Accelerating DNA Sequence Alignment

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Publication Type honors thesis
School or College College of Engineering
Department Electrical & Computer Engineering
Faculty Mentor Rajeev Balsubramonian,
Creator Hodgson, Keeton R.
Title Accelerating DNA Sequence Alignment
Date 2018
Description Precision medicine can provide breakthroughs in current medical technology and treatment. The ability to prescribe a speci#12;c cure to a speci#12;c disease for a spe- ci#12;c person can greatly reduce the cost of medical treatments, reduce mistakes in the medical #12;eld, and increase the e#11;ectiveness of medical treatments. Genetic in- formation is one of the biggest sources of information for precision medicine, and extracting and understanding this DNA can be a lengthy and di#14;cult task. DNA Sequence alignment is one of the most time-consuming and computationally inten- sive parts of precision medicine. Hash-based DNA aligners are currently the fastest and most e#14;cient aligners in their #12;eld. This work explores the common pipeline structure for hash-based aligners, that of seed selection, #12;ltering, and edit distance, to construct a new sequence alignment pipeline. This new pipeline takes advantage of the availability of large modern memory systems, built-in vector instructions in mod- ern CPU cores, and explores the possibility of using a heterogeneous memory system and near data processing to further accelerate the pipeline. With these software and hardware innovations, a speedup of 8#2; and reduced false negative rates are achieved for a range of datasets over the traditional sequence alignment pipeline without the need to create a specialized accelerator chip.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Keeton R. Hodgson
Format Medium application/pdf
Permissions Reference URL
ARK ark:/87278/s6ms952d
Setname ir_htoa
ID 1551218
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