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Show Journal of'A] euro- Ophthalmology 21( 1): 62- 68, 2001. © 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia Functional and Morphologic Comparison of Two Methods to Produce Transient Retinal Ischemia in the Rat Daniel M. Rosenbaum, MD, Pearl S. Rosenbaum, MD, Manjeet Singh, MD, Gaurav Gupta, MD, Himanshu Gupta, MD, Bing Li, MD, and Steven Roth, MD Objectives: Much of our knowledge of the pathophysiology of retinal ischemic injury is from a multitude of studies that use in vitro or in vivo animal models of retinal ischemia followed by reperfusion. The objective of this study was to compare histopathologic and electrophysiologic ( electroretinography) parameters using two different models of transient retinal ischemia: high intraocular pressure ( HIOP) and suture ligation of the optic nerve ( SL). Methods: Transient retinal ischemia was induced using the HIOP model or the SL model in the Sprague- Dawley rat for either 30 or 60 minutes. Histopathologic outcome was determined at 1 and 7 days after ischemia. In addition, electroretinography ( ERG) was performed at 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days after ischemia. Results: At 1 and 7 days after 30 minutes of ischemia, there were no significant histopathologic abnormalities in the retina with either model, except for a slight decrease of the cell count in the ganglion cell layer ( GCL) with the SL method. After 60 minutes of ischemia, there was significant thinning of the inner retina. There was a significant early dropout of cells at 1 day in the inner nuclear layer ( INL) in the HIOP method compared to the SL method where the dropout was delayed and gradually progressive. Dropout of cells in the GCL was early ( 1 day) and gradually progressive in both models but more severe in HIOP than SL. There was a significant decrease in the ERG b- wave amplitudes as early as 2 hours after both 30 and 60 minutes of ischemia compared to preischemic baselines. Conclusions: The degree of retinal injury after transient retinal ischemia was more severe at 1 day after reperfusion in the HIOP method compared to the SL method but was similar at 7 days in both models. Furthermore, our data suggests that functional assessment of ischemic damage by electroretinography may be a more sensitive parameter than conventional histopathologic quantification. The timing of either measurement relative to the ischemic stimulus is critical because histologic measurements performed too early after ischemia may underestimate the degree of injury. Manuscript received August 18, 2000; accepted December 15, 2000. From the Departments of Neurology ( DMR, MS, GG, HG), Neuro-science ( DMR, MS, GG, HG), Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences ( DMR, PSR), and Pathology ( PSR), Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York; and the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care ( BL, SR), University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Daniel M. Rosenbaum, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1410 Pelham Parkway S., K341, Bronx, NY 10461; e- mail: drosenba@ aecom. yu. edu. Key Words: Ischemia- Retina- Rat- Suture ligation- High intraocular pressure. Retinal ischemia may occur clinically in various settings, such as after acute retinal arterial occlusion, carotid artery disease, or other ocular disorders in which ischemia may play a pathogenetic role ( e. g., diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or glaucoma) ( 1). Much of our knowledge of the pathophysiology of retinal ischemic injury is from a multitude of studies that use in vitro or in vivo animal models of retinal ischemia followed by reperfusion. In vitro models allow the opportunity to study separately hypoxia and substrate deprivation, the two major components of ischemia ( 2,3). However, interpretation of the results of these experiments is complicated by the contribution of toxic metabolic products and the inability to remove these products. In vivo models cannot separate the influence of hypoxia and substrate deprivation, and results may be strongly influenced by changes in blood flow ( 4,5). Nonetheless, in vivo models are of great significance and widely studied, because they are believed to be more representative of clinical disease. Experimental studies have used such species as monkey ( 6), cat ( 7), rabbit ( 8), and rat ( 9- 11). The use of less costly animals in the smallest number possible, while providing reproducible results relevant to human disease, is a goal of these studies. There are various practical and scientific advantages in the use of rats for these types of studies, and, as a result, many investigations of retinal ischemia involving this species have been reported ( 9,11- 14). The rat retina is well vascularized ( 15), unlike that of other small animals such as rabbits ( 16), and is analogous to the human retina. In larger more costly animals such as cats, the functional recovery, especially in the early hours after ischemia, seems more robust ( 17). This observation is a disadvantage for designing experiments that seek to measure the degree of functional improvement after ischemia. Moreover, long- term follow-up after ischemia is more difficult and costly in such animal species. Despite the large number of earlier studies, the preferred method for inducing experimental ischemia in the rat retina in vivo is not known. At least four 62 RETINAL ISCHEMIA MODELS IN RATS 63 different approaches have been described: 1) increase intraocular pressure ( IOP) above systolic arterial blood pressure ( 9,10,18) ( high intraocular pressure [ HIOP] method), 2) ligation of the central retinal artery ( 9,11, 19), including the optic nerve, using an occluding suture ( SL), 3) a photothrombotic method ( 20), and 4) temporary carotid artery occlusion ( 21). The photothrombotic method ( 20) is relatively simple, but it suffers from several substantial disadvantages: retinal damage is variable, perhaps because of different degrees of light exposure throughout the rat retina ( 20); the retina is inevitably detached ( 20); the injury itself resembles a complete infarction, producing widespread retinal necrosis ( 22); and because capillary thrombosis ( the degree of which is not yet known) occurs ( 23,24), the model is that of permanent rather than reversible ischemic insult, effectively precluding the study of postishemic reperfusion events. Temporary occlusion of the carotid arteries ( 21) is simple to apply and is reversible, but its drawbacks include the need for extensive surgical exposure ( invasiveness), effects of such ischemia on organs other than the retina ( i. e., brain), and relative retinal sparing even in the presence of prolonged carotid occlusion. Because of these limitations, the photothrombotic and temporary carotid artery occlusion methods are less preferred in experimental studies of retinal ischemia. In contrast, the SL and HIOP methods are reversible, simple to apply, and require little specialized equipment or surgical manipulation. Because these two methods result in transient reversible ischemia, it seems more appropriate to extrapolate results from studies using these techniques to humans, because they more closely parallel the usual clinical situation. The major limitation in interpreting results using these techniques is that it is clinically unusual to find complete cessation of retinal flow in patients. Although SL and HIOP methods produce ischemia by similar mechanisms, there has not been a previous controlled comparison of these two methods in the rat. Moreover, most previous studies have examined either electrophysiologic or histologic measurements of damage in isolation, and little data are available demonstrating electrical recovery over an extended period of time after ischemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relative efficacy of the HIOP and the SL methods in studies of transient retinal ischemia and subsequent recovery in order to determine which of these two methods would be preferred in in vivo studies of retinal ischemia. Specifically, this study compares the histopathologic and electrophysiologic ( electroretinography [ ERG]) parameters using these two methods in the rat. Additionally, this study attempts to correlate retinal elec-trophysiology to histopathology subsequent to transient retinal ischemia. METHODS Animals and anesthesia Procedures used in this investigation conformed to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology ( ARVO) Resolution on the Use of Animals in Research and were approved by our animal care committee. We studied Sprague- Dawley rats, 150 to 200 gms, purchased from Taconic ( Germantown, NY), maintained in a 12- hour on/ 12- hour off light- dark cycle. Animals were fasted overnight before surgery. The rats were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal mixture of ketamine 30 to 40 mg/ kg and intramuscular xylazine 2.5 mg/ kg injection. Adequacy of anesthesia was tested by tail clamping with a hemostat, and supplemental intramuscular doses of ketamine and xylazine were administered as needed. The rat was positioned prone during all of the measurements. Body temperature was maintained throughout all experiments at 37° C with a heating pad. Induction of ischemia High intraocular pressure method. This procedure has been described in detail previously ( 10). In brief, the anterior chamber OD was cannulated using a 27- gauge, ^- inch needle attached by a three- way stopcock to an infusion of sterile 0.9% saline and a manometer. Under direct vision, the needle tip was placed within the anterior chamber, and the corneal puncture site was sealed with cyanoacrylate cement. IOP was raised to 150 mm Hg in order to exceed systemic arterial blood pressure. After completion of the target period of ischemia, the needle was withdrawn and the IOP normalized. Suture ligation method. We have described this procedure in recent publications ( 11,25- 27). A sterile 2- 0 suture was placed around the retrobulbar optic nerve and blood vessels OD, and the suture was pulled through a short length of polyethylene tubing ( PE- 200). By pushing the tubing toward the eye while clamping the suture to maximal tightness, we were able to produce complete ocular ischemia for the target period of time. Complete loss of the electroretinogram b- wave as well as obliteration of retinal vessels by fundoscopic examination served as evidence of retinal ischemia in both experimental models. The contralateral eye of each animal served as a nonischemic control. One drop of gen-tamicin ophthalmic solution was applied topically to the ischemic eye before and after the eye was rendered ischemic. Electroretinography The procedures used were those we have previously reported ( 5,11,26). In brief, rats were dark- adapted overnight, their pupils dilated with tropicamide 0.5% and Cyclomydril ( Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Ft. Worth, TX). A platinum electroencephalogram ( EEG) electrode was placed on the topically anesthetized cornea, a reference electrode was placed on the ipsilateral mastoid, and a ground electrode was placed on the lower dorsum. The average response to 3 to 4 white- light flashes generated at a distance of 15 cm from the rat's eyes was recorded. The ERG data were analyzed as previously described ( 5,11,26). Light microscopy The animals were anesthetized and the eyes enucleated at the chosen survival time points and then fixed in Trump fixative, consisting of 11.6 g of sodium J Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2001 64 D. M. ROSENBAUM ET AL. monophosphate and 2.7 g of sodium hydroxide dissolved in 500 mL of distilled water, 100 mL of 37% formaldehyde, and 20 mL of glutaraldehyde, with further addition of distilled water to a volume of 1000 mL. Enucleated globes were then sectioned in the vertical meridian and the inferior portion of the eyeball ( retina, choroid, and sclera) embedded in epoxy resin. One micron- thick sections were stained with 1% toluidine blue. The retinal histoarchitecture was evaluated as previously described by light microscopy ( 10,11). Measurements of the thickness of the retinal layers were performed as follows: 1) outer limiting membrane ( OLM) to inner limiting membrane ( ILM), 2) outer nuclear layer ( ONL), 3) outer plexiform layer ( OPL), 4) inner nuclear layer ( INL), and 5) IPL to ILM. The mean value for these measurements taken in four adjacent areas of the inferior retina within 1 mm of the optic nerve was calculated. Additionally, manual cell counts of the INL and ganglion cell layer ( GCL) were performed over a length of 200 microns in the inferior peripapillary region of the retina. These measurements were performed in the same area of retina in all the eyes in order to prevent any effect on the results because of possible regional anatomic variation. Studies Each experimental group ( HIOP or SL model) was divided so that the retina of each set of animals was rendered ischemic for 30 or 60 minutes. Repeat ERG examination was performed 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days after the end of 30 or 60 minutes of ischemia. These ischemic times were chosen on the basis of earlier studies that reported severe histologic damage after 60 minutes of iscliemia in the rat and lesser degrees of damage after shorter periods of ischemia ( 9,14). Eyes were harvested for histologic examination at either 1 or 7 days after ischemia. Statistics Electroretinography b- wave amplitudes were normalized to baseline values and expressed as a percent of the baseline. To account for variation in the ERG amplitudes ( e. g., day- to- day variation within a subject), values obtained for follow- up examinations after ischemia ended were corrected by dividing the normalized ischemic value by the normalized control value ( control ERG amplitude at a given time point divided by the baseline control) ( 11). Repeated measures of analysis of variance ( ANOVA) were used to examine the changes in wave amplitude over time compared to baseline. Unpaired t tests were used to compare results between groups at matched follow- up time points after ischemia. Histologic data was examined using paired t tests to compare control to ischemic retina of paired eyes within groups, on either day 1 or day 7 after ischemia, and unpaired t tests to compare ischemic results between groups. RESULTS Histopathology Ischemia sustained for 30 minutes using HIOP or SL resulted in no significant changes compared with the control in retinal thickness 1 or 7 days later. There was, however, a slight decrease in the GCL count at 7 days in the SL model. Ischemia sustained for 60 minutes using either HIOP ( Figs. 1A, IB, and 2) or SL ( Figs. 1C, ID, and 2) resulted in the typical histopathologic features expected subsequent to acute retinal ischemia ( 9,10,14). One day after ischemia, a decrease in the ML cell count was evident in the eye subjected to HIOP only, and a significant decrease in cell counts in the GCL in both models was noted ( Fig. 1C, D). Light microscopy at 7 days after ischemia revealed similar histopathologic features in HIOP and SL models of retinal ischemia. There was a significant decrease in overall retinal thickness, with marked thinning of the inner retinal layers and extensive disorganization of the inner retinal histoarchitecture ( Fig. 1A, C). The number of cells in the ML and GCL of the ischemic retinas were reduced in both models ( Fig. IB, D). Of note, there was no further decline in the INL cell count after one day in the HIOP model as compared to the delayed decrease in the INL cell count that was seen 7 days after ischemia in the SL model. There was slight thinning of the OPL 7 days after ischemia in the SL model only. The histoarchitecture of the ONL showed disruption of the orderly, vertically oriented, columnar arrangement of cells and cytologic irregularities ( Fig. 2). Electrophysiology Both techniques produced reliable and reversible retinal ischemia. In the early postischemic period ( first 2 hours of recovery) the b- wave recorded similarly in both models regardless of the duration of the ischemic insult. No significant changes in wave amplitudes were found over time compared to baseline in the nonischemic eyes of any of the groups. There was complete absence of ERG activity during ischemia and varying degrees of reappearance of the waveforms during recovery, depending upon the duration of ischemia. The b- wave amplitude increased throughout the recovery period, after 30 minutes of ischemia, to a final value of 74.9 ± 21.9% ( p < 0.0095 vs baseline) at 7 days after ischemia for HIOP and 73.9 ± 7.1% for SL ( Table 1). In the 60- minute ischemic group, recovery of the b-wave plateaued by 120 minutes after ischemia ended, and the final value of 8.5 ± 2.1% ( p < 0.00009 vs baseline) at 7 days after ischemia for HIOP and 11.7 ± 1.8% for SL did not differ significantly from values recorded at earlier recovery periods. The b- wave amplitude following 60 minutes of ischemia declined at 1 day, at a time when the histology only demonstrated mild pathologic changes and remained depressed for up to 7 days ( Table 1). DISCUSSION The mechanisms of cell death caused by ischemia and reperfusion in the retina are not yet fully understood. The time course of postischemic neuronal damage in the retina is believed to be similar to that observed in other regions of the central nervous system. It appears that a / Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2001 RETINAL ISCHEMIA MODELS IN RATS 65 60 min HlOP 200 180 160 E 140 ^. CO 1 20 CO LU 100 Z o 80 200 180 160 ^ 140 CO LU 100 Z ^ 80 o X 60 40 20 0 n =] CONTROL Y///////// A \ DAY ^ ^ ^ 7 DAYS i t n^ g E o 60 min SL ^ J 100 O O 60 LU 40 o 20 0 i 1 CONTROL Y///////// A \ DAY mmm 7 DAYS _ n ooZ> Q_ o 60 min HlOP T I = I CONTROL V//////// A \ DAY fei^&& aa 7 DAYS n INL GCL 60 min SL m i 1 CONTROL V///////// A \ DAY mmm 7 DAYS R INL GCL FIG. 1. A, C: Measurements ( mean ± standard error of mean [ SEM]) of the thickness of retinal layers of nonischemic eyes ( control), and eyes 1 day and 7 days after 60 minutes ischemia show a significant decrease in overall retinal thickness ( OLM- ILM) and in the inner retinal layers ( INL, IPL- ILM) in both the HlOP ( A) and SL ( C) models. B, D: Manual cell counts of the INL and GCL in control eyes and 1 day and 7 days after 60 minutes ischemia. The INL cell count is significantly reduced at 1 day in the HlOP model ( B); a delayed decrease in the INL cell count is noted at day 7 in the SL model ( D). The GCL cell count is significantly reduced at 1 day and 7 days in both the HlOP ( B) and SL ( D) models ( n = 5 per group). * p < 0.05. f p < 0.01. " maturation" phenomenon is present, whereby ischemic damage, at least according to histologic criteria, becomes more evident with increasing recovery times following ischemia. The initial ischemic insult results in cellular perturbations that continue to progress despite, or perhaps because of, reperfusion of the ischemic tissue ( 28). It is commonly accepted that ischemia and reperfusion lead to the generation of oxygen free radicals and excitatory amino acids, leading to cellular damage primarily from massive influx of Ca+ 2. Ca+ 2 influx results in the activation of enzymes such as lipases, proteases, endo-nucleases, nitric oxide synthase, and damage to cell membranes and DNA ( 4). Activation of these enzymes could lead to further increases in the production of damaging oxygen free radicals ( 29- 32). Delayed cell death in the retina could also be the result of ischemia- triggered programmed cell death, or apoptosis; however, the mechanisms of this latter phenomenon remain to be determined ( 10,33- 35). The primary implication of the evolving injury after ischemia is that the extent of postischemic injury may be underestimated if examination is performed too early in the recovery period. In the present study, we have shown that the functional ( ERG) and conventional histologic changes after ischemia progress over time and that ERG disturbance predate morphologic changes. In earlier studies, it has been shown that ganglion cell loss in the rat retina after ischemia increases with time ( 14). However, most studies examining retinal function ( via measurement of the ERG) have confined measurements to the early hours after ischemia ( 36- 39). Therefore, studies of the effects of various interventions on the outcome after a period of ischemia may yield deceptive information. In addition, the examination of either histologic or J Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol 21, No. 1, 2001 66 D. M. ROSENBAUM ET AL. ILM GCL ILM i GCL IPLI INL ONL OLM D ^ r# W « E * t* lft*- F ^ K'T'^ FIG. 2. Representative photomicrographs showing the histologic appearance of the nonischemic ( control) and ischemic retinas 1 day and 7 days after 60 minutes ischemia. The overall retinal thickness is decreased with marked thinning of the inner retina in the ischemic retinas. Toluidine blue; original magnification, x 80. A: control; B: 1 day, HIOP; C: 7 days, HIOP; D: control; E: 1 day, SL; F: 7 days, SL. functional changes alone after ischemia is not an optimal approach. Functional outcome is the most relevant measurement to use in designing future clinical translation of research findings ( 40), whereas conventional histologic measurement is useful for localizing the site( s) of injury in studies of the basic mechanisms of retinal ischemia. TABLE 1. Electroretinography b- wave (% baseline) Time ( reperfusion) 30 minutes of ischemia 2 hrs 1 day 3 days 7 days 60 minutes of ischemia 2 hrs 1 day 3 days 7 days HIOP ( n = 10) 59.6 ± 17.7 64.5 ± 23.7 66.8 ± 23.7 74.9 ± 21.9 16.1 ± 2.6 13.6 ± 3.9 11.8 ± 3.9 8.5 ± 2.1 SL ( n = 11) 54.1 ± 3.7 57.9 ± 4.1 50.9 ± 4.5 73.9 ± 7.1 16.7 ± 2.6 9.6 ± 2.1 4.7 ± 1.7 11.7 ± 1.8 HIOP, high intraocular pressure; SL, suture ligation. The present study provides new data showing simultaneously the functional and histologic progression of changes after retinal ischemia in the rat. The duration of ischemia has a significant impact on postischemic recovery, and the results were similar using either model. After 30 minutes of ischemia with SL or HIOP, there was progressive b- wave recovery to nearly 75% of preischemic baseline 7 days later. However, 30 minutes of ischemia with HIOP or SL produced no significant retinal structural changes. These results could indicate that conventional light microscopy is not sensitive enough to detect changes in retinal structure. The findings are similar to those following 45 minutes of bilateral carotid artery occlusion in the rat ( 41) and are consistent with the lack of significant change in the number of retinal ganglion cells after 30 minutes of ischemia by increased IOP in the rat retina ( 14). Thus, 30 minutes of ischemia using either HIOP or SL may be a useful duration to examine the mechanisms responsible for recovery of retinal function after ischemia. Both retinal structure and function were significantly altered after 60 minutes of ischemia. These functional alterations were evident immediately after ischemia and became increasingly evident over time. That functional alterations show a greater magnitude in comparison to conventional histologic changes (> 90% decrement in function compared to a 45% decrease in inner retinal thickness) suggests that ERG may be a more sensitive means of assessing the extent of retinal damage in these models. Earlier reports using the HIOP method showed a greater susceptibility of the inner retina to damage compared to the outer retina ( 9,15,39,42). Our present study demonstrates that whereas the HIOP and SL methods of retinal ischemia result in inner retinal damage with relative sparing of the outer retina, the outer retina is more adversely affected in the SL model. The apparent selective vulnerability of the inner retina to ischemia as compared to the outer retina cannot be attributed to a pressure phenomenon, because even in the SL method, the inner retina showed greater histopathologic alteration than did the outer retina. Nor can this selective inner retinal vulnerability be attributed to alteration in retinal blood flow alone because diminution of the retinal and choroidal blood flows have been demonstrated to occur to a similar degree by HIOP in the cat and by SL in the rat ( 43). Other mechanisms, such as variation in glycogen stores or greater sensitivity to excitotoxic and apoptotic damage ( 10,35), may be involved. The results of this study show remarkable similarity between the two commonly used experimental techniques, histopathologically as well as electrophysiologi-cally. An earlier report comparing similar models in the cat demonstrated that HIOP led to greater injury than SL ( 44). There were, however, several important differences between that study and ours, including the use of cats in place of rats, a greater increase in IOP ( to 160 mmHg), short- term follow- up of the ERG ( only until 390 minutes postischemia), a greater degree of surgical manipu- / Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2001 RETINAL ISCHEMIA MODELS IN RATS 67 lation to produce ischemia with SL, and no histologic measurements. In conclusion, both SL and HIOP are suitable experimental models for the study of retinal ischemia in the rat, because ischemia is easily produced, reversible, and quantifiable by histologic or functional criteria. The combination of functional ( ERG) and histologic quantification of ischemic damage is important in the evaluation of ischemic injury, because functional measurements may reveal injury at a time when retinal morphology appears relatively normal. Conventional histologic measurements performed too early after ischemia may underestimate the degree of injury. 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