Neighborhood characteristics and obesity: a focus on the food environment

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Publication Type honors thesis
School or College College of Social and Behavioral Science
Department Health, Society & Policy
Faculty Mentor Rebecca Utz
Creator Baker, Stephanie Rebecca
Title Neighborhood characteristics and obesity: a focus on the food environment
Year graduated 2012
Date 2012-05
Description The rate of obese and overweight individuals in the United States is at epidemic proportions. Previous research has found that neighborhood characteristics are correlated with health outcomes and obesity rates. My study focuses on aspects of the food environment and how it may influence obesity rates in four local communities in the Salt Lake Valley. These four small areas are Holladay, West Valley West, Rose Park, and the Avenues. These four communities were selected because they represent different educational and socio-demographic profiles, as well as different neighborhood types, including newer suburban versus older metropolitan neighborhoods. I used data from the Utah.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Obesity - Research; Obesity - Social aspects; Obesity - Risk factors - United States - Utah
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Stephanie Rebecca Baker
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 2,291,035 bytes
Permissions Reference URL
ARK ark:/87278/s6gf43sd
Setname ir_htoa
ID 205769
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