Mineral processing fundamentals

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Mines and Earth Sciences
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Miller, Jan D.
Title Mineral processing fundamentals
Date 1971
Description The reported claims in several Russian articles that magnetic fields change the viscosity and other basic properties of water and as a result produce beneficial effects such as increased flotation rate, improved grades and recovery, and increased settling rates appear to be unfounded. This conclusion was reached after critical experiments had been conducted with both pure and impure water and the results failed to indicate any of the effects which had been claimed at the VII International Mineral Processing Congress.
Type Text
Publisher Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
Volume 23
Issue 2
First Page 150
Last Page 156
Subject Minerals; Processing; Magnetic fields; Metallurgy; Water
Subject LCSH Ore-dressing; Magnetic fields; Hydrometallurgy
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Miller, J. D. (1971). Mineral processing fundamentals. Mining Engineering, 23(2), 150-156, Feb. 1971.
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 8,623,390 Bytes
Identifier ir-main,4305
ARK ark:/87278/s6fn1qbn
Setname ir_uspace
ID 702707
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6fn1qbn
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