Capacity demands of automatic processes in semantic priming

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Social and Behavioral Science
Department Psychology
Creator Friedrich, Frances
Other Author Henik, Avishai; Tzelgov, Joseph; Tramer, Sara
Title Capacity demands of automatic processes in semantic priming
Date 1994
Description In three experiments, we examined the effects of prime-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SSA) and the proportion of related primes and targets (relatedness proportion, or RP) on semantic priming when the prime was either named or was searched for a specific letter . In Experiment 1, with an RP of .5p, priming occurred at SOAs of 240 and 840 msec when the prime was named, but no priming was found at either SOA when the prime was searched for a letter.
Type Text
Publisher Psychonomic Society Publications
Volume 22
Issue 2
First Page 157
Last Page 168
Subject Semantic priming; stimulus onset asynchrony
Subject LCSH Memory (Computers); Priming (Psychology); Semantics -- Psychological aspects
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Friedrich, F. J., Henik, A.,Tzelgov, J., & Tramer, S. (1994). Capacity demands ofautomatic processes in semantic priming. Memory & Cognition, 22(2), 157-68.
Rights Management (c) Psychonomic Society Publications
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