(DGC) Former Director of Ophthalmology, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Posterior Cranial Fossa
Presenting Symptom: gross nystagmus. Clinical Signs: gross nystagmus; saccade velocity and amplitude are normal; definite "cog-wheel" type pursuit movements; saccades, not smooth pursuit. History: 6/17/81: 18 year old boy who developed ataxia at age 15 after a flu-like episode but also after head thrust in boxing. Fluctuating course. CSF 234 cells. Arteriogram. And PEG neg. Later weakness and wheel chair with ++ ataxia, truncal and limb. CT at NIH: small cerebellum and enlarged 4th vent. No Arnold Chiari. Eyes show cog-wheel pursuit and nystagmus. on eccentric gaze. VIDEO. Anatomy: Posterior cranial fossa. Pathology: Lesions of posterior cranial fossa. Etiology: Idiopathic. Disease/ Diagnosis: Posterior Fossa Lesions