Title | Secret diplomatic documents and treaties from the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the former Russian Government, with an introduction by Leon Trotzky. |
Subject | World War, 1914-1918--Soviet Union--Sources; Eastern question (Balkan)--Sources; World War, 1914-1918--Diplomatic history--Sources; Russia--Foreign relations--1894-1917--Sources |
Creator | Russia--Ministerstvo inostrannykh del; Russian S.F.S.R.--Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda |
Description | Translation from the Russian of a revolutionary propaganda pamphlet, aiming to expose the secret agreements made by European governments and prompt workers to unite against Capitalist rulers. |
OCR Text | Show PSecret diplomatic documents and treaties From the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Former Russian Government. anumc 1 With an introduction by Leon Trotzky. People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, 'l't'anslutetl l'i'unt tlrv uriurnzm~ illltl publihhl‘tl try llll‘ ljul‘mru the ul‘ International lit-\oltttiunzn'y l’r'tqiagzrniln attuvln'd to wn\ (Tonnnissai'lrrt l‘ot' Foreign Allah's ot'tlrc l’i'm'isiunal\\'orl{n and Pcamnh‘ (im'er'iiiimit iii" llll‘ Russian Republic. PETROURAD. .1 1-1 11 ll :1 r‘ y. 1018, -l‘_.t._m.u. . v ”at." . .~..J<‘.:4V- __ a“... RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONARY PAMPHLETS Secret Diplomacy. ln beginning the publication of the secret diplo— matic documents pertaining to the foreign policy of Czarisrn as well as of the bourgeois-coalition gover— mnents during the first seven months of the revo— lution, we are but fulfilling the obligation imposed upon us by our party when in oppositirm. Secret diplomacy is an indispensable tool in the hands of the mighty minority that must blindfold the majority in order to subjugate it to the interests of this mino— rity Imperialism with its world—absorbing plans, its piratical alliances and schemes, has brought the system of secret diplomacy to a high stage of development. The struggle with imperialism which has bled and devastated the peoples of Europe is a struggle with capitalistic diplomacy, which has also reason to be afraid of daylight. The Russian people and the peoples of all the world as well should be informed of the documentary proof of those plans which high finance and commerce with the aid of their parliamentary and diplomatic agents were forging in the dark. Their right to learn this truth has cost the peoples of Europe numberless " victims and universal destruction. y primar a is macy The abolition of secret diplo condition for a really honest, popular, democratic foreign policy. The government of the Soviets has undertaken the task of realizing such a policy. Therefore we now make public those treaties and agreements which have lost all binding force for the Russian workmen, soldiers and peasants, at the same time l’?‘ I litrlll‘ Ill. 1111114»: ‘_- ., .. :11_11‘11; .111 ‘EEEEE21'111.‘ . Agreement regarding; EEEEL‘K‘. T112 3‘11 ‘1 ' 11111111111111\ 1\ \11»" 111111111111» - ‘ 1?; 3:2" EE 111112211 1 11.1.\L11\ 11 L11 111L> "x ‘ .1-111‘1»111221111121;1E1‘1' L l :11111' 111 111- ‘11‘11'\‘L‘ 111211‘1»E111i 11111‘111111‘111» 511 1' ‘1 ,1 -.~:r:i 11‘ 1.L111. .:1...L~ 11L 11“: " 111 111r the 111\.1111;:_.;L‘1111< 1111111 1 ‘ ' 111: 1 ‘1 1111.111 1 ' ‘L‘s. EE1‘\\'1'\‘L‘1 ‘:WEEE.’ 1‘ E‘11‘1111 1 ‘ "11\' ~ 111.1 1.1 ‘11 :15 ' . 11 1111 ...1L1»E ‘ U ‘ rum-1‘ 12131‘1‘ ":111‘1111 ‘. I ,‘11111 1E11< 1111 1 teasez‘s: E 2:11“ ' , 2 I ‘ 111'1111‘ 111 E11‘1 -~‘1.111>L ‘11L 11111111152111111 1E1L‘ ‘11‘11- .. “ . / (E \‘ 111111111111 5.1131111 1111;”11111111 K.“ 1": ‘1 ‘ 11' ‘:. ‘ E-E‘» A11» \1:11L1L11t LIL‘111111'»;~L 1E11‘ 12111E111111'1 11(1 1»‘ 1111! »' W:. . 11“,. I 1 K.\ ""“““ ‘2‘”1‘ 5‘\'~“=‘~1‘.\.:1111E EEEE< 1:; the 11111111 1'11? 1. ‘EEL‘ 11‘1‘1111‘1112 111‘ <1.” "‘ “E““E _\ are :1» 11111‘111ati111 1111;11‘1“::‘-‘11‘51."‘11: 1»111111111111151Lf 111111'. \‘1'11L‘11 the tie.» 111..1.1111.1L 51111,, 1“. L1 :11 21“ 11 L111‘111111111_\ march e‘am me. access 111 the 1:12.111 \L;111It» ‘ 111 11s 1.1111'1‘1‘11» EEEL'ttt. 11 115311 11.111 1111‘ 1 11.1.‘1‘1s1111' 11E 11171111111.) then-1111111 lEO'L‘EEEEECEE E‘ ah ' “Nani means hehinLE the-41‘ We are hurr Em“ 111:1 1.1111511 the 111811 that the 1. ‘ ~ 2 ..-1 111E1T1r1111 yre as s11121‘. a» possihie 1‘ .11113111L E11111 111-2111» L\i'.E‘L‘;1»1111ts' e'111'e111111e11t ahsoE ute 111‘ 11111:11L‘L-1xt11‘ 1111111111111x;;\1-\‘L'ith itsvappurtenanee111 M (1.1. 1‘ 111- ,1 111111111:1;151‘1'. We havenothiu.‘ 14 m. 1111111111» (1“ _.‘.(.‘.‘.']‘T'“j“‘ 121L111 Eort‘nnEates the wishe: MSW :12: 1:11: VL.>11;1’1.‘111L11 s111LtiL‘r» and peasants. W1‘ . .111.111 puree, upon the basis of thL E111111‘s1 .141. ‘11::L‘ and \XVL' H1w.\.1'...1 (‘1‘ '.1 '«111. [‘1 »- 1 11. "E'E‘\ ‘ -‘ , v. 111‘.“ ‘11‘ 1311‘5 ‘1\.\‘ cooperation of aEE '1 - 1 1 E‘EEEEEIE‘(EEEEE(1( (ECEEEEOEECI‘TL‘IEE ‘ ' ‘1‘] 11 I‘\ 1 “ " ()1 ‘ 1, EEEL‘ ‘EEC \(H‘d 1vs— LAE'Ek-‘wtt , 1. . \‘v'nfk peopEes. CRETE.“ ‘ J (ET ., ‘ in the secret doeu» .. ‘EE‘EEE- "E {1171111111 11-. -_.1. 1.1 11111111541 to the 111111111.)- nut-ises _ “PW-WEE 11M. 1.1111141] 111111.21: 1 1.12,.L roundation (110111 . _ . _. the 1111:1‘11‘” “‘ ‘1 ' t ‘ “1111.11.11 , 111 .112 1 1.11....111 .. 1.11111»; ‘ ' unite” ‘1». ‘ ‘ 11111111 .\ (-runmiss ‘ ” ar tor Foreign Affairs: L. Trotzky. Constantinopte and the. straits. Politieai section EE Eatorrnation FehrttarvI the. 4th, 19111, Mz'etlE1 the 11115, the Minister 111‘ Foreign .»’\EE:1ir»‘ LiL‘EiVL‘rL‘LE to the Ambas— sadors 0EEE1anLe and (Treat Brita 11 :1 111e1111'iran1tum ex'11)es111? the (L‘sira‘oi‘iity oE annexiufr to Russia a» the result of the ptLesent \1 :11‘ the E311311E1111us the Sea of Matmora and he D111...‘L' ' ':111111111 Ehraee up to the Einer1E Fm:“111111; :11 the east Asia Minor E1et“'eL‘n the ‘IBL‘spEmrus, thei11‘ e1 Saharia $11111 a point along.) the "midbay, subject to EatL‘1 (LtLtininath n; the EsEands ImE1121» and Tenet‘tos. The specit‘i rights at France. and 1:11;.1Eand within the L‘1711‘=11es 01 said territories to remain inttet. B1th the E101: h and Bri— tish Governments ha‘e expres»ed their e111sent satisfy our aspirations Lentineent upon the sneeessEuE end of the war as welEas upon thesitn tetionoiawhote > series (11 requirements (EthaneeLE 2;: name and Eng— land regardinO‘ both the eenfines ot the Ottoman Empire and those 121‘ other territt‘ries. 1 These requirements, so tar as they eonL‘ern Tur— key, are as 101‘; 111.115,: The reerfruition ot CCEHECutinopEC and freedom as a ErLe port for the transit 1:6 of passave through the stt tit; The rre.‘,<.rnition ot‘ the 11; France in 1’»\siati;E‘11'EL'L‘\, 1.11 special agreement Russia. het‘sten :hant ships. [1124110. and fieaiivLL‘tir‘eLE by E“r.111:e.11;11;a11E. and The leaving; oi the ‘aere'LE rvtttstu1112111 pluses and of Arabia under ittL‘epL-n 11‘1 1t Mnssu‘ 111'111 ruEe. The indusion in the E1111 1.:‘11 sphere 11’1 in‘EuenCe that zone of E'L‘ESEG \1hiLh was 2,3" agreement het1‘L'een England and Russia in the year E2107. declared. neutraE. 1111 1.1‘ 1111‘ 1114111111'11\ .1; 11 1 1 1111111 1‘1111‘M 11‘11'11111-1 1 11111 111‘5111‘s 11‘; 1 1 is 111‘1‘1111‘11 1112 \‘1111‘1111‘1' 511111 11. Secret treaties. 1‘11'11‘1‘1'. 11‘.1‘1111e' 1 \1'111‘11111 1111‘ 11111 51‘11‘1.“}\111111‘5. t1) 11 1“ Diviotng Turkey. (From the secret Archives of \1‘1111'111‘ '1‘ the 15.. 116111111 Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Information 111 regai(111111 the question of Asia Minor. 1111‘ :11‘11‘11’11'1 , 11‘1'111‘11.‘1‘ 1111‘ ‘111' 11 11151 11: ‘1111111';.‘ 15111111111 111111 $151.11 111 to 111.511 .11...1 “11 11111‘..‘1<1‘ 1311? 11' :V \111. 11111 11111 1 11' 1111‘ 111:111. 1 111111 ."1Q.111 1'1: 19111111: ‘1111‘ ‘1‘11’ 1‘ 18159111 11 11.1111111111'11‘5 111 ‘1. '151 1 .1 ' 111‘ 111.111.1111 111 1111‘ R11»; \‘11111 sphere (11' ‘1\ L11 .‘1.1 11:.‘11‘1‘1‘1111 1111‘ 1) 1 1.] 17111 [1,. 11121\ ‘» 1’11111‘1'11‘“ 1 [At 11 11111111111911111’1 As a rexu'jt 111' 1111‘ negotiations that took piece 111 the spring" 01' the year 1916 111 London and Petro— 1111111 the. Attiect Governments 01' ()1‘at Blitain Fiance »~1' 1\ ‘3‘.‘1111 11111‘111‘1‘. The 11”.; 15:;111‘11 1.11111‘1‘11311 :‘711111‘1‘11 1(1L'\111"1'I'1Ll 1'11 1 1-1. H 1». ‘1 .fl‘ 5.11111 113111‘ 4;111111111.1r»'111‘ .1‘1111«.;\".1111 111" 1111 L1 1 11‘811 11 111 111111111" 111 '111;\"'»1-"111 5"‘1‘1111 1) l\\lI\'_\'1'I‘ 1 1111‘ 51‘1151“ 1“=;111‘1.‘5‘<1.‘11 'ii 111C 111 1111‘ t1‘e1'11115 w~ 1.1-“1L1'11 181121. \' Febr. 21, 1917. -': 1e5 Oi 111111111",e 21111 ter‘itoriat acoutsiti11115 in Asiati. Turkey, and 11111‘11'151‘ 1‘11111‘er111 11:; the question of establishing within 1111‘ .‘01‘111111‘5 of Arabia an indepen— dent 1‘-’\1‘ai)ian state or 11‘111‘r 11111111 01" Arabia115tate5 T1115 ae‘reenrent in the main 15 a5 111110115. 1311-35111 11'1‘111111‘1‘5 the provinces: Ei‘zeruni,"111131201111, Van 111111 1311115 as 11111 as 2111 the territory of Southern \11'11'. 11111 11511111111113 1!“: 1111‘ 11.1111111 (3011111 Kurdistan 111.1111. 1111‘11111‘Mu5h‘ 1111 111511111111‘11111‘1'. 11::1111‘551‘11 19111.<11L‘<.‘1'< 1111 (-1111 111' 1111‘ 11 \111111 11111111111 that the hunting point 01 the 111155111111311111511111115 1110an the coast 01' the 121C 11' Sea 511011.11 131: the point \‘11‘51 01 1111112111111, subject to 111111111‘ de11‘1'11111111t1111n. 1'111'11-1‘ 0111511115 the coast prov111ee oi Syria, 1111‘ A11e11"v11.1y\1'e1 111111 the territory bounded on the south 11y the line Ainta1 Mardin 11011.11 to the future 13115511111 1t~:1“‘.1 1 ‘ 11111191195'1111211'1‘ arrived at an agieenient concer— 111110 the 11 11‘1e distribution of their respective 5p111‘— .151111:1111‘115 '111'11'f11' 111111 (11 the 111 the t131‘1‘1t1'11'11‘5 11111.5(: enjoyed 113' . 11 1:1.‘1=1‘1.‘.1_\. 1 11‘.‘/ 311111111 “1111111‘1le ,,1 Q1111 111111 SCi't 11111 Amatie, 1mnn11arie5. 111111 the north by the 11111‘ 111“ (111g 1(1‘55111‘1‘11 “’."'\‘11\’“‘” (1:11.)‘ 111112» -~ (tag —~- zara 7‘ Oeain 1(11111‘11111. tor VVhieh t 11:11.01 11111 .- l a“ M ii nuru” 1L “ ‘1' ‘ "‘ f” ‘1iiil‘1‘tii ‘ " i'ttit <1 '1 .v‘J-r t“ ‘.\E'\ 1‘1».'1‘~ . ‘ ' L111, ‘. $3311 '_ ‘1.t‘1\t'111 ‘ 1L 'i 175.1“ - 1 ‘ ‘1 vL' 1:1‘; “ ,' N “ I. \ ’i ’L‘tL ‘1 y ‘ ' 1,11 1.1L " “ 1‘1"} L whit; [51111.31 3“ 11".2‘1 \‘1‘. 1‘ segniine . ‘ ~ '1‘1’L~‘1{1‘. ~ IL 11L1L 1 11 '1 >.1:1.-':.v:‘111‘.'-L‘1‘ :1 :1 $1.14» L1'x‘1‘L-L‘ 19‘ ~1:‘<. hung: :1'311 Int ‘ ' 1.11< . .L1 1‘ 1.1 fl“ i’1rz‘11 111'11 :1‘11“-~ 1'1. 1‘11111'1'1i1";11i11‘ :1‘ 11 i"1‘11‘.»."'i.‘tt .\‘;1‘1=i.111 \t.1t1 x “L\” “ c I 1 i‘L 1"111‘71‘ ] 1111 E _-\;‘L'1L‘1 \1 «LLinistiLans. “W ‘1 conditien it sti‘pn‘tutes is the seetnity of it»; own eccnOtniIL‘ interests; :15 wett 11:4 :1 like i1\‘<‘,1'11h‘1L‘attitude on our part ttjtVV‘dI'Li Enehmt‘ts petitiezt‘ aspirations in otMte provinu I personnity. reposing .13 i do 1111‘1 Detenssé, consider his tissttrztnL‘L's “"114?! ‘. ' (Sie‘rtzttttrt‘). .11111'11‘ neL in sntisiae— er‘ LLtV tory HL‘wL‘Ve-r in enter to satisiy the 1111pL1121‘1 .t GO— 1111;1‘e'1LL11tt‘11tL vernntent, it is Li€5i1£ti)it‘ t1) (whtztin 1'1 1‘ :‘1L' ()ttinnztn LiL‘ht 1‘11“ . f L my oniy stantinLpie to the extent LtentnnL‘L'tt by 11.4. "the 1‘11 itiiiiv‘th inter: iL_1‘iE‘1t ;' with thL ' “'1 it“siter‘. :1111' ii 11:1». :1; per nett'w ‘11 E‘: inti. ‘ tin, 1211411111 17" :13 ~‘,\1.‘< 111111111'1'1h" t“ v nageL-a thnt hztt‘t =11~‘ 1::1111i1'L‘Lt hi; thL‘m. l)L:EL;15 L‘ 11 111e:1>1e.1.1 appreciatinn. In his t:1ii<s \ 1tth yon DL“:J11 11: ititti 101111 helme repeatedly ext‘rt‘met t‘n‘ 11:151111'111I1i1tt111t VVL may count on the \ylitpéliiflly oi 1‘1'11111L1: [$L‘i111‘L‘, howe— vet, giVing‘ 11$ :1 mine LtL‘iIinitL‘ 11s<11111nL‘ in the toregoing sense he 11,‘iL“‘11L<t tn the 11LL‘L‘ssity 111' 111111 ehtriiying the 11ttitn<1e 111‘ ti11;.:1rtti., who he i‘1'1rett might raise objections. The British GOV'L‘rntnL‘nt hsts in writing L‘iqtn‘essett its consent to Russia‘s annexing the "Straits & C011— . ._-._¢ Ki statement to the L‘iteet that France zis‘reei ttt‘tiy to satisiy0111 desires, even 11:1 the Briti<h GGVLr‘ntnent has done. (Sign) Sasmmv. A Secret Telegram 01‘ the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Antbztssztdm in L:,1‘nde=n, March, 7 1 1815. N7: 1:285. QtrcitsO 1“t‘V ‘ i’inreigt 1:11., ‘: ‘1 tL 1)» ‘3 .“»\itt'1ji'1, .. 111‘, ‘. l 1 i, 3) 1111‘ 1. 111 1: 1913, iltt’Lh \1nhztsm‘1dtnz‘ 111* (NHL nant the 111e1n<>11111d111n oi H“ . "Fi‘il‘n‘l 1’) the Strztitrs V: (:1‘-11‘“; .n 111‘; tt“;L‘e1‘znn tn \(111 \, '»‘1“..1 the to British Grey the p110found 111‘11,‘1rL‘e11‘ti;1n hy the Enteriztl (Jewrnmentoi EnO‘E 'md '11 11111 81 1111111 agreement it) :1‘11.>V‘e the Linestioh 0‘: the Sirnits e‘; C1111.»11111i111;p‘e 'L‘cnit‘rnrztifly to Russia‘s wishes. The htterid‘ CmerntnLnt itt‘tiy appreciates the sentiments CitthL 1$ri tish Gm‘ernntent 1&1 tr‘. seL' tnL 1L 111;;11‘1111 1 i it Referring to ‘ Embassy oi March ti, piezta‘e express ‘ 1' (3. it” 8:1tee‘m‘ assured that the UtltwLSL‘t‘V’L‘Li 1‘L‘L‘1‘15nitiert of their nttttnn‘ itttet‘L‘:;t:; \t'iii ‘1‘111‘ e'L-r seL‘an‘ the friendx‘hip iEGtWL’L‘H Rnssizt 0‘; (i111 :'11$i 11t1i1‘1 1 1 11.0911; 11'11‘111‘. 0111111011 1111; 1‘1‘111111‘10-“0; 11 1111‘. 5.1111115 31' 1‘1‘1‘1111‘111111 111 0‘1 1111110 05501111111 11110011111100 1:1 1111‘ 111111011111 (.10v01'111110111 i5 1111011111111011y 1111 (11105111111 0‘1 railway 0011— 5111101100 wi1hin 1110 1101111211 7.0110, which (11105ti011 1111111 1'01111i10 {5111110 111111101 1110111111: 001151110121110115. 1111111. (111115111111111‘111. 111111011613. 111111“11:110111 .5115 1111 111151111X: 111 1111 11.11 151.1111 1<11i1 11 1100111111 11111111151111111111011 1.1111511: 1111110 01 0.111115 00111111,: 1111101 110111 1‘1"i1.1111 Th0 11111700111 (10V01'11111011‘1 0.1070015 111 001101211 1110 11111 10001111111011 ()1 i15 11,0111 101100110111 01 21011011 1111» 11111110011111'10‘11.15‘<.1};0 11111111011 1111351111115'1111‘ 11101011.. 5311115, . ~ 1.1001040 1:10 1.111111; 11; 1111 11.11‘11111101‘1 11111011111 (10101111110111 15 10.11111; 12f 1111111011110 1121 1111111111111 11111211110 ‘11‘11‘~1‘ 5111105 11.111150 1 111- 11."1 1 7‘.' “1' I:“\K.“ 1' 1'1;L 1.1 1717 ,. (11111 111111111 ‘1": 111.~1‘ 1‘ 1. 3 111 ‘11 11. 111111 1‘ 111‘0 1<-1 11111011 ‘ ' 5011010 01115 1111300101 1x 0:011011110 011101011505. 191111111111, 1110 11110011111 (30110111010111 1111115 it 01051- i'z1b‘10 10 102101151111111101100115‘1y 1110 5011111011 01 the 11 01105110115 1011011111131 :1150 11011110111 13110210151301which 15 0011110110115 \viti1R11551 :1 1110 5011111011 10 ‘00 111 1110 1 ii:11\,' 31:15.1' 50115 0 0\pre550d 01111115 511b100’1 by the 111111011211 Mi~ ’1 1111111‘1' " [1‘0 "11.' 111511'y 1111110. 11000111110115 01 1110 1.1151 y0ar. ‘ (11110111111001 fiii‘)‘ 511.11‘10 111 1111‘ '1.-; :1. 11.11.51. 1111‘ - U [01:111111 ~ ‘ ' -. . .\11‘.\1\‘i11 ‘ 1* ‘ ’ i“ ‘ 11:1 1‘ 1111111‘1111L17‘L 1 7171“” 110.. 11, 1.. 111,111 .1 3;, 1111 .1 ,1“ : fig, ,, 0 _ . ,1 1.1 .‘11'1 11101111115 11 11.11111 111111101: ‘1‘-. 111011101 1115‘ 11111' 11”., ,‘1,,.,. 1,. .1. ‘ .1:0.\0 1.111015 111111101 T111110VL‘1 1. -.1- C 1] ‘ ‘1'. 1 . _ r 0 (Sign) Sasonov. ‘1 .1 0111111111 10101111110 1111‘ 11110 0: (11‘ 101.: 1111101. 1. 11110111'1 5111105, 7511100 01111 ‘0 1111111 1110 0110 01 1110 (111101 111 00110131100111 1.10 .1010 11; fir! , 11 within 115 5011110 01 111111101100 0‘: it 012111115 in parti— 011‘ :11' 1110 11,0111 10 :1 11101010111121‘ 0'1010‘1‘001110111 in 511101 (111 1‘11 110111111121 111111 1101.111 135011.11 1. 1:11, :‘1'111‘111‘ 111 1111' :15 1110 11111011111 (31111011111011? :1. 1101.11.11 10011111 1111‘ 51311111110111 111 1111“ ‘1’ 0111 1111110111 .15 1110111 110511211110. F1'001i1.1111 1 The Agreement with Italy in the year 1915. A bargain and its outbidding. Very serious. 1111151 01 011'1'50, 110 1111111 500111.1011 th‘iliili 1510\13‘111‘1101101111111115 1110 0110511011 01 5101111110 1110/ 2111211110111 1110 111011 T111111, ‘1 11’1'00 1 1110 1111311511111 111 1111. 1101.111 :11 7011.0 07 101— ”911110 01 31211101100. 11 0011511101.: 11 1151; 131111 1110 1007‘ 1‘15 3111 101111111; 11: 1110 1011' 110 0110 1",:‘1: i ' 111‘1‘0111' 111155111, 111 110-511 0'1 1110 1311:51111111.10. 11"” 1’11 111150111 01115 in 01.1.1: .. . 1 ., 121 fix \1‘11311'11511'111,7 1:11,. 10..~.. 131155'. (11' ".... ‘1'111111'51 11111171.“ "“4 (1‘11: L"‘\ {iiilr‘ y’ 2111:11112134111. ‘1 11 ‘11 1111,. ‘T' ‘ ,1 1‘“ 1 1‘ 1‘ _‘~~1_\ “ ’11 10.15.511.111 i)11‘1‘11‘.’1’11 ;; 0:111 11?. 011110 19111““ 10 ‘1“11:.”5050 . . ~ ,. ‘1‘1‘1‘1‘1' 11‘: 1111111011011. 11114 T110010. A11i1'11100 111101 0‘1 11111110101511101'011 1110 51(10 01 1110 00511111011 (01 1110. "3111i001 10111015) had (11150111111110 \01'511300'111111110'101 1110 1.1.101. 1110 1111011101 12111011. Th0 1111551011 01 P111100 1911110111, in [301110, 1051111011 111 that 1110 011111100 01 1111111111 00111:}; was 005113011011 :1 11111030 112111 10:11 O0rniziiiy‘5 1'11‘101111111110 01101 :1v1'11'01 10 buy 11:1— 1y’5 1101111'1'1‘111' 11111111110 111' 100 01 0011005510115 at 1110 011001100 011A1'151i'i11'1 1h0 1):1i111h0 M(:111:11'0hy 10110111011 1111»: 111111 11111"1-;11111" 1:11 1110 11111.01111111011‘01)1'., 1915 111 111011 01 11115 1111111155 11111011101110 1110 1111511001 01 Ironts suggested to the military leaders the necessity Italy's f‘i'E:VILZ t‘ic \‘f‘ies .. 1.1m ‘1p;\-;ti'<\l p issihle. \ .2. I\'II>>:.III ,., \‘ it \ ,1 i‘lll‘x :. :1 vi vol “ l at ' liliil lilllt lt‘QJI'tl to .4 essoitin. l\' neeeséaiv 1V4 Cult" of Italy’s immediate joiningr the Allies. In the early days of April the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reluc— . tant to meet the demands ot the Allies to sign a CLII‘ISL‘ (‘3 i' K in «am «‘\pies~;i‘il the ‘r .i a in miter it: the .\l?i:in:‘e it *‘xcri en .3"? e:‘~iin‘7ie.rte the mill: treaty with Italy, advanced new demands, viz: the necessity to stipulate a possibly temporary active participation by the Kingdom. t’urtheririore, Russia for making the demanded: I) the fixing of the time Z» 11 mt ‘9‘" 9M :‘f‘r we i-i\ t'i;i:l oi romaine ll‘ :1 I“. Sis vi believed that at m I' move ouehi to lie rat my» new Ilni'iulillv started e o; 'i'-..-ln‘.iary. eld style. until 1‘.“ t:. tan .‘\'nlrr- 3nd rt, tli:_"i\l:irqlii< lnum . zt \; ‘ ., «i netheen Sn " ‘l they :: \ .:-o.‘:'~ 0: Han ‘e: M. I’au‘: < .11: -.,-;e d. i', and has: the a in treaty public and t2) the recognition as inviolable ot the agreements previously entered into by the mem— bers of the three Great Powers. On April the ISA—Ibth the treaty was signed by Grey, Cambon, Prince Benkenbort and Marquis Impe— riali. During the days preceding this signing some more concessions in iavor of Serbia and Montenegro were won from Italy. Enclosed herewith is the text of the treaty with Italy. («unheated on the one lli‘ ‘ ‘5) t t'sIIILe to H," . . Dltlim' grant Secret Treaties. .. to DIN“. concessions ' the incompzn» IQei‘li'eseiitaiia. ' e other, to deiend. Italy's demaiul The secret agreement of England, France & Rus- sia with Italy to allow the latter to seize with their aid the regions ol Salvo-Croatia, Trieste and South Tyrol, Albania, the Greelt Islands, some parts of Asia Minor and Atrica. provided she enters her armed tor— ces against Austro-Germany, and prevents the inter .l Hi i\~',‘ IM q i ill.~ the <o1iuiron oi detali *'F":l*li.71‘ix.‘t.l . ,1. it. V.\z.»|::\:'r‘. ' » i the ikilur /"lle In, _’ Ul-‘llllflilltnl 01 “ , ' - t I W ‘ if“ :e l ‘» ‘; w ,i" I , i. 1‘ til t‘ Pecans (rter, ‘ i “R ' A (f, ”My ‘3 m7 F’ “a” "‘ .ttI';>;I Arittllh ii.-Jl_. , _,l J 2 Ct, .‘ ‘ I I>.(t\>, (11m ills: an outlet to the Sum asuiratiims Conce‘ line and the ,)1t,,.‘\, ”tbs, L.:‘\ _r\ the \fftl'li'lih vention of the Pope in the interests of cessation the war. of The Italian ambassador in London, Marquis Impe— riali, following: the instructions of his Government, has the honour ol‘ communicating to the Minister of Foreign Attairs Sir ti. Grey, to the Frei ch ambassa— dor (in London) Mr. Cambon. and to the Russian Ambassador (in London) Count I‘lenckendorr the following Menu‘u‘andum: Art. I. A military entered into between convention shall the {general at once be starts of France, 16:11‘111‘5 1111111111 T111115, 11111-11151 311‘111 1121.55 1111 111111 1111‘ “11111111115111 111 1111‘ .111112111 A1115, 111111 1111‘. 1’1‘1‘111‘1 1‘11‘1'11111111, 1111111111 1‘«1:111g.111, 1111‘ 1111111111211115 '1‘1‘11111‘1111 {11111 ‘1111‘ 511111111115 1‘1111111‘1‘111, 132111121111‘5112111 211111 1111111. 51115111111111.3411 \ Hence 1111‘ 11011111121131 will 112155 51111111 11 11111.1 111-1111:1111 1‘21511.‘.';11‘<1 t1) 811111‘111‘1U 50 111211 1111‘ 11.1.5111 111 1'1V1‘1‘ 83513.1 8(11511‘111u— _ 1‘1‘11‘.\‘1‘1‘.1i1111 11.141111112111131 '111‘1'51‘11111115‘1‘ 1111 31 12‘1111‘5 11011011311101 215 11.111 111 1111‘ 1.11112111 111‘1i1111‘y. 1111111 811111‘b1‘1g‘ 1111i 1111111111211‘5' 11111‘ 11111115 11.1111: 111 1111‘ £02151 01111111111111U 01511111, 1111111111 & V'i1155ki 215 112111 andparcel 11111111‘ 11311211 1115515510115 A11.111 111(1‘ 11121111111“ 11.51111 .5112111011121111 1111‘, 1111— \‘i111‘1‘ 01 D211111a‘1i21 in 11.5 111‘.1‘51‘111 101111, i11C111111113: \111— 11111 115 1‘0111i111‘5, 1111 1111‘ 11131111., Li55:1111121 & "11011111121, whiIc 011 1111‘. 5011111, 1111 1111‘ 11115565510115 (11,;w11 11 1111‘ 1i111‘ 111211 1121551‘5 near C21111,‘ P121111; 621511121111 2111,1111; 1116 51111111111 Icvcl, 111 511111 a 1112111111‘1‘ 111111 1111‘ 111111.111 p115— 11.1111: (111(11— 51‘5510115 i11c11,1111‘ 2111 1111‘ V:1111“5 5111‘1‘1‘11i.1<‘ 21117115.: 1111‘ river5 111111111111: 11111) cht‘niu ‘, V1Z: C1111‘;;11‘1, Kerka 11111111 111111 31111 13111151111221 with 5111 1111311 11111111311135. F111‘1111‘11‘1.;11‘, Italy 5111111 1121V1‘ 1111 1111‘: 1512111115 11111111 8-; 11'1‘5'1 11 1111‘ 41111' 1111111‘ 11112111 .‘(111 511111111111 11111111" 111111111\ ' D2111‘1111112111 1:11'2151, beginning; \‘.1111 1111‘ 151311115 1311‘11111112‘. Celva, 1111111 811111121 Maon 1311011 8: 1‘111112111111‘1‘1, 1111‘11e 11111111‘1 11111111 & 1111 111 M13111111 1111 111: 5111111, joining 1111‘1‘1‘111 1111‘ 1512111115 8‘ [11111111 [311211, 11559., 1.6551113, '21 ‘1<i1a I11811121, K111 1111 H’1111. .1‘111‘1 8111111115, 1512111123: 1111111311111;r 111 Art. 1111 11. 11‘1‘11 (1101411111: 1111101111111“ 111111115: 11111111571111 111 11‘\’1‘1 111 1111‘ 11".” K111120121, Katz & L11g115111. 3111112111 their 2111-211 1‘111 111115 81 1511‘15 :15 1.1111 .15 131‘}1211311511 1311— ri11g, 1111\‘11‘111‘31 1111‘ 1.511111115011211 2‘1 8111.111 Cir-11.121, Biiia 8111111 &131114211. ‘1“111151111 1111‘: 1) 13.11 1111‘ 11111111111: 8111111‘1‘1 11111111‘ 111,01‘11 111111111 111 1‘111‘ 51111113111 11.11115 1111111 cup-1‘ @1111 111 1111‘ 111‘11i11511'1‘21 8.11111‘1‘1c1‘110, 1111 1111‘ 5 ‘111‘... 1113111- 111111; 1111111 11911115112111 11‘gi1111 1111‘ 1‘11111‘1‘ 521111 111-11111- 511121; 2) 13.111 01‘ 1111‘ 1121151 beginning 111 1111‘, 511111 51111:111‘11 10 \‘1‘1515 111 1111‘ 5011111 11.1 111111‘ -0111 1311311511“, 1111‘ 1111151115 A15 811 1511121111221111, 1111‘ 111151.11 1,111 211111 11111111‘1‘ 51‘1111C11351‘, 111 1111‘ 1‘11'111‘1 \111'11151‘1 511 111111 1111‘ 1.111111115 01 1111‘ 11111121112111; 111‘ \ 1111111111111‘ 1(211111‘1111215' 51111115111115 111118.113, D111:1.1<1, 811.1 0111\11111111 111 1‘1/11‘111121 211111 D111‘azz11; \‘1'111‘1‘13111' 1111‘ 11541115 1/ 111 .\l11!11111;111. :11'111-"1'1111; ‘1 '11“ 1111 (1111;11:11111111x131. e111 11V 1111' 1‘11'1‘1‘11'111‘t‘ne 11;1~;1:~1 1‘11 \11111:1111l 31:11 1”" shall 111121111 12"1'1‘1111111 1111111111 111 \11‘11'111'1111 11111:‘;t said ElL‘ll'h' 11:1'1'1‘ 111'1t1 11‘1.‘1‘:;111/111 111111 11111‘--:111 111 1111 prev?! Pussies-dons 111 "11111111'111e1‘11.' 1111‘1 1111' .1111 s1111<11 : be extended 111 ‘11111<1' 1:1111ls1'11’111" which 1111:1131 12111111' 111' 11111111111 ‘111 .'\11111t1‘111~j\‘1~ 111119. 1:11 11.111 1f the roast "1111‘1'111'11‘1‘11'11‘154' 111 .'\l111111 negro is sulfur. 111 11:11111 111'11111111\:111Those 11121 muons 11: right 1111‘. 111111111 1:1 111 1 11111111 1‘1-fer 1111‘ 11-3111 .\1!1':\‘1'11‘1 11111? 111 11.111111 M111111111114111 111'1-1' 1‘1111S1‘1‘1‘1‘1'111 It: 1511‘“: 9‘1: ‘11111111. the islands that :1 c2 11o! pass 111 1151.11" Note 111111111111: 1:1:11ls 1111111}: 1111‘ ,~\11ri.1: " 111‘ 1111‘71111'l‘111‘w'1111‘ I’111x'1‘1s 111' 1111‘ Quadruple I" ‘1-1“1‘ \1‘ithfnCr11111111. 81‘1'1771 1\‘: .\\11111e111‘e'r11: Non" 1:11~ 411.112.111.113 1111; .~11;~1<1\- 111~e1111~1111e11-1'111 1111» ‘1'11'111~‘>o'11 111‘. 1111' 111'11'111‘1'111' l~111:1 1\ 111,1 111 1111‘ 1‘11" thcrn1111111111,.‘1f1'11? 1111111111111 liliflll\l\1' 111 the 1'11t1‘ mast 1111'." “11111 11 '11 .‘1 1111.111 1 n :1‘11\l ‘ 111 in; to 1111 teary ;1_~' \1'1‘11 as 111' 1111 ‘1'11rit'la. 1'11 the 111111 13111111 :11111 111 111» s11111li11' 1111115 X111, 11.: Carlopi. likewise 111 the island\71‘11.I’1“1’\.‘1;1_‘111. (71113111111 1’11'; 1\‘ “my; 9011111 111 13,. Adriatic wherein 91311111: 1.\l' .111,1'1111‘111:e’1‘1> are 1111111»11‘1’1. all the coast Iron cape 131:11111' 1111111~ river Ih‘in: ‘1'11‘11 1113‘11111st important harbors Sialato Rae'usa: Vat A11ti1:111. 131111111111 81' San (11111111111 (11 Marina al» ‘11: 91111111111111 (11111111. 31111111 Cirona Bua. Sol? 1%1'11.~:/:1..;1111';111 :11111 liaiamata. ' 11111111 Daraizo could 11‘e ce1l1d to an indepe'w 111111 .11111‘1;11111:1la:1 state of Albani lit. (11.112111'79‘1121'11 obtain in 11111 possession V111» 11111a. 111.131.41111'111s Saseni and a territory sutricientij1 we 111 11 31:11.1 11:1111 secure111111ilitar\ re.p )ects V177 ~11111131‘11‘11'11 111111111 the river \"ojussa'on the north 1\ 111%.}11-1111! 111 111»~ borders 111 1111‘ district Shikarslx’i 1111 1111- ~-1111111. .1\ 1 ., . 111.1.1 .1 1. -. . 1117li‘111‘111 1 .111111511 - 1 111.111 ' Istz'1a agreeably to art. 1 Dalmatia and the Adriatic islands agreeably to art. 5. also the bay of Vallona, ought not, in case a small autonomous neutralized state ‘01 tormed in Albania, to resist the possible aspiration.- of France, Great Britain 81' Russia regarding: the di» tribution amongr Montenegro, Serbia & Greece of the northern & south1 r11 borders of Albania. The soutr hern coast of the latter rom the boundary of the. It 1111111 ref‘ion Vallona and up to th11‘ cape 1111: s, is sub- ject to neutralization. To Italy will be. left the 110111 to e:1rr_\1>n the er»;— ternal relations of ”Albania‘. Ital'n1ust at all avents ae‘ree to leave to Albania a territony sufficiently large so that the boundary of the latter remai , west 111 Oltrida, contiguous with the boundary of Greece 1\" Serbia. Art 9. France Great- Brit‘in 1\’: Russia acknowled— $11 in principle the fact that it is to the interest of Ittaly to maintain the political equilibrium in the Mediterranean, and likewise her rights to receive alter lurkeyihas been divided, an equal share with them in the basin of the Mediterranean, viz: in that part thereof which adjoins the province Adalia where Italy has already acquired rights & attained interests fore— shadowed in the British- Italian convention The zone to be surrendered into Italy spossession will in due time be circumscribed in accordance with the vital interests of France & Great-Britain. In like manner, Italy’s interests will deserve attention also in case the territorial inviolability of Asiatic Turkey is maintained by the Powers during some period of time and if it were merely necessary to stake among themselves the respective spheres of influence. It in the course of the present war France Great- Britain 81' Russias‘ucceeded in occupyind some regions of Asia— tic Turkey,tthe provinceecontiguous with Adali a fur— ther below more definitely circumscribed must belet' to Italy who reserves the right to occupy it. 11) 11* Representative 01 Italy, 1ik1‘wi5e duly authorized 11y 11i5 Government, upon the toliowing' 5111111‘1‘1, 111111 France,Great-Britain111111 111155111 1‘.‘1pr1‘55 1111‘11‘ 11111 agreement with 11115 Memorandum pre51‘nted 10 1111‘111 by the 1111111111 Government. With regard 1.11 artir:11‘5 Art. 111. 111 1.1'111a 11.11)‘ 11111111115 .‘111 1111151‘ 1‘1L‘1115 pI‘1\'11eL“1‘5 \1'1111‘11 111‘1‘1‘1111111‘1‘ 11:1\'1‘ 111111.111111‘111111111 by 1111“ 811111111 011 1111‘ 14111111111 11? 1111 1 1.111‘ 11‘ 51111111: 1 Art. 11. 11;11_\' 511.111 11.‘1‘1‘.‘1‘ .1 5:11.1‘1‘ 11111111111111 1‘111111111‘115‘111’1111‘ \1'1111 1111‘ 1“ 11:11: 11‘ 1'1111‘1‘5 111111 13111115 1111111111111‘11 11\' 111‘:. 1 1:: 3111‘ 1, ‘2 and 3 01 11115 Memorandum, lr‘atinfcf 0‘1 1111‘ co— \1‘1. 13,1111\' 1111115 111 1111‘ ~1111*:1111111‘1‘. 111.11“. 1"11‘11“.111 113L11111111\‘1111<5i‘1 11‘L‘.1111111L‘ \1‘111“5.: :‘1111 HOW .1“1115'.1111 111.11‘1‘5. 1111'. 1 111‘ 11.111 1]? “1‘1111111‘ 1:: 1111‘- 11111111111511'11111111 11. .111 1111111111‘111‘=11 \':=.‘ 1111\1‘1‘1‘. .\.11. 13. 8111111211 1111‘ 1’1‘1:1‘.1\'1513151511v.‘1:'.1‘.111.‘:‘.1‘-155111115 111 .»\11'11“1 111‘ 1 111.111.‘ 111 15.111151 1.1.1 111“ then 110111 1‘111111‘1‘ 1‘7‘111 1111:11—1 1111111 11111511" '11" 111‘111p1 11.111‘51'114111111 111111 1111 1111 1 15151; 111111 c0111p111511110115 in 1111‘ 51‘1151‘111 11:11‘11111L‘ her 1‘ 515510115111Eritrea. 51111111111111111. 111 1111111 1‘1 1111111 111111111111 reL‘ion5 c01111g1111115 \‘1'111‘. 1‘111111‘1i1‘5 111 1"1'111-“1 \: EnL‘1and. A11. 141. 1211541111111 1111 11.5 111115191:~ 111 1:11‘11111111 1111.y 1111‘ 1'1‘a1152111011111p11 1 1111- 1.1::111011 1111111111. 1111 111111111e 11‘11115. 01 11 10.11111111 11‘55‘ 1111111 .711 1111.11.11 11111111115. . .\1‘1. ordination o1t11e military and 11111/111 operationv. 111 1111 1111‘ 10111 P0we1'5. Italy 111‘c1ar1‘5 111111 5111‘ 111111 111‘— tive‘iy enter the fie1d 111 1111‘ neared p1‘>.5'.511111- future at any rate not 1ate1‘ 1111111 0111‘ 111011111 .‘1111‘1‘ 1111‘ :5iL‘— ning of the present 111;:111111‘111 11_\‘ 1111‘ c01111111 11115;; parties. The underwriters have in 1011111121 put their 11211111 10 and have with their 1'1‘5p1‘ctiv1.‘ 51‘2115 confirmed 1111‘ Present in 10111 copie5, the 26111 day of Apri1, 191:3. (111111111111.~11/1111‘1111115 1111pe1'11111. (Sir Edward Grey. Count Benkendort‘). The Annexation Appetite 01 111113 French Bourgeoisie. A secret telegram to 1111‘ A11111a55111101’ 111 Paris. 1 15. Repr1‘5e1111111\‘1‘51‘11 1‘1‘1111e1', iing1an11 Petrograd, .12111. 131’, 11117 111155111 dec111re 111e1115e11'e5 1711111111 10 5111111011 111111" 13110115 to prevent 1111‘ 11111‘1‘ Ree 1111111 particiuz211111271. any 111111011111111‘ 11101'1‘5 11'11111501‘111 1111 1111‘ 5,111 ‘1J11 EC ‘1 1‘11111-I1'p1‘11ce negotiatiom 01' 1‘143‘111'111111‘; 1,111‘51 5111" 1‘ 11‘;L111:1111'111 111 connectnn 113111 1111‘ 011251111 ‘11‘111. \1'1 111 1111‘ pre51‘11’1 11131111 1111351 111‘ 1101 .\\ r1‘L :11115 111111_\“5 ‘111111111; 121. 1111- 111‘1‘1111‘1111011 o: _. 7.1111 1 11-1. 11 1110111: 11".11 131‘ made 011b1i1‘ N“: 11111 501111 11111: 11111 11115 111‘1‘1ar1‘11 11:11 111' 1111111115 111‘1‘11 (11‘1‘12111‘11 11} 111‘1. A Copy '10 1501111111. Secret At a Supreme Audience M. Dinnerguc, connnunicated to 1111‘ Emperm‘ 1111‘ 1151111'111101’15 o1 Fiance :15 101101115: .31111‘1‘1111"1v.11‘i‘5over France w0u111 111(1‘ to secure the return 01 ‘\15:‘.1:e Lorraine a5 11‘1‘11 a5 a 5pecia1 position in 1111‘ 1.1111111 the river Saar; 5111‘ would further 11111‘ to 1‘111‘1‘1 .1 p01111... 5egreg21‘ tion 01 Ge1a111111y511111151111‘111511 (1011111110115 111111 111 151111111511 them on 11 5pecia1 51.11115 50 111111 1111‘ 1111‘1' 11:1‘1‘111L“ 111111 c11115i11e1'e11 1111‘ p1‘1‘5e111Memorandnisi 1111 111111‘151111111111‘5 011311111113 Great-Britain 51‘ RU.“ Rhine might in the future serve as a 10r1ni1111'a11‘ 5trategic protection against {111 German int1115ion D11— 511 1111 1111111;111111:11111101121511, have agreed with 1111‘ mergue expressed 1111‘ hope 111111 1111‘ Emperor 5 (J11 “‘11 1)] \_ 111 illllc‘ill not Will hesitate at Ullt‘t‘ to formulate sul, in the endeavor to convince him that it is desi- desires. it pleased his Imperial A1. i1->‘t_\ to 111‘111‘ t in principle these proposi I ions. 1 th1 1-1'11'1.'r1'1pi1'>t1'1l ‘1)111111'12111'111 continuitieatr to 11111, :111 10ll5t‘lll lt‘ lilt“t‘ 1‘ 1‘illT‘1Fl7Olltl' \'-.'itl1 his ilk“ 1‘ rurueut. the :121’1'1‘1111 11111.1 then he shaped after the 1111111 of 111.11.11121' 1'11 11 1111's l11'1\1.'111u 1hr l’ren 1'l1 .‘1111l1a>>;1.' 1.1.‘11f1‘h :1 1111's113‘. 31111111112 thus 1h11d11>1 11» of 1 1111‘ .»\l‘1' 1 d1. put on 1111311 1‘11. il1‘1‘.’1‘\‘1‘l, 1 11.11.11'1111'111. 11111111 1111' 1 J11: \'i1'\11 :11: 1.11'11>>1l l1\ ti11 luip11i.1l (1111111111111 3111111'121111 111‘ l‘1l11.3i 1 l.l lti, suh .‘\'-_ 9‘15, \'i.:. r | . l 1 111‘.‘ 1.1.1-rterr1 11'1 1‘; 17111'11'rl lull lilu-rrt 111 1111111”. \11 11 titi1l1rr'1 k\ of We hope on 1 1 to 11> a like lihert} G1111.1111\' “(ill llld‘t liltj {\xlilk‘.“ \\ iil lt‘e‘i‘l‘. ‘1‘ . ..1:. . . 1 1131.111“; (llil L‘I onudarv l11111> '1.1.'iti1 111111211111 Therel‘or1 ‘i11 the said . ,1. . 111l>111l (illt‘Slli‘ll errands 111p1111. < Itl rélL‘ siill'11 lilllL' l'cl 11.1‘l12111211 oi notes r112;a;1...., Diun1-12u1' iurnishe> 11> 11.. to 11>‘1:1 H11 trench (10.111111111Ci llilT ill its con sent as to T11... was freehand in estahlishinibr her \x'estern borders. ‘\\'. shal‘. in due time 1‘ or\\' ard the 4111011. (Signature) Sazonm: Gert natty 1h .1‘\‘11>.' 1 1.. 11‘, which rable to conclude peace between Germany, Russia and Japan I told Motono that 1 should be. readv to hear the German peaCe proposals provided that such be simultaneously mad1 Russia France England and Japan. As to Italy so long as she. is not at war with Germany, there is no iced of askinU Germauv to approach her; however we shall inform her of surh proposals since the attitude of the Allies to themccan he shapad only in common by all of them. (An addition for Tol<y.o) Kindly expr1ss th anl1s to '1l1e1lapaues1 Government for the vealuabl communi— Paris Cabinet How Allies are recruited. An enquiry regarding the Greek question. Nr. l. Offering southern Albania to Greece. 11.11111" 91.11.. r1sp1ctinf'1 this question. \\11 furthermore deem it necessary to ask cons '13:: l rance. to aboish alter the .11ar the foreigr’ne 5 SL' iu> .attaching . ‘ to the Aland Isal ad. Please reach couciusiou in the toreg‘orng sense with Briaud 8111-11. 2iapll the outcome. (Sign .) Pokrovsky The role of Japan. 1 >1ci1t t1l1e21 am to the ambassadors in London, Pa and Tokyo. April 28th iMay 11111, 11111: November 22, 1914. the. Consuls of Russia, lin— 2’iand! and Franceiu Athlens announced to the Greek Government the offer to Greece of th southern part 111 Albania, exceptine Valona. in cas he inunedi.1- 11‘lyjoins to help Serbia. For such iniinediate aid ‘x'enizelos demanded a ..secure 1arranty oi Rum-Ania" 2ainst an attack upon Greece by the Bulgars. This 211arantee \1as not given by Rumania, therefore Greece refused aid to Serbia. the offer having thus lost ‘ mrce. ‘11- 1\'1_1 l95t3 (by cipher). Personal. l'ii2l1i_\’ confidential. The Japanese G11 112111111nt has informed me that the German Consu 111 Steel holrn twice approached the Japanese Cour Nr. 2. Offering to Greece some teritories in Asia Minor. November 12, 1.915, The Englis 1Consul in ’\the11> following instructions from his Goyernmeut declared in response to a neu ro Venizelos that if Greece 23 -., onslaught by Germany upon Serbia. would sten torth to help the latter, the tintente Uovernrnentx would recognize as belongingr to Greece some iurr portaut acquisitions aloner the coast of Asia Nilllti', _ On January the 20th, Venizelos in a eonversatim with Kielisli (Ionsul deiiued more precisely tlr ratinnx in Asia Minor. at \ " "was thus begun were eheelted ‘m .:-g;\'_xi.rrirrr< regarding Bulgaria's ioinint the lintei'te \liies (one at tireeee's ecu 3.! 2-~:< that since the Entente powers apparently did not intend to quarautee the territorial integrity of Greece, the cabinet of Guuaris had decided to observe in the future tull neutrality. Nr. 3. The question of ceding gKavalla to Greece. On January, 20th WIS, \‘enizelos authorized the thnrsnt in Athens to inform Grey that by “wirzent of the King. he agreed todelit'er Kavalla on condition that Bulgaria youlrl y lintente. - itiSti‘riSSéli oi Venizelos the View oi the r Hui/e-tririreri‘t with respect t \ the. Kamila eon' ‘ “‘ert ultimately interrupted by the. d} / i'i'" _. 1 r 1e Yr\ 1.. rue il,‘\i11‘\ .3e,3‘otiaiions . lie _ rm 1 it t \ \I’ ‘:_1t.i,1‘.V11:”‘H.\(“1:1: e \ 5(‘.. ‘ t \Jiill\vllifi with tie a1:qtii5iiz’nr>‘. ‘ rih‘nn‘ to Radosiavox' Why it}, by the three ' the Entente in Sephia, oi the l‘Lllelillt‘SS to secure to qernnients to use alt eirorts r—p llritl t.:)ilLC:~¥-‘i{‘:rl. illlts proted rtnmr- .11,. Ill the pi';';tested against alt mention in the de— i\\}"i‘\ iii deelaratfrx o: it‘t‘zrisitt. England and l! to tireeee. in ewe. she t l “i: ' altered and in the, note OiIVi'dy, the. 16th, J .11 \,1;.‘1lrtr or \Yrilll‘rib expressed 1.. «97;: en- negatiratrorrs interrupted \ ,1 /‘,.i‘_‘;‘“ v l‘ti‘t fl, Milt—r. Oil tilt till?- 1. "' ‘i ‘ ‘rhg'n .i‘tt‘fairb‘ oi titer :1';r'1;:1111u:r 1 the (Quinsulst in :\iiltli5 in int} the (Lonauls tn Rugsia, iiu.‘ the trinunieziteti tor the :Iet, ‘i‘. “ Apri‘t i. ‘ .“j gun- upon the ioin‘ ee'riti‘ of Greece, i.,1.udir 1* i‘h‘w: . . V _t‘:i':tl the Islands. during the eoure nix“ \«ar airtrrer smnie period thereafter. The terr ' tor n :r.:tr:n>:itioii:1 oi Greece in Asia Minor as wt“ 11 'r “1 Consut in Sophia o the Bulgarian which declaration referred to the wherein the extent oi the hinterland was made dep— endnt upon the size oi the Greek aetrrrisnons :n oneiatirniéz against 'l‘urhey. ;\/"ilita11 ‘ p'l . .513“: Fviinwr. tjrn .hrgjt :Etith, the Ureeh (Liorernurent entered a new prorefi against the tie-livery oi lxiaralla to thrlgarnr. hr. 4. The question of ceding the Doirana district to Greece by Serbia. e , . 4,“.1. .» whiter. thaets here to, be the subject or subre 11,“ foreign 191'} smut as the iii‘ttfiiit‘ Pithe Greet: arnn: 1 Greek ti‘.‘ declaration made centernporaneo‘ my 1. orally that thi>~ (titer vtizr‘tai ‘1‘. it immediate-{y rouse?” 1 ‘ “113C111 UJIiS‘itlel‘lttlt‘tii. “i ‘ ”L’fd’otiatunrs were not renewed tor a month. (iv int-5e '1 “ ‘ll‘ 1‘ ”W (Hill: i‘OI’t’lQIi Minister announced hr a conversation with the Athens Sept. 8, 1915, Venizelos cage of Greece’s helping Serbia, Serbian Consul at that. in demanded the latter cede to ‘31 1111:1111 11111111 obliyration to return :111 the occupied territorh‘s, 1111111 any 11111111110115 1:) 811111111111711 111111 1111‘ A1111? 51111155 32:111151 the 131111.115. $1111. 11. 1915.11111‘ 5111111111 1111\‘1‘1111111‘111 :111‘1‘1‘11. 1111111 1111‘ 111511111 Doir:111~1.111134111‘11. :11111 :15 W111 :15111pz1y 101 .111 1111‘ 1115515 caused by 1111‘ 111 1:151 111 :1 511111551111 11111 111 1111 11:11. 1111111‘ 1)11i1':1112 1111111551011 :15 11111 :15 111 1111‘ 111111111115;111111131111111'15;11‘1‘111113 81111111111531. accupntiou. T1115 declaration wa5 1311111 110111111111y 1111‘. (111-111' (311V‘1‘111111111 111 its reply 01 Nov. 1111- 11111, 1915. Nr. 7. The P051+ion of Northern Enirus. 11111 1111 11155111155211 111 \11111/11115. 1111111 511‘.‘ 111mg 1111111111, 111 011. 111171. 1111- 111115111111 11:15 111151.51 Th1“ 111(1111111111‘ :111:111‘11y 111 Epii‘u5 112111 111 1111‘ .15‘ 111 11111111111191.1111 111' 1111‘ (111111 :1111111‘: 1'11 111“ 0011:1113 111511111 :1111‘1 11 11nd 111‘1‘11 1'\.':11‘11:11‘r_1 111‘ 111" 812115 A i 1311'?» 111‘1‘1111:1111‘11 11.15 11111 1:11‘1'11‘1111111.(111111111211... "11111111111 111 1111111111 111 1111‘ 111111311‘11—81‘1‘111u11 1111111:11 1111111111115; 0.1111, 1111 1111‘ 11111 111 011. 151171 1111‘ (11“1‘1' 11111;: :111111111111111 111:1111111‘ 111111111511111111115 11111-111111“ 111 11‘1‘11111' 311011;“ 1111:11, 1111111111111: 111 011.1911, 10.115111 ‘v’1'11iz1‘105 to 1111111351 1111‘ :155151:1111‘.1‘. (11 1111‘. 11111111111 (111111111 1111111 11114111181111115 1111111111 (31‘1‘1‘1‘1 81' 1301111:1‘1‘g'21111ii1o the 151211111111 1111111 111 N111'1111‘111 131111115, without however 111111111111111111151 1111- 111111111 d151111y 01 11115. 1‘1gi1111, 111:1 11111111: -;111\'1‘111:111C1‘ by 1111‘ (311,11; :11‘111115', having 1011:11y1111‘ 151:111115111111111.‘ 11v:11111 :11111 1.111311111 111' 111 11" :1111' 111111 '1. ‘:.1155r11"\1‘r 111 811111311 111111111\ 11'1" 1.1111311111111111, 31111 111.11 C11. ’11 51111 11111511111111 111-1'51" (11 :1 511111151 51111111131111 111 1111‘. 15:".111111 111 \’:1111'111:1.'13111‘ 113111311 (311‘1'1‘1‘1'1111111t1,-1.11'1‘55‘111 11.5 1111151111011 011' 151. 1111 (311111 31111115 begun to 1112.1. L1:1111i—1<:11;111tj1', 1:111‘1113111 81' “111111215111. 1111‘ .1111 111 S1‘1111:1. Nr. E1. The Offer 111 11113 island Cyprus to 011. 7111. 1111.3. Greece. 1111 131111511 111115111 111 .‘\1111115 1 11:1 5.5111 11“ 1111‘ 3111115111 11:1111111011 111111115 121121311115 ‘:'1'11111 :55 111 1111111111 111 (1111-11, 1111‘ 151:11111 (3111* :'1:511 51111111151111.1111 :11 111111 111 111111111121 1111111111". ."\.111\' 11.1 1111‘ :1111 111 S11‘i1izr. (1:1. 12. 11113, 1111‘ 1311131511 (11'11'1‘1'111111111 111311211111 111:11 1'1 1111511131111 11115 111111 \'11111 111:15111uc11 :15 (311111 1 :1 ‘ 1.5 31111111111 111 111111 511111.11 N. 6 The 01111112111015 01 the Entente Powers regar ding 85110111111. 131111. 141. 1913 111111. 1111151115. 011111 1-111111-P115 11115 15511111 191:11'111115r 9.11:1111511 1111 111‘r 511211115 111111111 111:1. 11’111‘1'1‘1113011 V111 121111;: :155111'1‘11 111‘‘- th:1‘1 111‘ 11.111 1111 11111311111111 11:11:115111‘1' 1:1 01 :1111101."1‘u11:1:1'11 111 Alba 111:1. 111 1711:1313 1915, 1111 01111113111111 by 1111‘ (31131311 2115 1115' 111 1:1 1311:1115 11:1 1111‘ 11111111—1.‘1'1‘5‘t 01 1151011121 1111111 1. 13111 21111113131111 111 191-111. 19111, 111 81111., 111 11:111— 1112'111 11:11111'5‘ 1:111 1‘11 1111111 1111‘ 111111151 01 11111. 211,11111, 1101111111111 C11115‘u15 01 1111‘ 1311131111 P011115 111 [11111115. 1111111111 2123:11115t both 1111‘ 1111111411011 of 511111 11311115 111 1111 :/.11111 11111111 (311111 military 1111111111 8: their 111' 111_ 111111 from among 1111‘. 101:11 61111115. 111 115‘ 111113.: 11111111111110111'111111‘111 declared that 111 the 111111111111 11‘- 1111 1111‘ 111111 1:11 1101311111111, 1915, 1111‘ 1111151115 ”1‘ 1111‘ 1211111111 P1111115 15511111 :1 111111‘ with reU'lrd 101111 11111113111111 111 8:111111111'1 1\ 115 13111110115 by 1111‘ A1111‘11 gion 110 511111132111115 11:111 11111 111111 111131112111 :11111 :1111111‘5'. 111 11115 111111 1111 111111115 dec 1:111‘11 1111‘11151‘11'1‘ 5 1.11 11100 N1‘1‘i11it1‘5‘ 111111 155‘ 11111 :1 51111111 (7111111. that 31110112,r 1111‘ 131111115 operating in 1311:11 81' 1011515111151 311 On 1112111‘11. 7. 121111.1111‘ 1‘1'1‘5‘1111‘111 01 1111‘ 111111. 1‘011111‘11 01 131111181615 8601110111115 16111111111 10 1111‘ 1111111‘1 Who Robs Whom. 5 111111111111" 1101'1111‘1'1. T116 circumstances surrounding Rumania‘s 6111611111 1'11111115‘ 1‘.\111'1.5‘.5‘111 1111‘ 115.5111.11‘11‘1 111.11 “11111'1111‘111 1101111 111, 1111 111156111 111‘1111n11.11111115‘ 111 115' 1111111111111‘11‘5‘ 11121111 1111‘ war and 1116 121161 considerations 60nC6min11 th1‘ 1‘11‘111111111 01 1111‘ 111‘11111V 8111111111116 ‘1‘11'111 1161166101111 :111 11151‘11:11'.‘111‘11‘ 11:111 111 1111‘ (‘111‘1 "111161111111". 111116611. 11611 1161016 1’1‘111‘. 1. 11111111 111‘1“:. \'1‘1'1':n‘=1‘111 .‘1‘1‘1111111‘11 111 111111115, 1m» 1111‘11‘1‘1.5 :15. 1‘11"1\'1‘1\' 111 \111‘11311‘. 15110 (1111 1\'111'i1.":1. 111 11‘11‘1:‘111‘ 1111 "‘.“‘_1:11\ 1111665 111 116111111111 111111 11111111. 111. 61‘». '1‘6' 11' 1111‘ (11' 11' 1);‘1‘11.‘1111‘111..‘:‘.'1‘.. 11, 15111}. 11.1 115 ‘111115 1 11‘-1111.5. .\1_;'.11115. ’ '- ' Riimanian question. \1111151‘ 111111". 111.15 11‘: (111611“. 1101111116 V6‘1'y 1316111111111" 01 1116 Iiiirop6an war Romania OifiCiLl1 1y UCClipiCd :1 position of 11611trality 011611 6110111111 va6‘6111a11119' 0111‘ way 01 1116. 011161 111601111111y to 1116 1011111165 01 1116 111i‘1taryi 0116121110115 .\ twofold 111011V€ lay a11116 1101110111 01111116 616511'6 10 116 111 111116 wh6n 1116 110111 01 1116 111\11151011 01 Austria 15111161; and 1116 “11111)11186‘, to gain as 11111611 :15 possib16 at 1116 600.51 011116 136111g81‘6‘1118. 0111' SUCCCSSCS in Ga1icia and Bakovina 111111111: 1 1.1111 1111‘ 111. '1111'111‘1 111'1‘1'1‘1‘1‘1 1 111111 1111‘ .‘ 11111.1 “1.11, ‘1 .1011 1‘11 0611.111 3111 115, 11111, 11 18114 and at 1116 11611111111115; 01 1915 (1116 1.1111111“ 01 1-1‘111b6rg, of Pr6n1ys1) as W611 as 1116 ap1w6111'a116‘6 01 our vanguards on 1116 011161 51116 of 1116 Karpathians 1016661 to 1111‘. 1016 1116 (1116‘:511011 01 R11111ania’5 1111111Th6“ ‘11):1111311. 1'17“}; 1‘ 31111611 111. 11‘/111.1" 1111‘ 111311611117 111:‘ 112211119211. 1““1‘1111'111 11111.1 11 111' 1111 1116:1115 111.5‘1‘1‘11:11‘1.161i i I 11 1111‘11‘11' 1161111111 ' I 1111‘ 111111 1111- .. 1:1 51111 01 1111‘ 11,1‘1'1'1‘10‘1 “1:611 111111 1111‘ ‘.jl."111‘1'1’.1 1'11 ‘3111111‘ 11.11.: 1111‘ 10111 ' ‘ " ‘11: :11'11115 1171113511111 .K, 11111:: 1111.5 5111116131 ‘1}; 110111 (11111.1115 .\ . 1125‘. 111171. 1111‘ 111:1;1' 111.1 1116 51‘111111111111Y1C211111161,1‘1é \11’11'1‘11 115’. 111113. 1101111111 0111. 111:1: 111:15111111‘11 .115 1111 1111111111 16111111111 111 1‘01'1‘1‘ 1111 11111611105 01 1116 111111111115 5112111111: 111 11111115 11.11.52 511111111611 by 11:5 13011111111101 1111‘ 1111111 “1:15 1111111111 10 1111‘ 1111111 01 16111656161111011 11y 115 111.111 11611111165. 7 16101111110115 111611 b61111n \11.611:1'a111.1 111111611111O in 601156611161166 01 11‘- 6 1act 111'110111 1111111 .1111 21111110111115 11115151611 upon estab‘is1111111 a 511.111‘111 1‘. 111111.111y 11116 in Bakovina so 111:111111516111611 161.111111 1.1115 611111'61y in 111C‘1)OE‘156‘581011 01 Russia. Toward 1116 61161. of May 01 1111‘ 59.1116 116.11 0111' 16116111 116115111 110111 Gz1icia and P111an61 11111111 1111‘ 511111111:‘n1;‘1:)11.5 6161111111 01 Bnkovii‘m. T116111001101 1111‘ 1611111111.: R111:111111.111 6116265: 11.1111 6011651111116111‘1 . 611a11— 11611 and 1116 111‘g'011é‘1110118 61111611 :111101112111521111‘, as 11 W616. At 1116 61111 of 1913 and 1116 106111111111111 01 19111. .15161 S61'11ia 11a61 116611 10111661 211111 Bu1g:111: 11:111 Cil‘ 16.1661 116 war, Ruinania’s policy 1'.1‘ry 5611.51111y 16:1111‘1‘1 111. 1116 11116611011 01 0111 1061:. At 11115 11611061 1116 Ruinanian 601161111116111 con~ 1‘1ud6d a W1101€ 56116.5 01 protitab16 11:1116116a111‘swit11 110111 Austria and Germany resp6cting 1116 5316 01 01611615111115 as W611 as 1116 supp1y of other vital p16- ‘28 ducts, in exchange for which necessary manufactured goods it received gold and This circumstance caused our military, financial and commercial arrthorities to assume a cautious attitrrde upon the question 111 exportinL1 into Rumani1 from Russia objects of militarv use or products or consumption which might fall into the hands of our enemies. Practically all export was thus placed nude: should be required by the military situation. In anti— cipation f0 suclr a contingency a special commission was formed under the presidency of Senator Zassiadko; viirL1 to embargo. The s'tlerrdid achievements of L1‘enerral Brussilw ill the spring and summer of ltllti aeain st'vavett ti l{untaniau neutrality "toward the side of the [flute iii11 Powers. thus offering the possibilit' oi renewing thx interrupted negotiations. concerning her participation It must be noted that front the very heeinn but after the dismissal of this commission the whole work of the evacuation was entrusted to the schirlly authoriztd Sterlieov It was planned attordinely to move the (i1 vernment the parliament the official Institutes into the City of Kherson, lea— the Rurnarrian Government rights after the. fashion of Belgium. The gold fund has already been Moscow. extraterritorial nought to As to the removal of the wounded, fugi- tives. factories etc., the commission is now negotiating with the respective authorities. Under the influence of the accomplished cata— strophe, there have come. to the surfac within the head of the staff of the Clrief—in—conrrnand thouen 11:1 military grounds 11111111111111; rernainine' neutral 112‘ Lt‘reater advantage to us titan her active enterin; int) the war. Later ho'e‘1er general \111ieL1 shared in th: vie‘v of tel Allies who regarded the participation of l<‘urninia as a hail blow to 111str1a aid as the einrtinLr of the end of the war in \trL', ltlltj, there was concl ided with Rurnania a p‘tlitico-rnilitary agreerrnent ceding to her suchl ‘= a:quisitions (Bul:ovina Barriit, Transylvania) 1L Wh .1‘E obviouslv were out oi oroi urti111 1'ith the hi1iilt {51“. ities Rurnania was expected to display, sittt‘ «111 had bound herself to declare w;:1 only until: \astro-liurnear1' and was pierat he toCronine her 1312'— tzrtions to Transylvania only Later events have. shown howr nuch mistaken 11:1 .-\ t l r‘ es were in o1erestimttin <1 Rumaiiia s participation. ‘11 present the de1L1opllLllh of military activ1;.e 1111 the Rumanian iront have altowether moved t0 1!: background all political questions Most interesting of these now is the one concer11111) the evacuation of r‘wloldada in case. such action flumania currents 11.151111131111511 a negative attitude OWETI'G‘ the fur her continuation of the war and seelong the immediate conclusion of peace, be it a separate peace. However the determination both of the King and this Government to carry on the trial to the very ei1d seems unshakablee. The changes that have recently taken place in the complexion of Bratiano’s cabinet in the sense of an agreement between the liberal and the conservative parties, lend the entire Government a more national character, thus steadying its shaky position. The misfortunes which have befallen Rumania are the natural result of both her complete military unpreparedness and of Bratiano’s twofaced policy. The light victories of 1913 as well as the diplo matic success gained by Rumania (iter the Balkan war, have in great measure contributed to the selfglorification both of the public and of the Government. Indeed, politically as well as militarily the Romanians have by far overestimated their strength, and in consequence suffer 31 now a bitter disap, pointment. From the standpoint of Rttssian interests, and re membering the present state of affairs in Rumania. we must guide ourselyes by tlte following considerations: lt circumstances took such a tttrn that the politieo» military agreement with Rumania of 1916 were com, pletely realized. there would be created in tlte Ba‘v kans a Very strong state consisting of Maldavia. \';tlacltizt. Dobruja (of the present Rumania) Tran— sylyania. Banat and Bukoyina (allWacquisitions by tlte agreement of ltllti) with a population of some l‘l million. Tltis State would hardly prove friendly disposed toward Russia and would hardly refrain from trying to realize its national tendencies in B essa r a bia. In like nanner it would within the Balkans strive to oppose Russia‘s interests and by reason of the fact that its population is predtr tninantly latin in character, it would naturally fall under the strong political influence of ltaly and France. It is obvious therefore. that the b re ak—d own of R u inanias plans to rise to an all-pov-Jerful state of the above extent. is by no means contrary to R ussia's interests. \‘v’e must utilize this situation and strengthen for as long a time as possible those compulsory ties that at present bind Russia and Rumania together. However. it the creation it powerful states in the. Balkans is to our disadvantage. the contplete destruction or weakening of the existing political orgtnisms is likewise disadvantageous to us. Thus, it must at present be one of our main pohtrco—military tasks to protect Rumania against total decomposition. Our I4? .‘lt‘. successes on the Rumanian trout have, for us an uncommonly high significance ““9“an us the sole possibility of its kind to solve once for all, and in a sense favorable to us, the question of Constantinople and the Straits. The events now unfolding in Rumania have rad‘eally changed the conditions of the agreement of 1916. instead of the relatively moderate military support which Russia had bound herself to offer in Dobruja. she was compelled to throw upon the shoulders o: the Russian armies almost the entire defence of the Rumanian territory. This military help by Russia has now assumed such dimensirms that the land compensation provided for in the above mentioned agreement, to Rttrnania for her participation in the war, must doubtless undergo revision. The present juncture may not be opportune to raise this question. yet it were not amiss to make it in the nearest con— venient future the order of the day. The Sincerity of English Friendship. 'Secret Telegram of the Plenipottntiary in London July 1 ll. 1917. N9 547. Personal. Your attention must have been attracted by the salient discrepancy obtaining on the one hand between Lloyd George‘s telegram to Prince Lvot' expressing lively and fervent sympathy with Rttssfg. as well as admiration of her heroic deed, and on th< other, between the attitude toward us of the British Government as outlined in ttty telegram of yesterday sub. N9 540. Lloyd George declared yesterday iii the l—‘arlize ment that the regettera ion of Russia‘s fighting force is the great event on which perchance depend the destinies of mankind. But along with all this We are refused most needed help. The impression is inevitable that within the very midst of the Britislt Government the right hand knows not what the left hand i»: or ) 0.. about. in part this is really the case. However sani and powerful English statesmanship, the three years oi persistent war straining all the vital forces almost in the extreme. could not fail in a measure to en, danger this powerful organism. Lloyd Georges this sworn enemy ot the Tories and not so long ago most despised by them. has been proclaimed by tht .,iioie 'intioii li‘tltlel‘ whose immediate cit-workers art such brilliant and also such narromiiinded coiiserva. ‘ii'ts as (:tll’J’tlll. Milner and liaison, and in a seusi i'ialiour. From this coinbinamn dissension fiilleni'ri. lltiezi I-tteelare lit public speeches that the old “retinitis of dipleinaci‘ are gone forever and that no ‘. _ ‘omaey can. ever sueeetil without the suppor :lie sympathy of the live social fer-ces niouiacy and of which di» must needs take account: such declarations art applaue‘ied by public opinion and by pi‘ogi‘essivt Jatesnien such ’as lioyd (ieorge, LoriliR. Cecil and others. But to, men oi the type of Curzon and Mil:ier such views are not acceptable. Lloyd George is inerhurdened with heavy problems of high national significance, such as the Irish question, the political struggle. It is therefore possible, that while sending greetings to Russia he conscientiously, as it were, tails to take account of the fact that the activities of his coll ‘agues at the same time undermine Russia's iaith in the sincerity of English friendship. i am aware that both Lloyd George and Balfour repose personal confidence in me. Only yesterday Lloyd (Jeorge casually spoke to me in terms of ge— with greater authority and perforce \.\lfil more .iurrgcss exert an influence upon Lloyd (icorge himseli as well as on his ministers, thus dispelling the discre— pancies noted above. The present moment is critical and every day counts. Having at heart none but Ru— ssia’s welfare, I venture to ask you to solve one way or the other the indelinite position in which i am placed by reason of the uncertainty as to whether a new ambassador has been appointed and as to when he will arrive. 1 am devoting all my mental and spi— ritual efforts to the work both of defending Russia's interests in England and of keei ing Russia’s banner at its appropriate height in these times or serious disturbances. But, again, in order to continue this work I need your support without which my eiforts will prove insufficient, (Sign) labokoy. In the position of Lackeys. A secret telegram to the Russian Representatives in London, Paris, Rome, Washington (by Sh. Dolt). Personal. The last events at the our foreign representatives position, the more so since in trout have put a morally perplexing throughout this pertuiv bing time I was unable to keep them informed as to the ever changing situation These events appeared unexpected to our Allies and produced upon them a depressing impression; we naturz‘ilty could not help taking account of all this, and all our efforts were :uiiue pleasure and admiration about Russia and asked of me detailed information regarding our situ— ation, But aside from personal sympathies, the atti— directed toward saving the national :ude towards what I say is now doubtless influenc ed tion of Russia. This is the ground now firmly taken by thefact that m the eyes of this Government] am a Representative who inay any day have to give up his work. i 7 ;\1de(l by your support and encouragemen t I might ning the army, the war and the policy concer— internz'itiiinial by the newly formed Cievernmeiit and I count posiupon all our patriotism to aid the Geverrniient in overco ming the disappointment that has taken hold of our Allies and in convincing them that notwithstanding it) the trying situation. Russia will carry on to the very end the comnien tight with the enemy. ‘ ObservincY that degree et reservetlness Irv our position. I request your attention required to the manding olticers were given the right to use arms against the insubordinate. Capital punishment was yesterday restored to punish treason as well as mi— litary crimes on the front; all the commandingr olti- obvious importance ot an exhaustive ef-zehane‘e ol opi— ninns by the Allies at this time. It would be neces— cers and the Governmental commissaries at the front have by telegrams demanded this restoration. Fur- sary to consider at the conference the general situa— thermore, the Minister of the Interior in tion to dis over methods ot mutual support in the further conduct et the \var, particularly as to the with the Minister of War is empowered to stop all newspapers that invite insttbordination to the military authorities. In Petrograd measures are taken to restore comp— lete order, to disarm the populace, prohibit meetings, parades, demonstrations. The disbanding of the culpable army divisions and their dismissal is carried out su‘cesst’ully. A special industrial Council is elaborating a series of practical measures of an economic nature. Concerning Finland, the Government is awaiting the moment when the position has cl>ared tip as the Finns themselves are as yet undecided in their relations with the Governement regardingr the law adopted by the Diet, of the independence of the Fin- approaching \vinter campaign. A secret Telegram to the Representatives in Lon— don. Paris, \\"asliin;;‘ton Tokyo and Stockholm. Petrograd, July 13 ‘26. 1917, N9 3,159. The military situation consequent upon the uns— teadiness of our armies and their continuous retreat, still remains ver_v serious. The events at the lront,in connection with the recen insurrection in Petrograd, mark a crisis in the public sentiment. The indigna— tion called iorth by the activities of the Bolsheviki and by Gtrinan espionage is ever growing, manifesting itsel;~ at times in very acute forms. This turn is most noticeable in the Petrag‘rad garrison and likewise among the workmen, where a sort of rnassawaIssuingT is taking place. In the Sovrabdep there are signs of a agreement nish Legislature. The news from Ukraina assert that a Secretariat has been elected, so that a delegation is expected to present its mandate to the Government for confirmation. (Sign) Terestclienko. ripening intention enee tor all to separate themselves from the Bolsheviki and >ven to exclude them irom the Sovfl rahdep. In dentaal, it is believed by persons in aut— hcnity. that the Sovrabdep has never shown such faith in the Government as it does now. Owing to its latest decision the Socialist ministers are exempt from the obligation beiorehand to conform their acts with the desires of the Soviet. In Itiltilliiig its program the (Jovermnent has entered upon the road of establis— hing the strong-hand—rule. At the fronts a whole se- The Allied Conference. Analysed July ‘27, 1917. 1. A secret Telegram of the Plenipotentiary in July 25 (Aug. 7‘), 1917. NJ (3211. Today was opened the ConferenCe London. of the ries o1 e..:tremtl_v severe measures has been underta— Allies wherein participated: Rihot, Painlwe, Tho— mas, general Foch and others; Sonnino, the Italian ken. In the very iirst days oi the uprising the com— Ambassador and representatives of the army; from 1)} England. 1111 the 111L11nbL11's or the military Cabinet Balfour. LJ'L111L11111 s Robertson and Moirice.1 was invi— ted at the last minute. so 111111 1 went to the Conte1'L111L‘L1 1111110111 i11strnc1ions 1111111 it was about. Besides and without knowing 1 \\'as the only one to re,rLsL1ni 1L11sia 1‘.o_1'd (ieore'e opened the session 111111111L1 1111111osiiiou L11 sL11L1111L1' 1o Russia a note ca— 1L 2".111LL1111 11111111111L1 out 111L1 L1ar1L1‘er to all the Allies 11.1111 1111L11111:11L 1111s1L‘(111111111‘58 o1 mum in Russia as 1.'L111 as 110111 111LL111sL111LL1oi :111L11sciphr1L 11111L11'L11111V. Tho111s obLL1L1L'1 1'11 1110s1 emphatic terms remindinL 111111 that a ram 01 this 11.'11u1e might produce a rat— 11e1'11LLL1111'e imprLssf L111 Sonnimo in a somewhat mildeir rm 111111and out that the carryinL1 out of Iloyd Geordie s idea ..1: 110111101 expedient. Thereupon 1.11:3d (iL1-.>1LJL1 addressed himself to me. Isaid lite— rally (inasmuch as memory is re liablL) the following: she will accomplish whatever obstacles she might have to surm:.1unt My words had manifestly produced the necessary effect and after a 711011 exchange 01 views it was decided to send Russia greetinLJ's the wording oi which was intrusted to Thomas. The rest of the session was devoted to the question 01 transferring the English Division from Saloniki; the. discussions were renewed during the second session. --To be continued. (Sign) Nabokov. [1. Analysed July 28, 1917. Secret Telegram oi the Plenipotentiarv in London July 25 (Aug. 7) 191.7 N35 2. The continuation 01 1113telegram sub N9 520. ..1 take it 1111 L1r1111ed that 10111 purpose is to offer Russia help and support in her trying moments. I 1102 or 1011 10 take 11 for LJ'rantLd that 111L1 Conie— rence will hear 1111'ouL1'11 me the mice 01 Russia 1 coniess to 1'L1L111'11L1' insulted 1111en 1 heardt110111 111L lips or 111L1 English premiLr1' the word. “protest, and Mel sin-.1 that this word has irsi 1111 ed Russia as 11'L-‘.‘.. T11.11ea«.l offlu Russia111 LioLLrnme 11 spares no 1111111 s in 1:.c-111 111111LJ an end to L111are 111 in Rus— ‘ 1‘11 1L1~1111111LJ 111L iiLJ'hrinLJ ior'LL and discipline 111 111L1 3.11111. .-'-\1 a 11111111L1111 lilLLj this it 1.) 1111s you to 1111.11 11‘orL'i-~ of approval and not oi eriticisrn.'11 was 11111111 .111 L1:1s_\ ior Kerenshy to dismiss, Brussilov who 11a‘ Lfained European 1L1no111 but he did it none 1111L less hecLsiuL1 decisi1e measurLs were neces— sary 11LL111L~1 1111.1 (,tiiliklkilCC to believe that the L1'L11111ine Voice 111 Russia, 111L11'oiCL1of a LJ'reat country 1L1;11por.'11'1'31' deadened, will resound L11'erberalL1 eve:111:.‘1L1;1~-?11LJ,E3'. Russia «.-‘1L11‘}L31'11'.1ii1;g I'L'i’L'.l.1'1ll"1'~ 111211 1'111 111111111111 1.111.11‘11'1'11: o" and henceforth 1'L1eoL1'nii/es with lrL-r burning problem is 111111 11orror;1111stale Having resumed the discussions respecting the transier'enee 01 the English division 110111 SaionilL'i thL English ministers pointed out that owing to the '111'1sence of Russian help the army 01 Leneral Maude was facing serious danoer: moreover England 11.1s by no means in L1 position to leave at the Salonihi 110111 a division that was extraordinarily necessary 111 Pale— stine to divert the enemy Ribot 1L113' energetically objected Lind 111L1 discussion at times assumed an exceedingly acute character. As a result oi these discussions 1) the the to.lowinLJ English division resolutions is to be were adopted» 11'L111sierredirom Saloniki 10 Palestine, 2) two French divisions are to be mobilized from the front in reserve for the emere'ency 01 fighting operations either 011 111L1 81110111111 or on some other front, 3) these measures are being adopted exclusively in the interests of 111111121131 ope~ rations. The Fug; lish (iorerr1111eut 1‘L1L'L;1;;'11izes the necessity 1<eLepine :11 1111.1 Sahuuki 1111111 :1 suiiiciL-nt 311111111- 1111111 01 1111113118. 11111111111. 5:111111 11:11 11111111111111 11111111111~ 111 1111111 11x1‘11111 111 1‘11‘..‘11111::1.'1.11.'11s 11111111‘1131'1111. 111111 1111811 111 11101111111111 111131155111. 111 $11.11 11111115 11 1111181 111113' 1111'1‘\\‘:11‘11. 111111 115.1‘1‘1111 11111111'1111:11111 111111, 11111 1\11111s who 111111111 .‘1"11si111'1‘:111‘.11 11111... :11 11118 111:11‘11111‘1'11'ES11 11111 111.111 111 1111111. 1111111111115. 11:1111‘11, 51111111 111.11, 1111111 1111‘ 1.11-1.11 131111111r1' 11111111 1211.12: 111:111W111i:..‘1.'s:~2.111,'. 11 \‘.'<11.I1.1 1:111 :1 11:11. 11111111: 111 11111111 111 111-.11» :1 1111.; :11‘111)’ 111 82111111111 11111111 11.111 111 11. 11:1.1‘1'1'1'1' :-.1’11.'1‘.‘ 1s 111‘g111113y 1111111111111 1111 11111111111 111.1111". T11 1111 1:;1111111'11111. (511.111.) 1111119111112 1111111115 1111111 8.111111i1'1 1111 111111‘11=11‘11111:11‘_\' 111111.1511111s. 11111111 11:111— 111 111.1‘1‘11113'1111‘ 1\'11‘11 1111‘81‘ 11113118 11115 1111111111 11111 11111111111111 11111111115111.11 311113511113 1:1 111111 111'11'1'1' 1‘1151111115111111111' 1'1111111\11111.1 1111111 11111111 111 1‘111211 1111' 1.1.‘1'1111'11111111.1‘ 111 11111 51110111111 1111111 $111111T11 1111111 111 :1 1‘11111'1'111111‘11111 11111 11111111 A11111ys1111 2.11, V11, 17. 811‘1111T11‘111111.111 1111 11111.: 11111111111111.11 111 1.1111111111 111111111j1"~< 1".11'1‘1‘111'111 11.11‘1‘1'5. P11111111 1:111.1'1111<.1.'111‘1:111.1‘ T1111— .1111y £11 (1‘111f.1. 8,1 11117 .\'1.1 1124. 111. 11111: \1'1111 51111111111111 11111919 1111.111111115. 511.111 1111' 1111— 130“111.1. T1111 11111 111 11111 1'. 1111111111 1 11.1315 \ 1111:1111 11. my 111‘ 11.1.11 111.1 .\'1211 111 11111 511.1111 :11 111; 111111‘ .\‘.11‘ 131311.11 111 1i11j.11111111';-‘. 11111111111111 1.1'1‘1‘1111111‘1} 1'0 1111111111 11111 111111115 1111111 53111111111. 1111111] (15511111 111111 11111 1111111111111 11111.11 111) .11‘10111111 10111’1111311111 5111:111111' 1‘11 1111' 11.-111115. 111111 111111: .1151111‘10118 11111 1111~ 17111111111111" 111 \'1111.1.' 111 1111.1 1:131 111111. 11111 11111351115. 11111111551131. 1111‘ 11111.1. 111111 111.111 111 1111:1‘1'r1s1: 1111.1 1111111b1'1‘ 01 111111511— 11115 11111111 111 Asia 1\111‘1211‘. 1s CEIUSCd by 0111‘ 1111— \1111111111111‘x‘ 1111 1111s 11111111111 111 111111. 1 1113111111.r 1111 111— 51111c111‘111s. 111-111111.111 "‘111111111: .51 1:11 1:11 1:111“: 11.1111 111 11111, ' ' 11111.1' 1‘11 1 s:1:.‘:11?11 11.11.'1'1.1:05111.1111' " ' ":'11'.111.\'T1111$ is 1.""1‘1.‘ 1111<11‘:1‘11‘11 111.11 1 >1 11111111 .15». 111 , .. '/ p .’~ .—-1> 1‘Z11.g'11.<‘11<13‘.11,-< \‘x'11111‘1'111111 .- :3 (11.1111 5111111118 1111111111011 11111 13118311111 (11:111‘111113111 111111 11:111 11;' 111.11 171.111.1111. 1111 1111: (11111.111411111 1111111 111131 111 1111' 1111111 111111111 1111 11111111 11 1‘111‘11111111'1111'1111‘1 11111 ‘111111‘ E111\7\\‘1‘11(111121111 11111 111 11;: :11111 111'1'.1111111.“1'11'11111'.11‘1'111111 111811 "1 11"1'..'\ 11 11 1\ 71.111 1.111111 111 1111' 111111 111111111 111 '11 11111 111‘ 1- 11 11? .'1 111"1_111<t1’1 1 13—111131'1‘ "011c'11111111g 131111.111 115511.211 111 1‘1; 91:11.11— r11111‘e 17113111110111 12') 11111 111.11% 111 111' 11111 113111111111. 1613011611 by 11111 111 11111 1‘11‘111'1.:111~1 111;.1111111, c11111‘111'11111f.‘ 111111 11'211151L‘1‘C11CC 111' 1111111. 1111111 11111 911'1,111111;':1<111. T11 10111111121 11111;!111‘111'11111 5.1311113. 111.11111.11;11s .13.:111 11:111 :11 111111 Itaiy 11111131111111.111y 111111111111,1111z1513 01 111.111.111— lc 61111"1111131L.,11) 111111131: 51111.11 .1111. 1111.151 115 511.1111. 8.111111.11 111 0111111‘111.111.» 1:1 1..11 1.1113111. (311311.111 111111111 21 5131111311 11311111111: 01.11 11 111 1111111111113111215 111 :1. 511.1- 2115:1111 $13111111Q1 01 1111‘ 11.1111 15 111111. 1‘ 111211: 1116 1.1111111111111111 P11111115 1111.11y .1111 11111111111 1 1111111“11111111 1111:1111 .1 1111111111111 111 111.11 :15 11.1111 11: 11111111 11111 1111113111111 111 11.1 11:11 1111111 1311111111711 111111114 1‘1‘11.1s111’1111:1.~; 11c 11.1111111151111. 11 we .1113 111111.111 11‘; 1:11:1'1 11 11111112171110 1111 12111‘ 111119, 11.11 11111.1‘111 11115.1111E11'i'11‘11111'11111 :1;.1‘.1111<1 115111511 111 1111111 (1111‘ 11111111111111.1111 1111151 1711111— 1‘1311'11, 111111111.1111 11111111111111.» 111 .1.‘. 11111 .\“911:: 1111151 1111' (3111311111— 1111:1111 111151 13111111111911 p.111 :13 11111111 111111111. 111 1111111111: L111y11 8:11111111‘1 1'.'1‘.1I-.111}.11‘1'1'.'11.j.1‘ 111 5111111.11.,.1._,1.,.. 511311 131111— “11111“ 1111:1- 111111 111 M121 1;"1‘1'.1'111111i1<1-11'11 511‘1111.1\' (1‘1111111‘1111\C(1 " ,1 1 ' 11111111 8119' 1111.11 .1x11c11, 111.111 11.111, 1 111 (311111111‘1-11...‘11 111 11111111“ 11111 ' 1111111111111; 111 1111' 12‘11‘11‘ 111 1151.1 1.111.111 11111114 111 11111 1'1 111:1 111.1111z'1'1311 1111;: 1111:: 1.1 11111.1 51.111113; 111111111111111. '1 \111111 :11‘11'111'1‘1’ 211111. 1111111111— {1:111:11 1.11 .‘1 11211111 5131116 21 1 1 1 .5311 1111‘ 111111151115 31.1111 1‘111'111‘1111111‘11 111 1111‘ 11111111105 1101111111 11111 111111 1111111 1111‘ 111111111111 111151111111 111 111155111 111111 1111‘ 511111‘ 111 01111 :11'1113' 11111‘1' 111 111'1‘51‘1111111 1‘1'111‘1‘1— 1.10331 11131101005 111:11 111 1111 11115 11112111 1111‘1‘c 3113' 51111111101111 p1111 :1 11111111111 1111:110111‘1‘11110n 111113111 11 1111.11 :1 1111 1111‘ R1155111n 110111 111151111116151111111inf) 511115111 by 311110115 11115111211551111111111 5115pic10115 11111‘11111111111015 111‘1331'1‘1‘11 1111‘ H1‘1111q11'11r11‘1'5 and 1111‘ (311‘1/1‘1'111111‘111; ‘111‘1‘1111 1.11111111‘ 111031‘1‘1'1‘1' 111115 1111011 1111‘ 111111111111: 111‘ 511111‘11‘ 51111'111111111110 K111111011. A1 pr1‘51‘n1 1‘11‘1111 111111 011‘1111‘ 11‘1gi1 511111'1‘1111‘ 331111 1111‘ 1111‘11111111 0151111111‘ 11111'1‘51 1111101115 1111‘ K115511115, 511111111 1111 by 01‘111‘1'111 {1111311111, 11111 3311110111 11113111115511.111 C01151‘q111‘111‘1‘5. T111‘ 111-33' 0011/11 11:15 1'11‘1‘11 1:1'11'1‘1z1izfl111‘1. Kerensky 111111111115 P1'1‘11111‘r 111111 1.511131101111111 C1111111111 111‘r—in—C1111‘1, 111 01‘11'1‘1' 10 111111‘1 1111‘ democratic 1101111111"‘15 11nd 1111‘ 5011111115. 111 1‘111'1‘111y. A11‘x1‘i1‘1 11111101111111 (2111111 01 812111 331111 11‘1111 1111‘ 11111112113 0176111110118. A 51‘1‘11‘5 111 appointments 15‘ being made 111 1111‘ 11111131 1111111111111: 1111‘ 11111‘1111011 01' 1111‘ 6031‘1'111111‘111 10 bring 11 111 1'11'111‘1'. A150 1111‘ C01111105111011 111 1111‘ (3113'1‘1'111111‘111 33'111111113' 1‘11'111 111‘ c01151111‘1'11 1111‘1‘1‘ 111111 111111, 111 ‘1'1‘101'1‘, 1111‘ pre— 1111533‘1‘1‘ 1111‘ 111‘111111111‘ 111111111 11101111‘111,w111‘11 152111111111- R115511111 1'1‘pr1‘51‘n11'1‘11‘1‘i1‘ 111 1111‘ pr'1‘51‘111 mo~ 11‘1‘11 by 1111‘ :111111111111111‘1115 111 f‘1‘111‘r111‘1'1‘111'1103'51-t3‘ 115 1111111511‘1' 01' W1111111111 01' 111111111111 V1‘1'111‘11‘3 513 115' 1111‘ 11151111 01' 1111‘ N11313: A5 10 1111‘ 11‘51, 1111‘1'1‘ 311:1 b1 1111 :15 111 111133' 1:11111155111 311111 111‘ 11.1‘ 1111‘111‘1111‘1'1111‘111 1111‘ 111‘111' 111111111. 8111:1151‘11111111‘111 11113111111111 1111‘ (1011— 11111131 1 111‘1‘1111‘11 11 11110055111111 111 11111111 1111‘111 3311111 11113‘ 1‘\1111111:111 1115 311111151:‘1\1‘1'. 1 11113'1‘, 111133'1‘3‘1‘1', 1'1‘115011 111 111‘11‘\‘1‘ 111111111 5111111 11131‘ 111111'1‘ 111‘1‘11511111 11113v 1111111 111‘11‘1‘111111111‘ 111 1111‘1‘1 1.111311 (31‘111'11'1‘ {11111 1115111111 111111 31.1111 1‘111‘11'11‘1‘111‘1‘ 111 111155105 111111113 111 113‘1‘1'3111111‘ 1111 111151115115 11111 1111'1‘51111'1‘ 111‘1‘ :11'1113‘. A 51‘551011 01 11 711111111] 111111111111 111 1111 Cabinet 1111‘1‘111‘11‘1’5 111‘11111‘11 113‘ 111101 111111 8011111110 33111 111111‘ 11111311 1111111 1111‘ 111111151» 11111111111 1111‘1‘1‘111 01 11111101151111 111111 1"01'111‘. 1-1113111 (31‘11101‘ 1111111111‘1111111‘111‘1'1‘ 33'111 111‘ 111511155111 111105110115 01 :11’1111‘g3' 1‘6g’11r111ng 1111‘ 33‘1‘511‘1'11 1111111. T11 1111‘, 1111331133101. 1115 111111 111111 51‘111‘1‘ 111 1111‘ 5111111111111 1111‘111 3111-11111 b1“ {11] 0115111611 111 1111‘ 31.1131 01' a comple— 11‘13‘ 1111111; 1‘111‘11111111'1‘ 01' \‘11‘331‘5. 1 5111111101 11111 10 C0113'1111‘1‘ 13111111111 01 1111‘ 111‘C1‘55113' 10 C01111'1111111C1111‘ 10 115 1111‘ 1'1‘511115 1.11 1111‘ (:01111’1'1‘11C6 111 11111. (Sign) Nabokov. 111111111115. C111‘1'1103' 15 0111 101 good; 11111133151“ 51'11111‘ 11" 1111‘ 1(11111‘15 111111 11\1'1‘11'1‘1'15503. E1111‘r C11111‘1 11115111111 11111' ‘01111‘ 1"1‘p1'1‘51‘11111113'1“ 01 1111‘ 111011111111 11:155. .1‘1111113' with 1111‘ 111111‘r 1111111511‘1‘5 I 11113'1‘ 111111111111 111 1113 1151*1111111011; 1111‘ 11111511011111 1113' 1‘1‘1‘1111‘1‘1119‘ 1111‘ 11111115113 '11‘1'1‘511‘111‘1111‘0 111‘11‘11115‘ 1111‘ K0111110\'-1110\11‘1n11111. 11115 1101 been 111‘1‘1111‘11 31‘1.T111‘n1‘3‘1‘ (1031‘1'1111111111111:1 .\ :41‘1‘1'1‘1 11‘11‘11'1'11111 10 1111‘ 11111115501115 111 Paris, L011- 1111‘ 11151; 01 111'1‘31'1‘11111‘111 1111 11111‘1‘51, 111111, 1201111‘ \11711511111511011, 10113111 111111 10 1111‘ 10115111 111 8106111101111. 1.11 11:1551‘11 3111110111 11111011511611 5111‘1‘ 1111‘ :11'111yl1‘11d 113‘ 111‘1‘ 111 1111‘ 11111131 111111 111113‘ 111151" 111 1‘01151‘11111‘111‘1‘ 111' 11115111151 10 1111‘ 1‘01111105‘1111111 01 1111‘ 5111111. '10 11115 1‘1111 111051 energetic 1111‘115‘111‘1‘5 1111‘ 11111111ch A1 1111‘ 5111111‘ 111111‘, by 111“111rin<1 11111111111 111111 in 11‘11'1'1g'11‘1'111111111 M115— 1‘11311, 1111 1213315 111131‘ 111‘1‘11 1‘5 1111J11511t’11 1111‘1'1‘ 111‘1‘11111111'11' 111111 11111111 P1‘11‘11j1’11‘111.1 1111‘ 1'1‘5101'1‘111011 1111‘ 11103‘1‘ 111' 11'1‘111‘1'111 K011111011 11‘111111 10 111‘ 1:;1‘11111‘11; 1111115 111111111151 1111‘. Pro- 31511111111 00"‘11111 1111111 111 31111 C11 11 111‘1‘1111'1‘111151‘11 1031111. 1(111'11111113' 1111~ 1111111111 11; 5111111111111 11.1/‘111‘31‘1‘11‘v 331110 11111.1 541.1111 11.1 1111‘ 11111111111 11'111‘1'5 1111‘ 54'1‘111‘1'1115 33'110 111111 11:11‘111‘1111111‘1‘1 1‘1. 11111 11‘1"1i11rr1‘.1111n 1111' 1111 111511. 11 10111111311011 3311111 01' 01"111‘1 111 1‘-.::111111'1 111111 111501» 1111‘ 1'1‘111'. 1‘11 1111‘. 1(01‘111103' 11111111 11113'1‘ 1;:11111‘11 1‘11111'1'101‘11111111'3' 11.11'1‘1‘ 11‘1151‘01 111051‘ 111'1‘1‘5‘11‘11 1111‘ 13111. 1111? 1111511111111 111,11:111‘3' 1111 111111 111‘111111111 1111‘ 1'1» 01' 111113'. 111133'1‘31'1‘1', 1111‘ (1113'1‘1'111111‘111'5 1105111011 331115 1‘1‘11151111‘1'1111'13' 5‘11‘1‘111‘1» 11") 2 .111111‘1‘. ’11. 113 \:.‘..‘:j1 111‘1‘ 1121111111211 111-:111L-_-‘. L1.1111L1 11L: InthUk‘d b1'111131i1110111c‘: .111; ‘.'=1:1 21 11111151 1 ‘11; 1‘1‘111'1‘1‘5 11.11111 111153111 11111 1‘1'1‘11 1119.151 11111111 1113 1‘L‘11111va1 \\‘111‘I‘L‘, 1111311 111‘ 11‘1‘1'L11112111L1'. 111‘ 11111111.,1‘11:11111'1111L‘L1 111211. 1111; 131111;.111 111211 3011111 11111111 1111‘211111‘1111'21111‘111 (111)11131‘11121 2111L1L‘VL‘11 111111L‘L1 2111111L‘ 11014111111111 1.11 111L‘11 1‘L"._1"1‘.'111Lr 1111‘ 11111‘ 111' 111L‘ ‘11s1. 11.1'1‘. >.11’11.111'-11‘:‘1. 11.121 1111.1 \‘1'1‘111311‘ 1111,‘ ‘11‘1111.11 111' :1111111' 1111‘ 53111;;1111111 1131' 1.131 1111133: 7'11‘ “1‘11 51111111311 ”111"“ 1111 811011111 > 1111111113211 1.111" _ 111111311. 1‘111'1‘12411 1131‘. 1 1' 1113 111111113 11111‘11‘111‘1. ‘ 1:1 1,111'L‘1‘1 111L‘ 111L- (.11‘\L‘1‘11111L‘111 \‘.‘1‘.1. 11‘ 111211 111‘ 211511 3119111 111' .111 11111L‘pL‘11L121111 a 1311;111:111 L1L‘1L‘L1‘211L‘, as 1111L 81111114111111 1 111' 15111L‘211‘1a 111 “No more Russia.” 16111211313921Sept. 12. 23 2- 434. 111111112111011211 politics HL also added 111211 E11L11.. .111 is acting 111 1113 11211113 01 2111 the AlliL‘S. O11 1211111133 111L'L‘1 1.2111 1113 111"L‘>i>7:11‘\' 1‘1'515121‘1‘133 113111 11 1.1"11'! 111 1111‘ 11115111‘1‘1'1112‘11' 111111111 1110 31111193 11 111111111111L1‘1T1L‘ \121‘ :11 21111; C651, 311111111131 1‘11 11:11.11 13 1L‘1‘.'1311 1‘111‘1‘511 1'11L '1."L111< 01 1‘1‘111‘11‘01- 1111f: 211111 111\1"(‘1111111‘l 111L‘ 2111-1131 $13111 111L‘ .,1\‘1...-\11L:‘. .\'~_‘ 111,131. (3111. TL‘i‘L‘:=11311L‘1111'-(1. r . . . 111LQ'1111 11 51111. 81 1111 ‘ 1.111111.1.11 . _ 111 133111 2‘3. 1311}. .\".2 71.1. 11'3111111; 1‘21‘1‘11‘11 .1.‘1.‘; .71 1111.“ 11131.18 1111311111 1111313111175 1'1‘111‘:1“‘111‘1 111 1111‘ 1111-3121111 >111). .,\‘.2 7111.1131"111~ 111:1111‘11‘1‘11‘ \11'11‘11111 1121:; 213421111 :11,111'511‘1(‘:11’L‘L1 ‘10 11,11,1311. 2111'. 11‘ 111.113 "‘11‘111111'1‘11 111111 111 .111 1312g1ix‘11 (1111111111211 1.1111 :“ 11211111- 111‘ 1‘.-111_~.1-11 1:1 L11<'j11‘1>1‘. 512111111: 111111‘ 111211 1113 111‘ Russia 1121113 8111'31‘ 111L R ‘11. 11111111 L11 1.1'11 111 1.11L‘111s11y 212111 1131‘ 11211‘11311:11111‘11 is 111111; 111111.111‘1 1sr‘1111L, 111L‘ 111011‘ so. 5.111.313- 1111 L1111‘1‘1111‘111 1‘11 111. I).11L121111‘:‘111: 211111 111 Dobruja L111‘L‘1': 1y 31111L‘L‘1‘11 1131‘. 1111131131, 111‘L:1'1111-::s1,111 111:1L1L‘21 1112111113 1321311111}; (1111 11:11 1 11L‘ D211L121111:111‘ 2111118011111 111131‘ 1L‘a1‘1y 11111'1L1‘111 131'.11L1211121 1:1 111111, 11111113 21 B111L‘a1‘1a11 D 11111121 111Lx11p11'nL“ a 1(11111211112111 BL‘Saarabia 111111311 1211131 point is 110111 111L‘ 1913411111 1112:1111 111 1113111 11121(11111.\7$1D1C. T11L1L1110W111L1‘ 111112153 111311 asap-3L1 from the E11g1is111112111’5 11115: "111313 15 110 111-113 1311:5121“, 11111131 111‘1112151311L‘L1, ’1) L‘x1111111 as mea1111g that 11113 2111‘ 211 1)1L‘sL11t b1may with 111-L11111.111 a1121i1s and 211‘ L“’[11L‘1L‘1L11L‘ 111.21111'3 to pay .11113111-11111 10 3011111112A3 1'1 1111‘ (111111“; 91L111 M111L.1-1{1.11.)_1.1. M2131‘11111111'1 mm 81111111 211 C211111211 8131111311 2111swL‘1‘1111 111.11 11L‘ would like to 533 11L‘1’L‘ \‘.‘.1\ 111 1'1‘211111‘ 21 1111,..111111111121‘1' (11' 1111‘ 131111211 1‘: 1‘x11‘111211‘. 3112111: 1.11. 111111 as 1111-1 '1L‘ 1111‘ 1.1113121, (11' .1211112111 211111 (311‘- leavL‘ 111 21511111 StLphL‘ 1 111 3011111111111321113 11> 111111 111111 1030-11" as 50011215 [)08511316 B111L1‘211121‘s 11121:;111111111 (1011121111111, CL111‘1111. 111 .1121 71%). {‘811111.)1 01111. L A <L‘C1'L‘1 TL‘I"U‘1‘21111 13V 1116 Mi11151L‘1‘ 111' FL11‘L‘1L‘11 411.11% 10 11‘1L P31111101L‘1111211 1'111 P211151. SL‘p. ‘1. N: 42319. 7 XI 1.21 ‘1 12 ‘31”, 1917 H 1‘511‘111 '11'11'1“ 111‘ 1111‘ M 1 . .\11‘11‘\, ‘111‘3 1111311, 1:111‘11 11%111‘1‘211111- L1111L1sl1111x 1<1 ' ‘ {3131111154 11) 110111 N; 91-7. 1"1‘11111 111L‘ \11L‘Wp'1111t (‘11 1111‘ 13111421 111111113515 th" A<111 .1\"1111‘11 21L‘11L‘L1;11L1111L11111>t 111‘ 1L‘L““.11L1111 as 512111(11112: 2171111‘ 111111311. 11.x 111111111111‘111111-113111191 11111111111211 in 1 l 111 the agreement COHCK‘HHH}; the Straits, this tally 1_iiltl‘ti£t€i‘i5tie oi these 111.3;11’11‘111iihttw 11111-111, he noted idea the readiness eracy yielded, of power into present be to has unequivocally been expressed in the ciosine phrase oi the tirst telegram giving our opinion as to Constantinople, 1‘11‘111‘. iii, 19171, 1V1.) $1117 and has further been repeated in the 111entorandunt the \si1 Minor agreement, transmitted to regarding both the English and the l‘etrog‘rad French Ambassadors in the importance oi these concessions as (1111‘ said 111 co11111ction with this event. a split declarations were unre— Russian Defenders in the service of the Liberals. Secret Telegram to the Ambassadors in Paris, Lon— Rome, \Vashine‘ton and Tokyo and to the Con- is notiCed movement 01 the cooperative: lends it a stil <{1‘11eite1 On the other hand, the Bolshevik and a narchistic currents gradually take possession oi the $01. iets oi workmen’s and soldiers Deputies, which is already an accomplished fact in Petrograd and woes on in [q not completed by signiticance, since behind it theiestands the peasa 11t1y. Besides, it in unison with Ribot we were to con— then it is so much less binding. You will please adhere unswervingiv to this View— point in the case et turther exchange of views with the French (ir‘rvernment. reduced within the democratic ranks, The 1111:1‘e1111o1111-1‘1te ele— ments of all the parties begin to frroup tir11111sel1es around the rural and city selteovernments legally eleted by universal votiitf{.'1he 1111‘ti'i111tio in thi; \edly accepted by the French Oavernment, it follows that the =\sia Minor agreement can not be considered apart from the apreement res petine Ccn— st:11.1.ti1.1ople and tttiSt1ai ts gmd cenyerely, any alte— rations whatever 111 the latter one way or the other must invariably find their cr: r1‘espondine 1‘t1et‘ections in the tormer. sider the Asia Minor agreement as is, the fact that the relatively moderate socialistic lea— ders have considerably lost in ti. eii‘ control over the masses, swept as these are by the extreme currents, and retain it not without ditliunity. March «111111, sub N: 203, it is stated inthis memorandum tht it is beyond doubt that Russia's cort— sent in 1es111ect of the iereeoine‘ points. is contingent upon the agreement between France and England concerning Constantinople and the Straits. Inasmuch with which the leaders 1.1 the demo (onstious as they are that the passage the hands oi the socialists would at them highly(lisritiyie11t11ej11111s i‘iowev‘er, many other cities. Such Soviets et 1t\l1\"ie1\ and Soldiers’ Deputies assume with reference to. the Go— 1’ernme nt art attitude of hatred 111111 deli ance but lose in influence within the wide ranks tthe population. Highly siGnitticant wil be the ro‘1e oi the Preparlia~ ment which until the cominp trcttui oi the Consti— tuent Assembly, has to serve as tlie11e-,,11.1le's repre— sentative body. Altho the socialists will have in the majority, yet in union with the representatives etthe liberal parties the socialists will, 1,1111111t‘1ess, he able to withstand the Bolsheviki. it must not be forgotten tatiyes of the dmoc1 itiC council on the one hand, that the country will listen to the voice eithe moderate e‘roups whose patriotic 1112111iiestations can not tail of etiect. As to the program (11 the Government, and with the cadets and 111e1chants 011 it rcedues itself to 3 main points: To raise the tigh— sni in Stockholm. Sept. 211th. (Oct. 9, tit.) 1017 N: 4438. After 1)]‘(1l1)11f"(‘d 11e<rotiations with the the represenother, a coalition ministry was formed the composition of which has been comnmnicaterl to yr111.As fundamen— hug mtacity of the army, to maintain inthe country elementary order, to tight economic 111111. Yesterday if) i/ was >l.‘i?tc'\i a general railway strike. Against it mea- sures are taken partly with a \iew toward satis the demands of the railway men. and partl fying y of a repressive character. The strike is hardly capable of development as it meets with no sympathy . At the front it does not spread. Stockholm, Oct. (Nov. 1), 1917. (Very prompt) Honorable Sir, Serge Georgevich. You undoubtedly remember the anonymou s edi— tion .d'accuse“, that has made so marked a furor. No less grave an accusation against the Germans has been brought forward, but over his signed name, by the well known Swedish writer Dr. NystrOnr. Several copies of his book entitled ,,Vor dem Tri— bunale“ were delivered by him to the Germ cialists assembled at the preliminary gath an 80erings of the never realised Conference. The Germ ans were higiy satisfied with its contents and expr essed the view that the spread of the edition in large numbers will invariably produce a powerful impression and exert a lasting influence upon their compatriots. In view of this blisii the book at and one cheap. He St) fire a pieCe for fact Dr. NystrOni decided to pu~ once in two editions: one dear offered the allies 8000 copies at the purpose of spreading them among the captives or scattering them from aero— planes over the camps of the enemy. The French Gmerninent has already availed itsel f of this offer and bought 8 thousand copies whic h have already been forwarded from Christiania where the book is printed, to France. The printing of such work would not have been allowed by the former cabinet. My linglish colleague is zealously advocating be- fore his Government the acceptance of this disinte— rested offer of the Swedish idealist. On my part, I too, consider it higly useful that We should not spare so relatively trifling a sum as [MUD cr. to propagate this work among the German captives in our camps. To bring home to them the conviction that the rezl culprits‘of the var are the Germans, may proveuse— fill to us not only now, but, perforce in a still higher degree, after the war. \ln view of all this I take the liberty to ask you not to refuse us your influential support. I am sending you herewith a copy of theforegomg book. The . author has sent one to the Premier thru Dr. i lexan: drov, but he could hardly have familiarized himself with its contents. Accept, dear Sir, the assurance of my complete respect and devotion, Gulkevich. |
Date | 1918 |
Type | Text |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
Spatial Coverage | Russia |
Rights Management | http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/ |
Holding Institution | J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah |
Scanning Technician | Jaclyn Martin |
Call Number | DK251 .S37 |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6ht7cjt |
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ID | 1463537 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6ht7cjt |