Does immigration induce urban sprawl? A dynamic demographic analysis for the U. S.

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Social and Behavioral Science
Department Family & Consumer Studies
Creator Yu, Zhou
Title Does immigration induce urban sprawl? A dynamic demographic analysis for the U. S.
Date 2002
Description This article, utilizing U.S. Census data from 1980 and 1990, probes the relationship between immigration and urban sprawl. The preliminary findings reveal that native-born and foreign-born populations are very different regarding their household behaviors. Population growth caused by immigration is not likely the major causal factor to urban sprawl. The residential pattern of native-borns is more prone to inducing urban sprawl, since native-borns have a much higher growth rate in the number of households, owner-occupied housing, suburban residency, and demand for new housing. The article also shows that household behavior is a critical factor in causing urban sprawl. Household growth rather than population growth has a stronger causal linkage with urban sprawl. Future research on implementing microdata is necessary to better untangle the complex relationship.
Type Text
Publisher University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture
First Page 41
Last Page 62
Subject Urban sprawl; immigration; household growth; population growth
Subject LCSH Cities and towns -- Growth; United States -- Emigration and immigration
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Yu, Z. (2002). Does immigration induce urban sprawl? A dynamic demographic analysis for the U.S. Planning Forum, 8, 41-62.
Rights Management (c)University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 1,500,679 bytes
Identifier ir-main,1607
ARK ark:/87278/s66h51j1
Setname ir_uspace
ID 702824
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