The 2013 egyptian military coup: why did it produce lasting regime change?

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Publication Type honors thesis
School or College College of Social and Behavioral Science
Department Political Science
Faculty Mentor Marjorie Castle
Creator Wittwer, Blake
Title The 2013 egyptian military coup: why did it produce lasting regime change?
Date 2024
Description In 2013, Egypt underwent a regime change through the method of a military coup. The current political state and government of Egypt is the direct result of these events. Notably, Egypt has experienced one of the few successful military coups in recent history. This thesis attempts to explain why this military coup was successful. The thesis will apply various theories to aspects of Egyptian political society. Ultimately, the role of the military, the direction of the coup, external international actors, and state violence were the primary characteristics that made the Egyptian military coup of 2013 a success.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Blake Wittwer
Format Medium application/pdf
Permissions Reference URL
ARK ark:/87278/s6eym3kv
Setname ir_htoa
ID 2575173
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