Development of a multicomponent-multisize liberation model

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Miller, Jan D.; Herbst, John A.; Lin, Chen-Luh
Other Author Rajamani, K.
Title Development of a multicomponent-multisize liberation model
Date 1985
Description This paper is concerned with the development of a kinetic model for mineral liberation by grinding. Existing population balance size reduction models are extended to include two minerals with an arbitrary number of locked particle fractions. The validity of this approach to liberation modelling is demonstrated for the ball mill grinding of a copper ore in batch laboratory and continuous pilot plant mills.
Type Text
Publisher AIME
First Page 97
Last Page 111
Subject Population balance; size reduction; liberation; grinding model
Subject LCSH Ore-dressing; Copper
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Herbst, J. A., Rajamani, K., Lin, C. L., & Miller, J. D., (1985). Development of a multicomponent-multisize liberation model, in 114th AIME Annual Meeting, Minerals Engineering, 1(2), Feb, 97-111.
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