63d4rjn
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