Methodology for detailed liberation analysis in mineral processing technology

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Miller, Jan D.
Other Author Lin, Chen Luh
Title Methodology for detailed liberation analysis in mineral processing technology
Date 1986
Description A transformation equation can be used to describe the relationship between the one, two and three dimensional information regarding the composition of mineral particles of specified size. Linear or areal grade distributions f(gi) can be transformed to an estimate of the volumetric grade distribution p(g) via a transformation function H(gj/g,Nn--), a conditional probability function, The effect of the external particle structure (shape) and internal grain characteristics (grade, dispersion density, and grain size distribution) on the transformation matrix have been evaluated by computer simulation of randomly oriented, multiphase, irregularly shaped particles. Mean volumetric grade and dispersion density (number of grains per particle) are the most important variables which influence the transformation matrix. Least square minimization of fitted functions and the Pillips-Twomey inversion technique have been used to solve the transformation equation. Two examples, a computer simulated volumetric grade distribution and an experimental depth profile, provide evidence that such an approach can be useful for detailed liberation analysis.
Type Text
Publisher International Society for Stereology
Volume 5
Issue 1
First Page 21
Last Page 27
Subject Volumetric grade; Grade; Distribution
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Miller, J. D., & Lin, C. L. (1986). Methodology for detailed liberation analysis in mineral processing technology. Acta Stereologica, 5(1), 21-7.
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 625,851 bytes
Identifier ir-main,4462
ARK ark:/87278/s6cg07fg
Setname ir_uspace
ID 704309
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