Culture of gender: socialization, spirituality and sexuality

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Social and Behavioral Science
Department Family & Consumer Studies
Creator McDaniel, Susan
Title Culture of gender: socialization, spirituality and sexuality
Date 1987
Description In this presentation, I hope to take you on a journey through the social landscape which teaches us about spirituality and sexuality. Like any journey, this one will have its ups and downs and in this case both ups and downs come from the same source. That source is the recognition that what we can be as spiritual and sexual beings is both enhanced and thwarted by social pressures and expectations. Some aspects of this recognition we may wish we could overlook but, ultimately, if we are to guide others on similar journeys, we must face them squarely and realize that understanding the shifting aspects of our social world gives us ultimate power over ourselves and enables us to reach out to others.
Type Text
Publisher Sex Information and Education Council of Canada
Volume 2
Issue 2
First Page 29
Last Page 34
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation McDaniel, S. (1987). Culture of gender: socialization, spirituality and sexuality. Sex Information and Education Council of Canada Journal, 2(2), 29-34.
Rights Management (c)Sex Information and Education Council of Canada
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 667,903 bytes
Identifier ir-main,3905
ARK ark:/87278/s6pz5t3j
Setname ir_uspace
ID 704292
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