Title | Songs of the soldiers and sailors, U.S. |
Subject | War songs--United States; United States--History--World War, 1914-1918--Songs and music |
Creator | United States. Commission on Training Camp Activities |
Description | First edition of a compilation of hymns, patriotic and popular songs issued by the Commissions on Training Camp Activities of the Army and Navy Departments during 1917 as the United States entered World War I. Original was the property of Mervin B. Hogan. |
OCR Text | Show SONGS of the SOLDIERS and SAILORS U. S. Name _w_,~ ('ompany , _“ Regiment [or] SONGS of (he SOLDIERS AND SAILORS U. S. Issued by the 'Commissz‘ons on Training Camp Activities of the Army and Navy szarlmenls I FIRST EDITION "Copyright applied for" PRICE, 25 CENTS To those in the service. I5 cent! WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE l9I7 ('2. S T f l ‘i' 8 ~14 ‘z: <w firr-A 163"" ‘/—-N .’.‘H’T ”V" r- “ ‘.'r—1 ms- S’p-rin n u ------------------ ‘ '_"V ‘OARM Ina—747:0 8:.11 1m ngn --------------------- 5*szng sag; ,! mm“ mg] (my ----------------------------- "JV In 1mm}; (1mg 0111111 E1101 Snow 13 :2); {>110}; O‘l Au“; I """""" up; [)120- ,‘HHEL ()‘1‘:(i.‘\‘\. 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SB G.)L\' SI} (mpde 3i 03>?qu AOILL ..... ”Hun-””-H-H'UOH‘IW{5' S‘H’VHVHA'L‘MH, """""""" HUAIJ EHU'I T‘llu'l r < nLHll 1 . ...................... < ...... GUM!” “51"“1‘1'11 m0 TIC/“TJ rV w! Cu—h ‘T‘V‘LDr-‘(Vfi‘z‘Y‘ . - --------- ' """"" 310“qu HRUSIHL‘) mum“ . ..... _ .......................... W'ifinéf“"1"1)[’|() '1 DE' - ------------------------------ yum”; .m \H . ....... .. . ...................... (AI-)0” 0”} ([0 NH) 1‘3 ' ' ' ' ' 31351—191 p10 mox U1sola‘luoxlrumk (Ill }l""u[ 3;: ... ................................ V “in” “4“,“: L: """"""""""""""""" [.1113an mug ............. ........ ...................... WWW """" lqfin1m.“pauxmj‘ydgui """"" O‘LL l‘mlfil PU“..l"1!‘[\\ W"? XE“ \ ”H‘[ w 5‘35 5317 OIE»: ' ' ' ' ' """" ‘ """" p103) mp tummy 5'1anth .1» ‘11:! I”: """"" “'"""“"""'21‘lequpnlrirnulguug """""""""""""" 31mg EHUHKIHIHH§ """ GILL [JEA\\011[1AU)3[saunlmg)[mung . ...... .. ....................... [{m\\.>.u:_[ “3"7'1‘I’N 7‘; ;. :yi‘ """"""" arm, ‘awug Jun“ 3n .>L11Ii\‘l[[1\' . , ‘er ' """"""""""""""""" V)_\\)!\v)‘i\{) 1AM“; {7 U '. ..... . ..................... ....... ............................. otlie)11'LII-\“-HM-1w) .......... ................ 0“1‘~‘1-"fi1ll'i<> ................................. 0mm” MI W) ------------------- 1912‘] SQS\‘II'§<I[I)[[.1U(){"‘UU ............................. ir)‘\() >1 “I“:i “v“ JUN}: ......................... WILL 0 r ~11 P“?! 4,, WM; ‘lCl’ Fr'~(:‘§_. :A‘ -. ”n A ‘ xczcvx i" IKI‘Llflll Jury 8'51 1.51 ‘SLNHINOO SONGS OF THE SG’LDiER AND SAELQES. (‘z‘mp Activities of Lyn/1 by the Commission: on 'i'rniningr the A r in y and Navy Depart men ts. 1. THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. (B flaw Crh. say, can you see . by the. (hiwn's early iig‘ht, What so proudly we hailed at. the twilight‘s inst gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the clouds of the tight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gaiiuutiy streaming? And the rockets" red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that star—spnngied banner yet wave O‘er the land of the free and the home of the ornve? h. thus be it ever when freedmen shall stand :etwmn their loved homes and the war’s desoia‘ tion ; Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the l'ieav‘n-reseued laud Praise the Pow‘r that. hath made and preserved us :1 nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: “ In God is our trust I ” And the star—Spangled banner in triumph shall \V {1V0 O‘er the land of the free and the home of the brew! 7 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS ANI SAILGRS. OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILGES. 3. BATTLE HYMN OF THE R 'IPUBLIC. 2. AMERICA. (B flat.) (1”-) Mine eyes have seen the glory oi' the coming: Hf ”10 3i): ('uliliti’V, ’tis of thee, S‘Wt‘i'l' 121ml of liberty, Hi" ilu‘e I Mug: hiiul where my fathers (lied! Land of the jiilgrin'is’ pride! Truth ev‘ry mountain side Let freedom ring! ’xiy nnlive muntry, thee, Lmnl of the noble free, ’l‘hy name I love: 1 low: thy rm-lis and rills. ’l‘liy wnml~< :uui templed hills; Ely heart with rupture thrills Like that above. Iivi inn<ic swell the breeze, Ans! ring: from all the trees Sweet i‘reozimn’s song: Lord: He is irunnilinfx out the vintmro where the grapes of wrath are stored; lie hnth loosed the fateful lightning of 1113 terrible swift sword: Ills t1 nth is marching on. (ilnry, glnry. hnlielujzihz (llol'y. glory. lléilll‘llljl‘lil! (llory, glory, hullelujuh! His truth is irinrehing on. I have seen Ilini in the vnteh-f‘ires of a hundred ('irvlin;r caning; They have huil<led Him an altar in the evening; (lows and (lilllllls‘; I can Yen-:1 llis righteous sentence by the dim and Hauling lzunns; II‘ZS day is mnrohing on. Glnry, glory: hullelujnh! etc. Incl nmrizil iunguxxs‘ muke; in mi! ilml, ln'mthe partake; llv lmth sonmlnil forth the trumpet that shall never lm ruvlgs llu‘ll' NilL‘liCC break-— ’l‘lw wund Pl‘tlllfllg. lie is sitting out the hearts of men before His judg— (mr i"iilvm'<’ God, to T1109, Oil. he mitt, my soul ,to answer Him! be jubilant. will rolrvzit; ment sent. .\ilii1<rl‘ «it liberty, ‘l‘U 'ku “Te MILL“: luv: nuiy nur lnmi be bright \Viih i'i'iwlnni',< lmly liC‘ht; l'mu-i us by Thy might, (In-tit (Mil, our King! lllfx' feet ! Our (:nil is marching on. Glory, glory, hullelujah! etc. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 11 5. BATTLE CRY 0F FREEDOM. (A flat.) 4. THE RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. (:1 flat.) 0 (udxzill‘in, ilw emu of the mean, The home of the brave and the free, 'J‘hw sivvino oi‘ omh miriot‘s devotion, ,/ .l \‘.tii"H! mu rs: homage to thee. ’im 1m airs nzuke heroes :lSFOlll!)le, \X‘lxv-tl Liberty‘s inrm stands in View; Thy l‘:lll?lt'!“l mnlco tyranny tremble, \"filw lmrne by the red, White, and blue! \\ hwn lmrne by We red, white, and Min"! When lmrne hy the red. white, and blue! 'l‘hy lmnnors make tyranny trei‘nhle \‘lllvn borne by the red, white, and blue! Yes, we‘ll rally round the flag, boys, we‘ll rally once again, Shouting the battle Cry of freedom! M’e will rally from the hillside, we‘ll rally from the plain, Shouting the battle cry of freedom! The Union forever, hurrah, boys, hurrah! Down with the traitor and up with the stars! ,While we rally round the flag, boys, rally once again, Shouting the battle cry of freedom. We are springing to the call of our brothers; gone before. Shouting the battle cry of freedom! 'And we'll till the vacant ranks with a inillioi 1110!} 'l‘lm ri-lr-tg :nnlml lmnnm- hrin: hither, HR ;' < v >2:i'>: irno Rona let it \Ym‘e, ’ ' lln‘ \\1ii {ills they have won never wilhfir, K 4 ‘»[,‘ _ V ‘U "s ('(‘let‘ to shine on the brave: ”\‘l'i‘. united ne'er sever, l‘ull livid To their ('olni‘»: SO true; 2:! .‘;_\ :er llii‘x'y i'ld‘eYei', ’Jin'w ('Elwi's for the red. “while, and hluul “jik‘t‘l‘s for the real, White, and Him! " “ (‘llL’t‘l'S :lif' in‘wv for the I‘i‘tl‘ white, and blue! ’l‘im army and navy forever. 'l ink-e cheers for the red, white, and blue! frat more, Shouting the battle cry of TI‘Pf",ilOIll! The Union forever, hurrah, boys, hurrah! etc. 12 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 6. LA MARSEILLAISE. 7. THE HYMN OF FREE RUSSIA. (A flat.) Arise. ye (‘hildren of the nation, The day of glory now is here! Sm tho hosts oi? dark oppression 'l‘lioir l)l0(i(l-Si:lill€(l banners rear, 'l‘iwir hlood~stuined banners rear! 1M yo not hood? roaring; the tyrants go, twittering homes and peace; Our sons. our ('omrudes face the foe, Young Russia, hail. Victorious! All praise we chant to thee! Amid the nations, glorious, Thou standost, proud and free! No tyrant shell enslave thee, Thy sun arises bright; 'All hail to those who gave thee ’w New Freedoms sacred light. ’l‘ho Wounds of war increase. 'l‘o :irms! Ye \mrriors all! Your hold battalions call! Mow-h on. yo free! Deuth shall he ours, Ur glorious liberty! REFRAlN. Aux nrmes, oitoyens! Forum: \‘os huluillons! Young Russia, hail, Victorious! All praise we (hunt to thee! 'Amid the nations, glorious, Thou stundest, proud and free; 'A song of countless voices Resounds from shore to shore, The Russian folk rejoices With Freedom evermore. Murrhons. mnrvhons! (gn‘un sun}: impur {Young Russia, hail, victorious! All praise we chant to thee! Alu'ouro nos sillonsl Amid the nations, glorious. Thou standest, proud and free! '(Tuxwyxiglm 1117, 135G. Scbirmer.) (Copyright. 1917. by G. Schirmcr.) SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 14 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 9. AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL. 0 beautiful for spacious Skies, For amber \':l\'0.\‘, of grain. For purple mountain 111ajosties Above the fruited plain! Anwrica ! -‘111101'1111 ! 8. THESE THINGS SHALL BE. (A flat.) (41111 $11911 His gram on 11109 A1111 (‘I‘OWH thy 15111111 with brotherhood 19111111 55011 to shining 5011! 0 1111211111111 for 1111211111 {1101, Thwv 11111123 $111111 be! A lofiior race ’1‘111111 11'1'1‘ the world hath known shall rise, \‘1‘1121 11:11110 11f i'rouioni in their souls 31.1111 light of knowledge in their- eyes. 331111111 111111 11:111'1111, 1111111 with 1111111, 1‘1111 '111111 shall live :15 comrades free, 111 11111 1111:11'1 and brain shall throl) 1\'1111,<1\ $111111, 11111111s:,<i1)n'11 stress A 111111'1111u11l'a1‘1) for 11110110111 beat Arrow 11111 \1’111101'11essl Anna-111:1 ! Amerim 1 (11111 11101111 1111119 (\\"1';; flaw. (‘1111111‘111 thy 811111 in s111F—c1111t1‘01, Thy liberty in law! ’11» 11111511 111‘ one fraternity. Now 2111'»: 1:1 all 111011111, of 10ftier 1110111, 1‘11sz 1111 .111‘1'1111114101111'111 1111rsl<1es; A1111 1\'1'§‘ 11‘1'11x11alll111a 501114. \‘1'1111111111 111-:1 0111111 is 111111111150. r1“111-'~--.<l1all 11111111111111'11 sin 1101' shame. ’1‘1111‘ 1111111 111111 11:1»‘11111 may not 1110, F11)" 11..111 \11311 1111111: 0111* with (71011 0 110: 11111111 for herons proved 111 111111111111: strife. W11» 111111111 than Sfi‘if their country loved, A1111 111111‘1‘3‘ 111111'11 111:111 life! America 1 America! May (11111 thy :50111 refine, T111 all succesx be 1111111011058, A1111 ov’ry gain divine! 111 1111-1111.» 111‘ 111'111 necessity. (C011) 1‘11'1111 1917. by G. Schirmcr.) 0 beautiful for patriot dream '1‘11111‘ swag beyond 1119, years Thino alabaster cities gleam, 1‘11111111111'11 by 11111111111 tears! Ann-1111a l Alum-11a! (11111 shml His grace on thee An1l prawn 111; £01111 with brotherhood 191-11111 sea to shining" seal! (Y‘s-«11 11y pormissinn of Katherine Lee 1131115.) 17.1111x2717__~1 16 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORSB 10. MARCH 3 MARCH! (Eflam March, march, march, march! March. comrades, march along, March, march. march, march! )lzxi'lh. a hundred million strong! On through dark and battles roar, (in where none has dared before, On to may the ages’ score: March. march. march! Forward, comrades. March, march. forever, 1’1) wiih the ill-oak of day, 011.” on the travklwss way, Hm»: lhe will li'ni' must and can, (:11 := to crown "reai‘ion’s plan, (law to win the world for man: SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 17 March, march, march, march! March, comrades, march along, March, march, march, march, March, a hundred million strong! One in vision, one in will, We shall carry Zion’s hill, God is in His heaven still: March, march, march! Il‘orward, comrades, March, march, forever, Up with the break of day, ‘ Out on the trackless way, Ours the heart to dare and do, Ours the Promised Land to view,Ours to build the world anew: March, comrades, march! {C :1':I;lll.1916. by G. Schirmer.) rz-h, comrades, march! 11. OFF FOR FRANCE. 2i‘<'il. march, march. march! Bin-«h. comrades, march along. march. mart-ht march. Marl-ll. :1 hi nh'ed million strong! l‘l'r're needed now in Europe, and we plan a little trip. \‘v e do not dare to give the date or mention name of ship. "s'v‘l~‘ll take a loaf of bread with us for rations while we‘re gone, lll'iln'» oi' Pence, uphold our trust. ’l‘holuh we face the battle thrust: l‘i: ‘= we Fllilll while light we must: l‘lvlvh. march. march! l-‘oi'n'.‘::l'.l, comrades, Aral Hoover will be pleased with us, because it’s made an‘r'll. march. forever, l'n \lilh the break of day, (Ill. All 1110 il“l<~l;l(*s.’\‘ “113', ‘l‘l u're oil' for France to-day. Mine off for France to take a chance for the U. S. A. \‘v. (“l'l‘ going to take a little chance, Low to hate shall never yield While the sword of God we wield? (in to Inmanwldon‘s field: \‘x'e’re going to try a little run, March, comrades y march! of corn. S's we must go away, l-‘v‘l'r going to France! ‘ '1‘» not our duty (lone, have a little fun. We mean to clear it up, an’ cheer it up, and then come home. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AI‘ID SAILORS. 18 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. We‘re going to take a little chance, We‘re going to France! We‘re going to try :1 little run, To get our duty (lone, ’1‘!) have a little fun. 7We mum to clear it up, and cheer it up, and iheu come home. 13. THE IIOFJE ROAD. ([I j'lilLl 3311:: n hymn of l4‘1'n'-z\tli|‘xll; -‘l‘ llljd‘ll ' On our way across the ocean, if we chance on sub-e lllill'lllOR, ‘» .‘9 We’ll take, the opportunity to fill ’em up With b93115(h‘ if we see :1 flier, we will catch it on the fly lly pullin: salt upon its tail, as it goes flying by. So we must gm away, w ‘ ”h,‘lll~<1 lic) my: l“ . .Vi ‘Cr‘rw off for Frame 10—day. \‘H-‘re off for ll‘mnr'e to take a chance for he U. .C We‘re gains to Tu]; } :1 little chance, “WI-e going to France! 11m (11;: ., 1: ,, :~: ID <‘. We‘re going lo try :1 little run, 'l‘o ,zrv: our duty «lone, ’l'o have a lillle fun. ll'z' We nmn to clear it up, an' cheer it up, and ihen Home home. (“..l‘v:'l‘\1,‘:;'\'__ .1. llf‘lylxfl ‘:*:lll la) '1'} v] 1322‘ home ~~ (Uopyllgllt. 191 l . by Daniel Gregoi y liason: all rights rescxved.) u 12. JOAN OF ARC. loan of Are. Joan of Are, Do your ‘jfvS, from the Skies, see the Too? 1"”1'1 Mn see the drooping l«‘leur—de-lis‘? (‘nh‘t you hear the 1031's of Norman dy? 3mm of Arc. Joan of Arc, Let your Spirit guide us thro ugh, (‘mgm h mi your France to Vict ory, .luull of Are, they are culling you. (\‘~.~l lo wrmissiuu of Watcr son. Berlin & Snyder.) “,7 i ‘\('l11|1\\1('\7! uul 4:1"; t-a 19 20 SONGS 01? THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. EF ”SEEKERS 31-33 SAILGES. 53 15. “33%?" T? ‘3 $3117 FW’LFE (G '1‘111'3.‘ ”11911 f1‘1‘111 '1‘1 110. 11311110, «:1 311 ‘= 11111 1111‘ NH), 111‘ (‘2:1111113‘ 311111111 11111111 WNW ' 1:111 1111; 11113511. 14. THERE‘S A LONG, LONG TRAIL. 111w};- 1131111151111), (A flat.) :1»1‘<~:11:'111I:, N19111:: 11m growing: very lonely, Hays :11'0 \‘01‘3' long; ' I'111 :1-2‘1'1111111: weary only ].1<1‘11111;~ 1111‘ your song. (>111 1':1111~111111':1:1ccs are thronging '1'1111111gi1 my 1110111111‘5', 1‘11] 11 wens 11m “‘111’111 is full of (11631113 Jud; 11.1 «1111 you back to me. T119165 a 1011:. 1011:: 11-5111 unwinding ml 111.1;‘7chod by 1y-fm.;t'u civics. 111111 1111" 1211111 of my (110111115, “(111111 1110 3115:11121113‘11103 mu; singing A1111 1110 “11110 111111111 110111119: '1‘111111'5 :1 1211131 11111g11ig1110f waiting 0 LI) KITS-B -3. 111111 1115' 1:10:11115 :11] «51111011110, T111 11111 (1211‘ when 1‘11 110 11111111; (101113 '1‘11211‘ 1011:, 11:11,: trail with you. . 111. 111111 o11\1.‘.\'itmark & Sons, publishers and owners 0! the cop?- ‘ ,3‘1 1:011: 0111 1;11-‘.~;:1g, 11 Ana. 1-7" ‘1‘1'21110 3 .511: 1’1: :1 11_ 11‘; : 1:11;, 11111;: 111: 111111511111 '11'111111w-«111 11111.1 (,11 buuag, :~.~:111:>. 1.11121"! 22 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILOR“ SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 1?. WHEN THE GREAT RED DAWN IS SHINING. 19. I MAY BE GONE FOR A LONG. LONG TIME. (B flat.) ' 23 I may he gone for a long. longr time, Long, long~ time; long, long time; T‘im‘ I am fal‘ across the 003:1 n blue, Earl: lnnoly hour my heart remembers you; I‘m-h tomlm‘ look, each word I used to kHOW‘ (um-jog Luck to. back to me, I‘ve}: out 1110 long 3g . Whnn Um grout red (lawn is shining, When the waiting: hours are past, Yhnn he tears of night are ended Anrl I $08 the (1113' at last. I shall (0:110 down the road of sunshine, To a heart that is fond and true, Whvn the grant red dawn is shinin". Burl;luho:’ne,hncl: to love, and you. 1.111;, um! 1mm:.-_J.h.cmm&co.,_Lcd,,_aud published by Special? 3731;? 14ml .5 ‘l1(happulg‘cco,,LLd..1\eV/XOII§CA!3'.,\ qut MW“ 1 50 ‘ 1011 ‘w'll know ‘ 3‘1“”? ‘1 H always 13”)“ y , . Iun‘ fine day when you ll he nune. Be true to mo for :2, long. lwn; linw, Rain or shine, axx'celhmxrl mim‘, AW] 1711 {3‘9 W)“ 1}“ .1111“ to 35"“ A“ to “’9 R0“, \\ 1‘1”“ and “WC“ Though I’m gone for a long, 1031;; tune. {mm-right, 1017. by Broadway Blufic (‘nrnnrmtiom nun an Tan-«r. prrenmk, “7‘ “ ““’“ FWV‘m‘h S”““’ N” 10‘1”” ‘ . , u 20’ SEND ME A (URL. There's a corner in my hmrt ’1‘th I’m keeping: all :lpnrl‘ FUI‘ the 1111119 311’] I I?“ lK‘hiilll. I (m: we 11m- wuifin}: there 18. OVER THERE. (B flat) m”. me owr there, Swwl Hm \wI-vl, ,9le the word over thm‘P, '1 an the Yanks: are coming, the Yanks are owing, 'Clwc «hum rum tum hing (‘th‘yW'hCl‘e l-‘t; pl'wgml'v, my :1 ] mym‘. NM Hm wml. Wm ”10'“,01.d to beware. \W‘Jl be uwr, \w‘re coming: 0V0)“, And We mum (-ume buck till it’s over, over thumn 2:1 by L ormisal-m 9' “3.111931 39mm) Publishing Coronation.) With the flowers in hm- huir And the roses in 1201' (-hovks onhvinml; Em when you’re thinkingr of me owr yondwr‘. )f'lwn you \fomilw wlml; I want to we: r, 12m“! :1 pl‘el‘Ly ““10 9“” ‘. . , mom the sweetest little girl in my lwlm‘ t'v(27$,-d1.\_\'p<~rmission offlunfziugcrézDilwcrth,publishers) 7 t‘ Y 21. THE smrmmmNG some. hiK—K—Knty. hon ut ifnl Kn ty, Yulz‘l'o the only g—g»g-gix‘l that I adore; \Vhr‘n lho m-m-nl—nmnn shim‘s over the c-c-C-mw shed. i‘l‘a Le waiting at film kh-lg-liltcheu door. 25 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS- some. CE‘ THE SOLDIERS; AND 5111192.; :31; 23. GOD-(G RACK H-CfiI-E. 25. INDIANA. ‘ 1nd; Quin ‘ llfd'k, ; lung]; lH, .. —e. ((1') nun-l1, min: l‘:'.1<"l{, , .mn 1.11.; 1 ”.15 {1‘31'055 the sen. (Lu? )2 [nu-k, wing bmlc, I have always been a wuml'rer, Over land and sea, ‘n’hwn we‘ve made the \\‘helen‘:~rld free; Viz-ll (-19:11' the truck till we get back, 3:91 a ulOUll‘M‘iUH 0“ the water 63"” ('1 5‘00” 0'0" me, ' (; A Vision full‘ I see. _§ bun}; h.oqn.e_ Aguln I 5,991“ {0 b9: Li‘nm‘l :‘l ‘ pl1:331:A-JultnChun‘hCol.1317.) 2:. I‘LL W121) THE GIRL I LEFT 31-21-3233). Back home smzun in Imhnna, All“ it SOGIHS flint 1 UH! we The gleaming: candle light From the Iiehls I 11x00 10 11mm; e xnul‘e by the old cabin (19013 " ‘ l' 'l 1 The 11(:\\,'—1n:_>\\'n hay sends all its fragrance 't": l H i't Imillml. 'J‘Elr- When I dream about the mmmliptht nn the \l'ulmzh, Then I long for my Imliunu home. ' ~ Llh‘ilzo, i; and I Freifirgcd to 51-11;; ' ‘3 0:1. I . A . 1 slill shining bright 'l‘lmmg‘h the sycannm-m i‘m' me. l1’)-lllj;‘ll{; lxy the dim candle light 11 I (m1 1 1m; (and nmke he]: mine, (Us-0:1 by permission ofShapiro.Bemstcin&Co.) “Wamy hat on the, r: _ {”3 I , l ’l '1: f: 34113. publishers and annex: 1;: 1Lc {71'5" 26. \VHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING ROME. .1. I hid-31‘ (253:3; Y. HERE HEY SEND NH. (v. w ‘ALA-o 1 w" ,.. I p. ml ..-\ t‘ (a l , ('1"\‘ I .ll‘ ll l‘: I l.:>‘-.'<: ‘LU (l0; ‘ ‘- 1 ‘ <‘~ i. r: 1:. l I; . ‘ hfil’hen 1:1:1V "lint l , ! w:- _\« n, Ill‘nl'le. ,. w 1.7" \..-.«l:ll’.; N Mil r (,\~(:1-£1Hf~101‘ ev-s 1' l‘cc' : . \ ~ , al ~ . . u > “1‘ l :m Vxll-Cl‘. I {mt tlmi; « , \ v 5-}: ‘ l-‘ 17. . qnh \vo‘; W. ‘ '\.,~ m l'.17.1:_1'::2: L ligands, Day S; 1117:::::.) 1.,“ LI! (1} minor.) ‘ lnnluh, ‘ “ home again, When Johnny comes marclnng lllll‘l"lll' ,v ,a u- . L 3 .7 ‘ M911 bno mm a limit) , l ~. 4; x “UK mt 1’ p‘1" 1 nn'hh ‘ I hurrah ! The men will cheer, and the boys will shout, ‘ And the lmhes. ‘ they Will all tln-n out, ' , And we’ll all fee gay. “hen Johnny (‘0an muré‘hiug home. SONGS 01“ IKE SOLDIERS Alli) SAILOR it} o “G a SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 27 29. MOTHER MACHREE. (0.) 27. LI’L LIZA JANE. and “'11: “/11 .1 ii you {rot none, Li‘l Liza, June I you got none, Li‘l ],i:/.:1 June. June Lian Jane. ‘ lit-(1‘ :1111‘; 111:11'1‘5’ m 1 7 Li’l Liza. June, '11 3,1111 \‘di'u oi" lliEC, Li‘l 11':ch .1133. to to 1110. Li‘] Lin-1 June. There's a spot in my heart which no colleen may own: ’,l‘here‘-s a depth in my soul never sounded or known. There’s a place in my mem‘ry, my li't'e, that you till, No other can take it, no one ever will. Sure. I love the dear silver that shines in your hair, And the brow that‘s all fu‘rrowed 21nd wrinkled with care. I kiss the dear fingers so toil-worn for me, 0111 God bless you 11nd keep you. Mother )luchroo. ”1' :15 min, be, Lil Lit/1:1 June. (Used by permission of M. VVithrk .3: Sons, publishers and owners of the copyright.) 30. A PERFECT DAY. 1.» 1 .1 c1119. (.1 flat.) When And While 1901‘ you come to the end of :1 perfect day, you Sit alone with your thought. the chimes ring: out with :1 enrol 5:11); the joy that the day has brought. Do you think what the 0nd of :1 perfect day (‘1111 mean to :1 tired heart, When the sun not»: down with :1 flaming my And the (tour friendx‘ have to part? \Voll, this is the end of :1 port‘mt 1111)‘. Nonr the 0nd of :1 journey. too: But it leaves :1 thought thzll‘ is hi: and strong With :1 wish [hut is kind :111.-! true. For 1111\111‘1')’ 1121s puint‘od il1i< )wrt‘m-t day ‘Wlth colors that non-1‘ fade, And we iind :1t‘ the end of :1, pert'ot't day The soul ot‘ :1 friend we’ve 111111111. (Used by permission of Carrie Jacobs Bond 3: Sons, [>‘SlJlinl11'l‘S.) 28 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 29 33. “YAAKA EULA.” (.1 flaz.) 31. THE SUNSHINE OF YOUR SMILE. (E 1101.) T'lmr film. Hini' holllx‘ so sweet :1 smile for me. Wurl- you -. ml mine. how dark the \\’()l'i(i\\'(llll1ill0! l lwem 11'! light I’m coming back to you, my Hula Lu. Beside the sea at Waikiki I‘ll wait for you; And once again you'll sway my henrt away With your Yauku Hula, Hickey Duh). tune. (Used by permission of W'atorson. Berlin <5: Snyder.) .‘l‘lllVO that could relilnre Lox-.5: radian; sunshine in your dear, dear face. 34. “ALOHA OE.” (lire nu» }.hlll' >L‘ziiil0. iho lovelight in your eyes, Ina'w (wuitl noi lmhl 21 fairer paradise. Him» lila' iiu' rith‘i 1"o love you all the while, My mn'lml luruwr. the sunshine of your smile. Aloha Oe, fill'WQH to thee, ’l‘hou charming one who dwells among the howers; One fond embrace before I now depart Until we meet again. (A flat.) y'l‘ .~ liq: In 1-2... «irn o: ’l‘. B. llurms & Francis, Day (8: Hunter.) (Used by permission of The John Franklin Music Co” New York.) NOTE—$11030 two songs are to be sung simulmnr-onsly as a vocal combat. 35. TULIP AND ROSE. 32. MY HERO. (B flat.) (1).) (Home! (Mine! 1 love you only, ,‘.i_\ lwwi‘t is I'l‘llt‘. (‘u.,;.~! (’umo! my life is lonely, i lulli l'Hl' .VUU. (Mm! (Mine? Nznighl min oil‘nve. yon, ill) :ll‘l'l‘i are :ll‘ilillfé now to l‘lllbl‘ilCe 3011:, 'l‘lwn ni'l divine! (Mine! (‘x-int'l i love you only, (Minn. lwl‘o mine. l; [H YILl>~lUll o! .‘rroxne ll. Ronni-1: 6: Co.) .When you wore a tulip, a 5 wet yellow tulip, And I wore a big red rose; __\‘i'heu you caressed me, it was then H‘uven "010555401 1116‘Whut a blessing, no one i:llo\\'f<. .You made life cheery when you (‘Iliil‘li nie “donrie ”; "l‘wns down where the luluo grass grows; Your lips were sweeter than julep when you more a tulip And I wore a big red rose. (Used by permission of Leo Yoist. owners of copyright.) SC SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 31 37. GOOD MORNING, MR. ZIP-ZIP-ZIP. Fort Niagara song. $6. THEY MADE YT TWICE AS NICE AS PARADISE AND THEY CALLED IT DIXIELAND. (A PARODY.) We're mighty proud that we are southern, And mighty glad we are to know That our fathers always did their part In the days of long ago; And now when world-wide war Clouds gather (fer the land of the brave and the free, Rwy» your “eagle” eye on Dixie, And I‘ll tell you what you’re bound to see: Good morning, "\Ir. Zip-Zip-Zip, With your hair out just as short as mine, Good morina‘. Mr. Zip-Zip—Zip, You're surely looking fine. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, A It the Camels don't get you, the Fatinias must; lood morning, Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip. With your hair out just as short as, Your hair out just as short as Hair out just as short as mine. 38. WORDS TO THE ARMY TRUMPET CALLS. (A flat.) When the bugle sounds the call to arms, They will hear from Dixieland, l-‘rom all the, oiiices and stores and farms, BEVEILLE. They will Come from Dixieland. I ("fill-l” get ’em up. I can‘t get ’em up, You «an take this tip from me. 'i'ivrt the soul of “ Sixty—three,” '\\ Hi never be forgotten in the land of cotton, 12)" the sons of the men of Lee; And ion will see us rehels marehing forth, 1 mn‘t get ‘em up in the morning; 1 mn't‘ :ret ’em up, I can't get ’em up. I can’t get ’em up at all. (‘orp‘rals worse than the privates; Sergeants worse than the eorporals; Lieutenants worse than the sergeants, Arm in arm and breast to breast. With. all the gallant sons of the Yankee North, And those from the East and West; For we are hard to stop, and we‘re quick to An‘ the myths worst of ail. Chorus: I can't get ’em up, I can’t get ’em up, etc. rtnl‘t, When alol‘y joins with duty in the Southern heart, Let anyone get gay with the 17. S. A. And the South will do her part. MESS CALL. S. 4'. soup-y. without a single, bean; i’lr!‘ 3, pork—y, pork, without a streak of lean; (7': u: e coffee, coffee, without: any cream, (or, weakest ever seen.) the 32 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 33 SICK CALL. 39. NANCY LEE. (”nine and get your quinine. come and get your pl‘dq, Uh! come and gel: your quinine, come and get your pills. TABLE CALL. Come all who are able and go to the stable, And water your horses and give ’em some corn; For if you don't do it, the Col’nel will know it, And then you will rue it, sure as you’re born, TAPS, Fading light Dim: the sight, And a star gems the sky. Gleaming bright, From afar drawing nigh, Falls the night. Dear one, rest! In the wth Sable Light bills the day on her breast. Sm-et. goodnight! Nov, away To my rest. (E flat) 0f z>ll the wives as e'ei' you know. \‘m—lio! la<l<. ho; yea-ho! yeo-ho! Therm-k none like Naney Lee, I How, ll'iv‘llU! lads, hol yeo~hol Sm» there she stands and waves her ll:lli(lf\‘ upon the way. An‘ (“fry day when I’m away she‘ll wach for me An' whisper low. when tenniests blow, for Jack at sea. Rollo! lads, ho! yeo—hol ‘l‘he H2lll()l“§ wife the Nailot's star shall he, Yen—ho! we go across the sea; rl‘lie sailor‘s wife the, sailor‘s star shall be, The sailor‘s wife his star Shall be. The harbor? past, the breezes blow. “Who! lads. ho; yeo—ho! yeo-ho! ’il‘ix long ere. we eome back. I know, l'eo-llol lzitlx‘. ho! yeo-llol But line and bright, from morn till night. my home will be, An' :!ll so neat an’ snug an’ sweet for Jaek at, sea, An’ .Vaney’s face to bless the plaeé an‘ welcome me; Yen-ho! lads, 110! See-110! Love. sweet dreams! Lo, the beams; ’l‘he lm‘n pipes: the. watch below, Hi" the light Fairy moon Fix: the, streams, Then lll‘l‘WS a health before we go, Yen-ho! lads, ho! yeo-hol Love. maul night! All, M) Marti! I‘eaw-i‘ul dreams! ii to l l 3' 12\ mini: m i. of Penns ylvania} Mary College) Yen-MHZ lads, he! yen-ho! yeo-ho! A long; lon;r life, to my sweet wife and mate; at sea: An‘ lg, up our bones from Davy Jones whei'e‘er we be; An‘ nmy you meet a mate {1S sweet as Nam-y Lee; Yen-Lo! lads, ho! yeo-ho! SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. C») gm {1'7 3‘1 40. OUT ON THE DEEP.‘ (A flat.) 0m on tho (loop. when the sun is 10w, $51. A LIFE ON THE C("EQL'JI le‘x'x '3 Aml The 80:1 with splendor burns , With hi< scaly spoil, from his eveni ng toil, ’l‘lw ilr<il{‘1' lmim-wnnl turns; Ami his ours flush bright in the 00mm light, Ami ho lumws‘ ihzll' (was on shore llmk nut on “)0 deep for hi4 brigh t our sweep, Aml lw sings 215‘ he swings his 0511‘: “.\ lull: mw‘wp. hills, and :1 strong sweep . lmy‘x‘, H ‘ __ v __ 7‘ _ , «1:. i if‘ m} {110 OCCIHI \‘..;‘.<‘. the will“: (10»? MM :1 son: are alum: we £10, l-‘m- ilw hmu'tx‘ that yearn for 0111' home return, “'th the (’\‘(*l)llif£ Sun is low, Winn the Mening sun is low." (In! ()1) film (hug-p. when the Sim 1'5' (load, Ami lho lil'sl’ swwt star (lath ,‘rloum, (H‘ :u 1i:l'\‘ ilmr is (loud. and :1 love that is: ilml, ’l‘lw ii<lwv nf't' will dream: Ami ln- 1hiill<<. ilw' fur, like that first bright slur, Sh“ is Milli lusiilo fix of )‘tll‘O. Alli liix 'Hll'“ lmm ill‘lflili' in ii< sweet pale light, [\irvl il(‘ sighs. m he plivs hix our: “5- Khm’ Hump. lmlx. 21ml :1 low sweep , boys, AHIl :1 Mm;- :ax alum: we 7:0, iwl‘ Hw ili‘:ll'l.\‘ uf lnwo 11 mi is bright above, Ami itx‘ ulunm in the \\ 'zn'e lwlmv. Ami ivN b lcaun iu the wave belowfi’ MW: Oil the ow w the wainu” ~nl iiii‘ wink: 11M? i" 36 SO‘VGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS 0F TLHE .EOLBXEILS LED SiéILfiZi? 43. THE GIRL I LEFT TEX?) M 33. (13.) 42. SAILING. ((2) I'm ionosonie sfince I c“ Add o‘er the n,‘ . San-i) hvzwinms my hzmnn Iiiix, Shaw pzn‘iing with my; Nady. ‘Tho 5' IIUJ‘R' “1‘0 i9 huh! and HOG, His hwli‘m is (m the railing son; And never hozn'i iIiU‘fl‘ true 01' Draw? ’J'hrm he “hr: IHUEEPIIK‘N (:n the nave; I «1“,; :"01‘ «:no as; in?“ :;;.:i guy, lint find 120110 to remind me, How Host the hours p2! With the girl I, left behi id Aiwi' he spends in dixinnt (dimes to roam, \‘x‘nh jimhd song he rides the sparkling foam. Tllf‘il hni'a-‘k iu the sailor and here‘s to the hearts SH li'llt‘ \\ hf: "viii ihini: of him upon the waters bluu! .\:.::n:u. szullmia‘ war the bounding: main lwlz' many :1 :<i:-I'Iny wind shall blow ere JRCK (ilzwthnw .i. n. ’l‘hn hour I do l‘enzeinhe" \w-ii. When first she owned )8 pain Within my brow-Ii ( How mamiant I in! But now 1'11: on tho ass-nu Kind Hnaan. iiwu in And Sf‘ihl me hmzzn >111“ Lii‘ili“ i A.“ To the girl I 1‘ Swims. mailing over the bounding main _ 111' 1; my :1 .‘rlnl‘iliy wind shall blow Cl‘e JNCR’ K unit‘s; hmno again. My mind her imrzw n‘“ A 1001) or sad; 1 1011;: m we my Fur hm‘ my hm _ \‘x‘hmn-‘vr my simw Siiil 1";1‘111‘111 Shir And nmt- more H5437] i"? i From the girl I iuf't; bgginz-i an,» 38 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 33 45. THREE FISHERS WENT SifllJG. (0.) 44. PULL AWAY. ‘ (G .> I’MH :2‘.\'.‘l§'. pull away. puH away, brave boy; I I‘M! :m'u}. 1:111! away, the. \rict‘ry‘s ours; i‘xm :mu)‘. pull away to the distant mark,To Iho prim. our bonny hark. I’HFI :mur. phi! :any, mm the waters foaming, > an; n, dashing: :11] around; I’m] a. my. mil many, ”mid the. wild confusion onward tho wiuhmHor hound. 1’1 H :2 x7133. p13]! away. pull away, brave boys, .‘ 13:31! :m‘uy, the Virt‘ry’s ours‘; I’HH :awn)‘. pull znmy to the distant mark, '11.. H20 prize, our bonny burk, ~ Three fishers went sailing: out into the west. (mt into the west, as the sun wont down. Iiélvh thought of the woman Who low-d him tho host, And thochildren stood watching timu out: of the Town: I-"or men must work, and women must wow, And thore’s a lime to earn, and mzmy to keep, rIho’ the harbor bar be moaning. Three wives, they sat up in the lighthousc 1'ow‘r. And tz'hnmod their lumps as tho sun wont: down. TQM-y lookod at the squall. and they looked at the Shmv’r, And The ni‘zht rack came roliing up rngscrl and brown ! Ru? men must work, and women must woop, Tho” storms be sudden and waters be deep, And the harbor bar be moaning, Th: o0 (mwpses lay out on ihe Shining hands, 1.: 11:0 morning gleam as the thlo wont down, Aw”: Hu- women are weeping and \x‘l'ihginfuhoir him-{Is I'ol' Ihof<9 who will never come buck To 1111- Mam: Tor IIH‘H must work, and womon must woop, \ ,a'ui tho sooner it‘s over, he sooner to sloop. And good-by to the him and igs moaning, _-‘~ - v:— 1 _ “a“: r SCUJL-"i‘ OF mifu SQLLLLHS AND CALLmes. 131'? SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILOR‘S. ’11 48. OLD BLACK JOE. (E flat.) Mr C ‘ ' , \y ; Gone are the (1513's when my heart was; young: 5 1111 my; (lune :11'e my fricmlrs from 1111- («11111111 livhls :111'111‘; Gnnc from the earth to a 111‘1101' 1111111 I know, 1 1 ‘1 A-. K I hour their gentle voices culling. “ (">141 Iilucl; .1111." 1 l “.11 ~ ML ,., low. {1 1 11 , '. I‘m canning, I‘m coming, 1'01- 1113' hczui is lit-1111111" ‘0 I hear those gentle voices calling, “ 011:1 Inna-1: J00.” , '; _ .1 L1 ‘1 11-1 . M.1 L .7 1,2 “-7 e ,,,.wh1I 11,1L1l:;'111;1111j7111 L1;Q\‘.\.l- Why (10 I wccp when my 1102111 should 11w} no 11.11111? Why (11) I sigh 41". (I ,1) 11.11 that my friends (mum not :1:::1111? (irivving for forms now (lopni'lwl long 21140. 1 hcnr their gentle voices culling, “Old lilzlck Joe.” A? 13312:. ‘ 49. OLD KENTUCKY HOME. 11 r. (R) 1‘ ‘ 1 1 (1 I ‘ 13.11 1 1 11 l ‘ . . ' 1 ‘1- . .11 ‘ ‘1 1‘ v \ l "1. l 1 1.111114. 111.11 I \‘ in ,71‘. 1 1, l 11151,: 11‘“ 11. 1111‘ '1H11. 3‘ I 11 'J ’Ihc SUI] shines bright in my 0111 K911iucky home, "l‘is 311111111012 the Liarkies arc any; The comitop’s ripe and the tumulmvs in the bloom, While 1:110 hirds 11'11'1kc 11111Nic all 1110 (lay. ThA young folks roll on the 111110 cuhin floor, All 11101'1‘3', all happy 111111 bright; Dye 211111 bye “Hard Times " coincs a-lmoulnng at the (1001', ’1‘111111 my old Kcntucky home. good night. chp no more, my huly. oh. wccp no 1111110 1117111 1l y. I, We will sing one song for the old lichinu‘ ( 1 1101110., For the old Kentucky homo, far away. C5 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SMLORS. 43 52. AULD LANG SYNE. (F) SC. I) IKIE. ((vt) % Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should anld acquaintance he forgot, And days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For {mid 1311;: syno; “'o‘ll tak’ a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang Sync. We hm hn‘e sported i‘ the burn F1710. mornin’ sun till (line, ut sens between us braid hu‘e roared, Sin‘ auld lang syne. And here’s a hand. my trusty frien’, And gio's a hand 0' thinv; “'e‘ll tuk‘ a ('up 0' kindness yet, Fo ' nuld lung sync. 53. LOVE’S OLD SWEET SONG. (1") (moo in the (lk‘fli‘ (lend (l:1,\‘< hm‘mnl ram 1. “hon on the, Worlds the mists lH-L'Szlll to hill, >\uv l lift, :.x., ..t=\'ll ,.«-\‘ :1 ill. Hut of the dreams illzlt row in happy throng, llmv to our hearts lm'c 32111:: mi uhl, mum: wnrr. Ain‘t in the (lush: whm‘e fill the tnilighl‘s gleam, boitiy it wove itself into our dream. will - "‘\‘, Just :1 song“ at tx‘vilifzht, whm the lights {ll'v law. And the llick'l'iltg‘ SliiillUVVS sot'lly ('01ch and in». 3 (4%}, 'J‘lm’ the heart he \i'mi'y, sud tho (In); and ln-n::'. Still to us at: twilight comes low‘s ol‘l .s‘ctwt SHIP—f, Comes lovc's old sweet song. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 44 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS.‘ 56. HOW CAN I LEAVE THEE. 54. CARRY ME BACK TO OLD VIRGINNY. (:1 flat.) Carry ine hark to old Virginny, 'J‘hore's where the cotton and the corn and tatoes grow, There's where the birds warble sweet: in the Springtime, There‘s where the old (larkey's heart has long’d to £0. There‘s where'I lahored so hard for old Massa Day after day in the fields of yellow corn. N0 plare on earth do I love more sincerely Than ohl \‘irutinny, the State where I was born. Carry ine hark to old Yirginny, ’l'ln-re‘s naere the cotton and the corn and tallies grow. Thel'v's whore the birds warble sweet in the sprinutiine, (B flat.) How van 1 l we thee, How tan 1' from thet- part? Thou only: last my heart, Dear one, lie, eve. ’i‘hon hast this soul of mine ’ So vlosely ho nut to thine, Ro other t‘ztll I love, Save thee alone. 57. SWEET GEN ZVEEVE. (R) O, Genevieve, I'd {.‘IlYO the. world To live again the lox‘ely par-1t! The row: of youth was (low iiii—nearle-‘l; But now it withers in the lilasi. I see th‘v fare in ever}; llrr-nn There‘s “here the old darkey's heart has long’d to an. (Copyright, 11117, (llivor Dilson Co.) 135. SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD. MY waking: t'iltrnalstw are y'all (n, thee; ‘hvagianre is in the alarrj; inatin ’i‘lnit falls along: the riilllllilt‘l‘ O (Echoi'io've, sweet th‘nc‘v. 'l‘lie (lays may eonae tin ',;lll:1§' :9, (B flat.) Darling I am growing- old; Silver threads among“ the gold Shine lllloll my brow today, Ilil'e ix i'ailine‘ ‘ast away; int iny darlingr you will be, will be, _\l\\'a_\'.< young and fair to me; l'w. my darling. )‘on will be Aln’au young and fair to me, Darling". ain growing. growing old,‘ Nilwr threads among the gold. Rhine upon my brow today, Lite is fading fast awa y. Ilin‘ still til”: hainl.: ol' 1: 3‘ none The hil.~ l'nl (ii’L‘ilil‘lri of lung" are». Fair tit-nevir-w. my early in‘.‘(,‘. . The yearr: lbllt inakt- tin-o (lent-or jar! My heart Hilzlll newr. never row; Thou art my only guiding Star. For me the past has no regret. \l'll;it’e'01‘ the years may luring“ to me; I bless the hour when first we met The hour that gave me love and thee! (Used by permission of William A. Pond S2 C0.) 45 46 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 47 58. SOLDEER’S FAREWELL. 61. ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS. (B flat.) (E flflf.) How can I hear to leave thee? (11111 11:11‘1111}: hisx‘ I give thee; Onward, (.‘hristian soldiers. nun-whine as to war, Anti ll1on. whaio‘er befalls me, I go where honor calls me, Farewell. farewell, my own true love, Farewell. i‘arewel], my own true loVe. Wilh the cross of Jesus going on hel'ore. Christ. the Royal Master, leads against the foe; I‘orwaril into battle. see his banners ,u' . (inward, Christian soldiers, 111arehi11g a? to war, With the cross of Jesu," going on before. 59. NEfiHEIL MY GOD, T0 THEE. (.4 flat.) Nearer. my God. to Thee. nearer to Thee; l-J'rn 1l1o' 1‘1 llo :1 wross that raisefh me. Still all my son}: :.l1all he. nearer. my God, to Thee, Nearer, my (loll. 1o Thee. nearer to Thee. like a 111ighty army moves the church of God, Brothers, we are treading where the saints have troll. We are not divided, all one hot 3' WP. 0111; in hope and doctrine, one in charity. 62. THE SON OF GOD GOES FORTH T0 WAR. (E flat.) 'J'l1o' lilzo :1 wanderer. iho $1111 gone down, lmrlcm-ss be over 11111. my PONY a stone: \‘11 Z11 1115' (il‘oaliw l‘1l he nearer. my God, to Thee. Nearer, my God, to ‘i‘hee. nearer to Thee. so. ABIDE WiTH ME. (E flat.) .’A\‘11i(}.("\\'iih me: faei' falls the eveni ide; ’l‘l1r 1l:1rl111e<s t]ov11011r~‘; Lord. with 1110 abide. \\i1o11 nilll'l’ helpers i'ail. aml (‘omi'orts flee, ilvln oi' 1l1o helpless. ol1,al1iilowi1h me. I l'oar 11o foo. with Thee :11 hand to MeRS‘; lilx ll:1\111111 \\¢‘l".."ll'1.21il(lTW11'\‘ 11(1hi‘ r101'llosfi. \‘1'l11-1'w 1< death‘s Mina; \\'l1e'1'o,ara \'e. ihy Victory? 1 11'i1111111l1 still. il"l‘l1oualli1le with me. Th1- S‘on of God goes forth to war, a kingly rrown to grain; _ Ilis l.~loo<l»reil banner streams afar; who fellow >1 in his train? \Vho best can drink his Cup of woe, and triumph over pain, ‘ \Vho patient bears his cross below—he follows 111 His train. A glorious band the chosen few, on whom the spirit VEHIH‘I 'i‘ux‘wlw Valiant saints. their hope they 1 :11111 111orl<e<l the ('I‘OSS aml flame. , ,1. My 1-limhod the. dizzy steep to hear’n, thro' 11111-1]. ioil and pain: . 0 (loll! to us may grace be giv’n to follow in rig-11' 1 'ain. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILGRS. 45 49 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 63. COME, THOU ALMIGHTY KING. (F-) (Mine. 'l‘hnn Almighty King, help us Thy name to ::i11;': 66. RISE, CROWNED WITH LIGHT. Help us in }rl‘;li.~‘e, Father all glorious, o‘er all vic(E flat.) i!)l'i<)ll-\'. (fume and reign over us, Ancient of Days. Rise. crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise; (Mme, 'l‘hnu lnrarnate \Vord, gird on Thy mighty sword 1 Carrie and Thy people bless, and give Thy word Exali thy tow'ringr head and lift thine eyes: See heav‘n its sparkling: portals wide display, And break upon thee in a flood of day. :\ll1’(‘(‘SS. Spirit “1' holiness, on 11.: descend. 64. NOW THE DAY IS OVER. (B flat.) .‘x‘mv 11w day is over. night is drawing nigh; See a long mm thy spacious courts adurn: See i'mure sons, and daughters yet unborn, In i-rnmlin}: ranks (in ev‘ry Side arise, Demanding lii‘e, impatient for the skies. Finnlnns «:i' the cwnlng steal across the Sky. Sm" tarifi‘nus nations at thy gates attend. \\’all< in thy light, and in thy temple bend; 'i‘hw' thic- hm: nighimairhes may Thy Angels spread J la-ir \\ll!1(‘ ninjas allow us, watching ’round each bed. While m"ry land its joyous tribute brings. 65. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. (1: flat.) llwl)‘. lluly. linly. Lord God Almig hty, Fail; ,i” the murnin;r our sun: shall rise to Thee. Hui-i. idly. liul}. inerril'nl and might y, (Mi in three l’ersnm, iJiCS‘IQii Trini ty. llwly linlyl lluly. lml‘d Cnd Almighty, .\:; ‘i‘liy \wriw shall praise Thy name, in earth and \ii) and Ken. liwn: hut}; limy. ineri-ilnl and mighty; (..ii lll llll'ee jii":"-1Ili~', ili(‘\‘?i‘(i ’J‘i‘illity. Sen lily llrie'ht altars thI'Onaed with 1|rmtrate kings, Thw was Silflii waste, t 10 skies to Sinnlr‘ie decay, liwlc- l'all to dust, and mountains melt away; But fixed His word, His saving pow‘r remains; ’1'115' iealms shall last, thy own Messiah reigns. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SullGl-‘LS. 5L 67. 0 (JOB. CUR HELP IN AGES PAST- 0 (“ml ”111‘ lwlp in ages past, (my lunjvc i‘ui' ymrs to come, Om- v“‘»11u1' i‘x'um the stormy blast, Ami Ulll‘ eternal home! ’ 69. FAREWELL TO THE WARRIORS.‘ Cilll’l'EWA WAR 3mm. Univ? 1110 Silimluw of Thy throne Sill may we dwell sovure! Town by Franc“: Drnsmorc. .‘Jumvimt is Thine arm alone, Izml our defense is SUN). Arrzmg "‘1 by Alberto Iiimlmni. Chippewa words—~ l‘mlm. 1?qu like rm ovor~nflling stream, lL; :ill its mus away; ' Tlivy Hy, fmxmrhu, as :1 dream Mus 2U; the Opening day. Animadjnz. isnjzidijnmin. Erratic Men by Mary Warm-n l-I!1:.jll>'h—~ (Minn. II: is limo far you 1:0 (lvpnl'f. W0 are going a lung ju‘Lll‘llL‘)’. () (LG 0111‘ imp in {mos past, Hin‘ lmzve i‘m' 51H} : to come; Sims? ,5 11': 'i 11-511 (‘111‘ Guide while life shall last, And our etc‘nal home! ‘8. HGW FIRE! A FGUZIEATEQN. -3 (A flat) l . n farmlntion, ye saints: of the Lord, l~ mm b 1- Hair i‘uiih in His excellent “lord! \.\ Uzi: 11:»?0 ml] Hm my ihzm {0 you lie lmth said-— J ) 3‘ :11 \\ llU iui' refuge to Jcsus have fled? H 11' ;:1‘ mi. 11:31 V\'\'lill 111139, oh. [)9 not disn‘uyed, lwi 1 :11‘1 my “ml, I will still give the) nix]; 1,} ran 12:1.«41 time, help thee, and cause thee t0 mum. l ) mid by My gnu-ism, omnipotont hand.” " n '-: “Early. fakrn fmrn Hm. rullwwiuu of Mira'FrIInI-Wa D :T1*"!‘ 3". i“ " ”,r'f‘ Lin-u [Zl‘l<<l()!| of 11m Burguu u[ Am; f‘un LLlluolugg u). Lin.- an.“ i' 2'41)“, \'\ wrhingtnn. U. ‘. ‘ 'SKUCI WHO 011111! WILL ”Fll’l l".\ <:-' \1 11 'A'pmgo 01m“ 31:11:11“; 1111011113“ 9111 110 511111110“ 1104” 011 'Sumnuum gownm Spams ‘1110'1 5111113 "1101 p111: 111mg 'OlI![v)1)\' 113nm“ Tiling 1511113 'nglzq Km .<[ \"Is‘ 'SA‘RQ [mnwflg ‘OKLL "£qu '8113; ‘Xuprpuujt; 01 111mm ‘Mmynru 'JTIT‘UHML 'lil-B'SX Mil ‘3 W‘H'l “WWI 11 RNUIL 1311111111}: [1“) 1mm) 011; 111 "(may go 1110 1. 1,, all] 11mm“ , H '.\'U[I?plll:1\[ 01 1'11“ .1” 111» 111 {31mg 0111, 1119111011 1):) 1.1 [111:11y nu 'n1ss1v1 1:011"; [ 'KHUJUJHU‘) 111111111” I 11011 0:; koi 1 113‘] "(my)“ ‘onn‘mpl “£111er 13 851?.“ NH"); 111001.11“ XI! ‘oaumd ‘Ouafi 21111111311111 ax'mmug) 'Spuqnx m0; Ssoul puf) ‘Nnu’l pmrf) 211111111)” 'anq 1111.311 2101111051 31:15) [no .1111“ 111» 1nd 'SUIOJJHfl .1091 2111031 ‘0011111, DAM]; ‘01:” 'qsuqmu 1:1” ;0 5.111123 0111 110 ‘ "in” Alum” 1 (Juan 11005 0.111” A'pum‘uy 51:” ‘sozpu1 um”; [Mm 'A'q—poog) ‘[.11:)1)[1)!'[ "(1141.111)” 2 111130.145 11L“: PM will -‘?‘l H'MNI 0111111)” A‘N '.Ix)l[1ni\j 'Il[.ll:_.[ .HH (11» [11mm 20:10 OIIIOX 31111-1111 N117 'saA‘g 011nm 1111111 111111) on: 111 3111.111 'puumg) moo ‘1)[00 0111 111 ausszqg '00'1 511111-11: 'OUEIL' SI DIJOAX 0111 pm; on 0.10“; '1)1101110'1 11%)] 150‘“ 9113r 111 0111011 X019 011111 'V ‘UOAUOH JO 3121 0mm 'Sauuou 01111111 011111 'A'pUL’I 'Xauuunfi 2112.111 ‘11:»; J0 11130.1(; 1: 1x11}: 11111112111} 'I-UD 13 DUH I ‘NAA I 'stmhum Np; 110 snug“ 10;) 01‘]; 'O'L‘ilim’kl 011 WW! '[.1[{) 1)“, 1ng ‘suuuy 1111513) '1:1:§g.::1n‘1 'uoom Mews e111 .10 111.211 mu: m ‘llvi‘i‘fl‘tltI '1)~;:«11—1—;1 WWI [MI 'K'HUJ 3111111110 $111114; ) may ”1101‘ (>301 [ ‘I:.;{.m11z\' ‘qu A'N 3.1).111H '3111‘111111V 'SDNOS 0318339113 '53.??? 3 (IKV S’EI’EIG’IDS 'EIHCL £0 SSNO‘S 'SHO'IIVS (HIV SHHIEI'IGS 3H1; E0 SSNOS‘ m L’) 5L SONGS OF ’ dE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS, I1 mm; ’f'u—IHx'hi'. ‘ ‘\- g; (y; l :11 iiw IIvm-t ut‘ Murylmlo'l. 'Fi-wx-c‘ :! Qualqwr hm :1 in Quaker Town. ’I'Engu‘ t, 1‘32 'I‘z'nii J! Han EwH-wmo Pine. 'l'x'mmr. Trump, Tramp. \‘flfllz 7ny Around Again, ‘Viilie. ‘Wuy 1mm. \‘mn’wr in Hm (Tnmfield. \\ hum I Dram] u‘l' 01d I‘ll‘m. Yip—K-“V.<I!L\j»{~4\;‘;. SONGS OF THE Z‘KILDIERS AND SAIL-O. .m 5.5 5c gems or THE SOLDIERS AND SAILGRS. SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SMLGRS‘ 5? 58 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND_SAILORS. , 30NGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SMLORS. 5°J 60 SONGS or THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SONGS OF IKE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. 61 62 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. |
Date | 1917 |
Type | Text |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
Spatial Coverage | United States |
Rights Management | http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/ |
Holding Institution | J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah |
Scanning Technician | Jaclyn Martin |
Call Number | D526.2 .S66 |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6z36nzx |
Setname | uum_rbc |
ID | 1463360 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6z36nzx |