Influence of surfactants on interaction forces between polyethylene surfaces in a hydrocarbon solvent

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Publication Type Book Chapter
School or College College of Engineering
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Miller, Jan D.
Other Author Aranowski, Robert; Nalaskowski, Jakub; Hupka, Jan
Title Influence of surfactants on interaction forces between polyethylene surfaces in a hydrocarbon solvent
Date 2003
Description The polyolefins, mainly polyethylene and polypropylene particles, are used as an active filler material in polymer-polymer blends and are being used for the modification of asphalts to provide for high-load, low-maintenance road construction. The stability of prepared blends depends on the interaction forces between polyolefin filler and the matrix and/or between two polyolefin filler surfaces in the polymeric matrix. Various additives, especially surfactants, can be used to modify these interactions and improve the stability of polymer blends. In current research, direct force measurements between polyethylene (PE) surfaces in n-tetradecane, a nonaqueous solvent imitating the polymer matrix, were performed in the presence oflauric acid and dodecylamine using the AFM colloidal probe technique. Additionally, the zeta potential of polyethylene particles in the presence of surfactants in n-tetradecane was measured. The interaction forces between the polyethylene surfaces can be described as a combination of electrical double layer repulsion and steric repulsion between polymer chains extending into the n-tetradecane solvent. The addition of surfactant to the n-tetradecane was found to increase the repulsive force between the PE surfaces. The strongest repulsion was observed for dodecylamine. Additionally, the temperature effect on the interactions in n-tetradecane was studied. It was found that steric repulsion between the PE surfaces increases with an increase in temperature.
Type Text
Publisher Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
First Page 139
Last Page 150
Subject Surfactants; asphalt; polymer; polyolefins
Subject LCSH Surface active agents; Asphalt; Polymers
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Aranowski, R., Nalaskowski, J., Hupka, J. & Miller, J. D. (2003). Influence of surfactants on interaction forces between polyethylene surfaces in a hydrocarbon solvent in Hupka, J., Kellar, J. J., Herpfer, M. A. & Moudgil, B. M., eds. Functional Fillers and Nanoscale Minerals. 139-50.
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 1,110,943 Bytes
Identifier ir-main,4744
ARK ark:/87278/s6kd2ggr
Setname ir_uspace
ID 706552
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