Water at interfaces - some recent experimental results from surface spectroscopy

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Miller, Jan D.
Other Author Yalamanchili, M. R.; Veeramasuneni, S.
Title Water at interfaces - some recent experimental results from surface spectroscopy
Date 1996
Description Fundamental aspects of interfacial phenomena in aqueous systems are determined by the properties of interfacial water It has become evident that interfacial water must be characterized spectroscopically in order to explain the recently identified non DLVO forces observed by atomic force microscopy and with the surface force apparatus. In the past little information was available regarding the spectroscopic characteristics of interfacial water due to the difficulty in differentiating between bulk and interfacial water. However, with the advent of FTIR and Raman internal reflection spectroscopy (IRS) and the recent non-linear optical technique, sum frequency generation (SFG), more information on interfacial water is now available as is evident from the results of recent spectroscopic studies. Thus the non DLVO forces eventually may be explained by the extent of hydrogen bonding as revealed by surface spectroscopic techniques.
Type Text
Publisher Technical University of Gdansk
First Page 413
Last Page 420
Subject Interfacial water; surface spectroscopy; hydrophobic surfaces; hydrophilic surfaces; hydrogen bonding; FTIR/IRS; SFG; Spectroelectrochemistry; Non-DLVO forces; atomic force microscopy
Subject LCSH Interfaces (Physical sciences); Water chemistry; Surface chemistry; Internal reflection spectroscopy
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Miller, J. D., Yalamanchili, M. R., & Veeramasuneni, S. (1996). Water at interfaces - some recent experimental results from surface spectroscopy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Analysis and Utilization of Oily Wastes (AUZO '96), 413-20.
Rights Management (c)Technical University of Gdansk
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 530,363 bytes
Identifier ir-main,4423
ARK ark:/87278/s6697n00
Setname ir_uspace
ID 705376
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6697n00
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