Molybdenite flotation from copper/molybdenum concentrates by ozone conditioning

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Miller, Jan D.
Other Author Ye, Y.; Jang, W. H.; Yalamanchili, M. R.
Title Molybdenite flotation from copper/molybdenum concentrates by ozone conditioning
Date 1990
Description Typically, rougher molybdenite flotation and recovery from bulk copper/molybdenum concentrates involves the use of alkalisulfides, Nokes reagents, cyanides, oxidants, and/or thermal treatment to depress copper sulfide minerals. The bulk copper/molybdenum feed generally varies from 0.2% Mo to 1.0% Mo, and with traditional reagents the single-stage rougher flotation recovery of molybdenite varies between 40% and 90% at a concentrate grade of 5% to 10% Mo. With ozone conditioning for copper depression, however, improved separations appear to be possible, as demonstrated by tests with Cu/Mo concentrates from both the Phelps Dodge Morenci Operations and the Kennecott Copperton Operations. Single-stage rougher flotation after ozone conditioning can provide a molybdenum concentrate at a recovery of more than 90% and a rougher concentrate grade higher than 20% Mo in some cases. Subsequent cleaner flotation with additional ozone conditioning results in relatively copper-free molybdenum concentrates containing as much as 52% Mo. Preliminary analysis indicates that, with a multistage ozone conditioning/flotation strategy, the process is technically and economically viable and should be suitable for industrial application.
Type Text
Publisher Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
Volume 7
Issue 4
First Page 173
Last Page 179
Subject Molybdenum; Copper; Flotation; Ozone conditioning
Subject LCSH Molybdenum ores; Flotation; Ore-dressing
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Ye, Y., Jang, W. H., Yalamanchili, M. R. & Miller, J. D. (1990). Molybdenite flotation from copper/molybdenum concentrates by ozone conditioning. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, SME/AIME, 7(4), 173-9.
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