Reaction kinetics of bismuth dissolution from lead cake by sulfuric acid leaching

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Miller, Jan D.
Other Author Herbst, J. A.; Sepulveda, J. L.
Title Reaction kinetics of bismuth dissolution from lead cake by sulfuric acid leaching
Date 1978
Description Lead cake, a zinc smelter flue dust residue, consists primarily of lead sulfate. Characteristic properties of lead cake were determined in order to aid the understanding of reaction mechanisms involved in bismuth removal from lead cake by sulfuric acid digestion. Sp gr (specific gravity) measurements, surface area measurements, and photomicrographs revealed that the particles of lead cake are quite porous and seem to consist of an agglomeration of submicron grains (0.4 \xm) fused together in a manner similar to cement clinker. Analysis of experimental rate data, which was independent of particle size, indicates that the dissolution reaction involves two distinct, rate limiting steps. The initial stage of reaction appears to be limited mainly by intergranular diffusion of the reactant, hydrogen ion, while the latter stage of reaction appears to be controlled by diffusion of soluble reaction products through the reaction product layer of the individual grains.
Type Text
Publisher Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
Volume 30
Issue 06-Jan
First Page 388
Last Page 395
Subject Lead cake; smelter flue; lead sulphate; bismuth; sulfuric acid
Subject LCSH Smelting; Bismuth; Sulphuric acid; Lead
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Miller, J. D., Herbst, J. A., & Sepulveda, J. L. (1978). Reaction kinetics of bismuth dissolution from lead cake by sulfuric acid leaching. Trans. SME/AIME, Mining Engineering, 30(1-6), 388-95, April 1978.
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